Suggestion: Musical instruments as an item class in POE2 to be used in Weapon Set 2
What I really miss in Path of Exile are the musical instruments...
![]() I would like having them introduced in POE 2. Here is my reasoning. I've been many years a supporter and a player of Legends of Aria - a MMO Sandbox Game by Citadel Studios. They now are develloping another project, Britaria. There you can restore your mana and heal faster while playing music, using musical instruments in the swap weapon slot. The music you create is actually instrumental music, and the instruments are ranging from guitars to flutes and drums. If you can tell GGG about this cool feature, for me is just something relaxing you can do and is creating a beautiful ambience while playing or resting from farm sessions. If it had a practical use too such as restoring manapool or life regen, or maybe an own skill tree, it would be so great. ![]() There is also an ascendancy, or profession, called Bard. GGG guys you can try playing Legends of Aria just to test this feature, please go for it. These musical instruments are also used in taming monsters, or beasts, so there are entire builds based on them in Legends of Aria. It was introduced first in Ultima Online in 1999, Ultima Online being the first and the most legendary MMORPG of all times. ![]() Some other builds use music created by the musical instruments to make vibrations which will explode to death enemy mobs, and it also creates some real "music" which is fun and compensating the player for his days of training. The way u create music is by pressing several keys which are related to the real musical notes. Last bumped on Jun 17, 2023, 3:21:53 AM
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Please comment and share your thoughts, maybe you have seen or tried playing musical instruments in other MMO-s, what you have liked or what you have disliked.
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No thanks
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi
He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1 |
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Elaborate, why not?
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As I see you have never ever levelled a character to lvl 100, so, more likely you must be either trolling or just another PoE hater. But these are my thoughts. You can just write again: No Thanks! )))))))
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Yes, please!
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" While i like the idea you posted and think it could definitely in some fashion be a part of PoE someday i'd like to mention that using peoples level as a metric for skill is no longer a thing, in fact people without level 100's are more likely to be a skilled player than one with many. Level 100 is just a stupidly long grind there's nothing special about it but reaching it on your own two legs at least once i would consider an accomplishment worth being proud of, Because you endured it. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Jun 11, 2023, 2:26:54 PM
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I agree with you Symphony. In fact I meant that someone can drastically dismiss someone else with "No thanks" only if he has more experience, but he doesn't, since 2013 he could level at least 1 char to lvl 100, as I did... I think he's just hating on Poe, because he doesn't know me and doesn't have anything personal with me.
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" See, I am biased too... he wrote like he has the right to just dismiss me in 2 words, without any other comment. If character level is nothing in Poe then the year he registered his account, 2013, also is not a metter of his good skill. Because he has not levelled any character more than lvl 93, I supposed, I just supposed that he is not a versatile expert, as he wants to be believed. I've just doubted his expertise. |
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" In fact I am grateful to him that he commented on my post, even trying to flame me.)) One part of me just took it too personal haha Last edited by Mitterand#0505 on Jun 11, 2023, 3:15:25 PM
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