Suggestion: Musical instruments as an item class in POE2 to be used in Weapon Set 2

Mitterand wrote:
SuperMotte wrote:
There is already singing called "Warcries".

A toilet cleaner is a toothbrush for some

You got me actually, I will be honest now --- I am hating on the concept of warcries as it is implemented right now in Path of Exile, it's very generic and some people lack the understanding of real life/medieval lore related with them. GGG just put everything in the same category, but that is not desirable. Better separate and organize things, and make them have sense. They were implemented in 1 patch and never got a rework yet, so this is understandable too.

In fact, warcries should only be used in Shapeshifting, in Taunting, and in calling Mirrage Warriors, while chants or music should be the one providing combat/morale Buffs and other short-term "morale boost" bonuses, such as cooldown reductions, a slower rate of losing Rage, etc. While similar, they should not be the same, and also singing or using chants should involve musical instruments, by default and standing still for some seconds, while the Warcries should be, by default Instant.

If talking about the Taunting Warcry, when reffering to music, there should be an opposite Mesmerizing Chant, which will make monsters ignore the player while they are mesmerized, not with a 100% chance, but maybe some chance between 30%-60%, same as Blind worked pre-nerf. It also can make enemy mobs or bosses being unable to regen while mesmerized, but as I said, this status should stay on the mob just while the player will be playing an instrument, and failing to mesmerize the mob to make him immune to this status for 1 second, so it will not be 100% effective. While blind was just a state or a support gem, this new Mesmerizing Chant mechanic will be an actual skill mesmerizing enemies, a skill which you have to stop to use, but which could be paired with some totem or damage over time shenanigans to make it useful, especially in boss fights, where most players dodge stuff just by running around, now they will get an alternative, just to stand still and do the drill, while using another ways to damage. This could be paired with such things as Frost Shield or other mechanics which require players to stand. Not all boss fights will be possible to succeed with this mechanic so players could use this in Weapon Set 2 as I stated in the title of this topic.
Last edited by Mitterand#0505 on Jun 12, 2023, 6:35:46 PM
Mitterand wrote:

You got me actually, I will be honest now --- I am hating on the concept of warcries as it is implemented right now in Path of Exile, it's very generic and some people lack the understanding of real life/medieval lore related with them. GGG just put everything in the same category, but that is not desirable

I think warcries in PoE are based on what the singer barbs could do in D2.

See for example. Skill tree is almost entirely warcries - I think there were other variants, but this is a fair example. Could run solo, best in party.

See, this is another reason D2 rocked. Not based on any fantasy of medieval lore, it's based on the original brilliance of Blizzard (North).

If I want "authentic" bardic fantasy I will probably stick with "A Song for Arbonne". Recommended, as it's based on the original traditions of troubadors from Provence using the Langue d'Oc.
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I understand this is a role playing game, but I don't think the best role to play should be shopkeeper. - AlteraxPoe
Last edited by Varana#3018 on Jun 12, 2023, 6:58:23 PM
Mitterand wrote:
Why just not adding more fun to the game, if it's downsides can be counteracted so easily?

game development time

if a game has music instruments from the get go built in from the ground up. its baked into the game.

i m not 100% against musical instruments in poe just that i m pretty sure it will detract from dev time that can be used elsewhere.

POE balance is already an issue. i'd rather have ggg rework old league mechanics rather than create new music themed items.

heck i feel theres more that can be done to add more weapon identity to the game. poe 2's lance/spear looks pretty solid.

whatever we suggest, can take away from game dev time.

creating a new item class is probably gonna eat up a lot of time. on top of that ggg would need to make it flavourful enough to get people to actually use it.

i m pretty sure at this point the nearest they would do is make a unique shield themed around instruments. i ll be fine with that. currently we have a bottle themed shield also a freaking apple as a shield. having a harp or guitar is not too far fetched.

probably can have a unique warcry effect to sell the musical identity.

midi/songs. i dont think ggg would implement that. they prefer if they can maintain a level of realism and harshness to the game. its why streamers are not allowed to use custom ui overlay on poe streams. they dont want new viewers to see poe and be wondering why the ui is full of bronies etc.

so to me, unique shields with musical instrument theme = yes
anything extra like a specialized new item class/outside music = no

tbh im listening to podcasts while playing anyway so music isnt too important anyway.

as for your comment UO. i would argue that UO was made more MMO centric. therefore it needed some fun "non combat" interactions between players. legend of aria, also mmo. you missed out new world. listening to "bards" can actually buff a player. players can actually tip or even join in a performance.

those are all MMO components that make players enjoy being together on a shared server.

in comparison in POE, many are focused with certain goals. for me i solo all the way. some players want to farm like mad. some want to try diff builds, some want to play with friends. there are some people looking out to make friends on poe. it does happen but its not a priority.

i simply think that your idea, although admittedly is fun, would not be appreciated enough for the devs to actually spend time on.

