Supporter icons under nicknames on comments are getting too many.

Jerle wrote:
sumfight wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
people with that many icons are super rare though., rare that i know exactly who the person in your post is, even though there is no name just the icons.

Yeah, I'm on here a good bit and like you said it's not too many people. I've always thought of people like Jerle as a five star general walking into a military party and his icons are all the awards on his overcoat. I think it's pretty cool to be able to show how much you've supported the game, and like leto2626 said you can always show just the ones you want, but there's no shame at all in showing them all, in fact I'm looking forward to completing my full five rows.

To get back to OP's point though, it is a hard one because, and this is unlikely, but maybe the only reason the person bought the pack was to display the icons in the forums, and then if they limit them, they may feel cheated since that was never stated for all the years they were supporting GGG.

I do think down the line it may get a little absurd when you add say 20 to 30 more packs, but the only two ways I can think off the top of my head they could do something about it without limiting supporters is to have them cycle through the supporter icons, like an animated Gif, or let people turn off the forum supporter icons as an option, but I really don't think they would do that.

OP invited me to comment here.

All I can say is I am very much looking forward to taking up a full page with my icons, so people don’t just need to scroll - they actually need to click into the next page :p

Sorry. Can’t help to troll a little there. But I appreciate that most in this thread view the badges positively. I am very proud of them and they are a reminder of the longevity of the game - both in terms of the continued development and success of POE; and my interest in it :)

PS: hope everyone is excited about POE 2 and the new league. It had been an awesome day 1 at exilecon :D

Cheers to that!
I don't have many but let them have their flashy pea-cocking - I don't mean this in a negative way at all.

It doesn't bother me, maybe you could have them more like military badges to free up room but really at the end of the day it's no big deal, an extra 0.1 seconds per thread to scroll.
If anything thank them tf lol they help GGG a lot.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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