MAYBE they might add it one day, who knows? tbh i ll be more hyped to see a new skill that i dont plan to use rather than musical instrument classes added to the game.
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SuperMotte wrote:
There is already singing called "Warcries".

I actually had a warcry build in Harvest, with 6 warcries equipped I think. The point was to spam yell/sing and the enemies would all fall down. :D
Varana wrote:
Mitterand wrote:

You got me actually, I will be honest now --- I am hating on the concept of warcries as it is implemented right now in Path of Exile, it's very generic and some people lack the understanding of real life/medieval lore related with them. GGG just put everything in the same category, but that is not desirable

I think warcries in PoE are based on what the singer barbs could do in D2.

See for example. Skill tree is almost entirely warcries - I think there were other variants, but this is a fair example. Could run solo, best in party.

See, this is another reason D2 rocked. Not based on any fantasy of medieval lore, it's based on the original brilliance of Blizzard (North).

If I want "authentic" bardic fantasy I will probably stick with "A Song for Arbonne". Recommended, as it's based on the original traditions of troubadors from Provence using the Langue d'Oc.

Hey bro, there are a lot of other games that rocked, not only D2.

1. Divine Divinity 1 and 2
2. Ultima Online
3. D1 Hellfire
4. Neverwinter Nights
5. Legends of Aria (Britaria)
6. Albion Online

Just don't mention everytime blizzards and don't try to copy them, the gaming industry needs something different, not just copy-pasting the so called "most-succesful" project. There are other projects that could be the leading ones with enough investment, marketing and dedication. And they were at some point, I hate the player mob mentality going in just 1 direction, you know like sheep going to the edge of a cliff just to jump down.
Mitterand wrote:

Hey bro, there are a lot of other games that rocked, not only D2.

1. Divine Divinity 1 and 2

Been playing divinity 2 while PoE is temp-ded.

hard to find some reliable partners but to anyone who hasn't played Divinity Original Sin 2 should definitely check it out well worth the money for just the singleplayer experience let alone if you have anyone to play it with.
Innocence forgives you
exsea wrote:
Mitterand wrote:
Why just not adding more fun to the game, if it's downsides can be counteracted so easily?

game development time

if a game has music instruments from the get go built in from the ground up. its baked into the game.

i m not 100% against musical instruments in poe just that i m pretty sure it will detract from dev time that can be used elsewhere.

POE balance is already an issue. i'd rather have ggg rework old league mechanics rather than create new music themed items.

heck i feel theres more that can be done to add more weapon identity to the game. poe 2's lance/spear looks pretty solid.

whatever we suggest, can take away from game dev time.

creating a new item class is probably gonna eat up a lot of time. on top of that ggg would need to make it flavourful enough to get people to actually use it.

i m pretty sure at this point the nearest they would do is make a unique shield themed around instruments. i ll be fine with that. currently we have a bottle themed shield also a freaking apple as a shield. having a harp or guitar is not too far fetched.

probably can have a unique warcry effect to sell the musical identity.

midi/songs. i dont think ggg would implement that. they prefer if they can maintain a level of realism and harshness to the game. its why streamers are not allowed to use custom ui overlay on poe streams. they dont want new viewers to see poe and be wondering why the ui is full of bronies etc.

so to me, unique shields with musical instrument theme = yes
anything extra like a specialized new item class/outside music = no

tbh im listening to podcasts while playing anyway so music isnt too important anyway.

as for your comment UO. i would argue that UO was made more MMO centric. therefore it needed some fun "non combat" interactions between players. legend of aria, also mmo. you missed out new world. listening to "bards" can actually buff a player. players can actually tip or even join in a performance.

those are all MMO components that make players enjoy being together on a shared server.

in comparison in POE, many are focused with certain goals. for me i solo all the way. some players want to farm like mad. some want to try diff builds, some want to play with friends. there are some people looking out to make friends on poe. it does happen but its not a priority.

i simply think that your idea, although admittedly is fun, would not be appreciated enough for the devs to actually spend time on.

MAYBE they might add it one day, who knows? tbh i ll be more hyped to see a new skill that i dont plan to use rather than musical instrument classes added to the game.

In Legends of Aria the music does not alter the "level of realism" in any way. Just go and try it before you comment, thanks. Sorry but many of your assumptions are not made on real facts, I won't even answer to all that. You act like you know what players want, and this is not the truth. If you knew that well then there wasn't any struggle to keep community from going "somewhere else". I disagree with the idea that PoE 2 needs to be ideal when released, all those devellopments you say should be done later, while the main focus should be on adding new features, even in a raw state, yes.

Because PoE 1 was also in a raw state at the beginning, I have not said that GGG should implement musical instruments to the PoE 2 launch, so don't worry, they will not take their precious time.

This is a forum for Suggestions, you see, so please do not restrain us from suggesting things to GGG just because they lack time or ability. There are even players who create unique item designs, remember the helmet Wilma's Requital designed by a supporter. There are supporters who made poewiki net website and if they lack team members just involve player base to it temporarily, so they will feel a part of GGG too, in a good way.
Last edited by Mitterand#0505 on Jun 13, 2023, 3:22:59 AM
exsea wrote:
Mitterand wrote:
Why just not adding more fun to the game, if it's downsides can be counteracted so easily?

game development time

if a game has music instruments from the get go built in from the ground up. its baked into the game.

i m not 100% against musical instruments in poe just that i m pretty sure it will detract from dev time that can be used elsewhere.

POE balance is already an issue. i'd rather have ggg rework old league mechanics rather than create new music themed items.

heck i feel theres more that can be done to add more weapon identity to the game. poe 2's lance/spear looks pretty solid.

whatever we suggest, can take away from game dev time.

creating a new item class is probably gonna eat up a lot of time. on top of that ggg would need to make it flavourful enough to get people to actually use it.

i m pretty sure at this point the nearest they would do is make a unique shield themed around instruments. i ll be fine with that. currently we have a bottle themed shield also a freaking apple as a shield. having a harp or guitar is not too far fetched.

probably can have a unique warcry effect to sell the musical identity.

midi/songs. i dont think ggg would implement that. they prefer if they can maintain a level of realism and harshness to the game. its why streamers are not allowed to use custom ui overlay on poe streams. they dont want new viewers to see poe and be wondering why the ui is full of bronies etc.

so to me, unique shields with musical instrument theme = yes
anything extra like a specialized new item class/outside music = no

tbh im listening to podcasts while playing anyway so music isnt too important anyway.

as for your comment UO. i would argue that UO was made more MMO centric. therefore it needed some fun "non combat" interactions between players. legend of aria, also mmo. you missed out new world. listening to "bards" can actually buff a player. players can actually tip or even join in a performance.

those are all MMO components that make players enjoy being together on a shared server.

in comparison in POE, many are focused with certain goals. for me i solo all the way. some players want to farm like mad. some want to try diff builds, some want to play with friends. there are some people looking out to make friends on poe. it does happen but its not a priority.

i simply think that your idea, although admittedly is fun, would not be appreciated enough for the devs to actually spend time on.

MAYBE they might add it one day, who knows? tbh i ll be more hyped to see a new skill that i dont plan to use rather than musical instrument classes added to the game.

You see, experimenting with a new Ruthless mode was very niche, but GGG keeps spending time on it, patching it for just a handful of veteran players who enjoy it.

As I said, some musical MTX could cover that time lost on developping a special instrumental music feature in the game, those MTX could be created to match the main theme or the PoE's style. As for tracks created by players - those will be pure flute sounds, which you can hear in real life. If you dislike the guitars or think that it is not medieval, just replace it with violins. There are many musical instruments that I had not mentioned here, all medieval and realistic for the era. And all of them can be stylized to look poeish and have a story behind them, even quest missions. As I mention, Legends of Aria may not be the best game, but it is a good example of a nice implementation, now GGG can do it better if player want. As I see for now players want just to kill mobs, but it gets boring to some point of the league, and this will always be the main staple of GGG's efforts anyway.
SilentSymphony wrote:
Mitterand wrote:

Hey bro, there are a lot of other games that rocked, not only D2.

1. Divine Divinity 1 and 2

Been playing divinity 2 while PoE is temp-ded.

hard to find some reliable partners but to anyone who hasn't played Divinity Original Sin 2 should definitely check it out well worth the money for just the singleplayer experience let alone if you have anyone to play it with.

Me too I am playing it!

Poe is temp-dead not because of D4 launch, it suffers from the fact r/pathofexile reddit was made private, so I cannot access it and many players can't just like me.
Mitterand wrote:

You act like you know what players want, and this is not the truth. If you knew that well then there wasn't any struggle to keep community from going "somewhere else".

you too act as tho you know what players want. lol.

i m a player too. i have a bunch of friends who play poe too. i can tell you on their behalf that having a new musical instrument themed weapon COULD be cool but we would rather have the devs focus on other more pressing things.

reworking content, providing new leagues, new expansions, new qol theres a buttload of things that we'd rather see before we get music themed weapons.

heck i m all up for a music themed unique shield. but not as a new item class.

Mitterand wrote:

This is a forum for Suggestions, you see, so please do not restrain us from suggesting things to GGG just because they lack time or ability.

lol you're right. this is a forum. a forum is a place to discuss as well as suggest.

ggg is indeed busy but i m pretty sure they have someone reading thru.

they also gauge player feedback. are many players supportive or not with a suggestion. is the suggestion feasible? is it worth the developers time.

i may disagree with you but i do appreciate that you are passionate about this suggestion.

who knows what ggg would do. maybe they might follow your suggestion, maybe they wont. you're voicing your opinion on it, i m voicing my opinion on it too.

its as simple as that.
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