loot goblin will stay? clarify pls

just wonder after read manifest was confused as will loot goblin stay?

as far as i got it (mby im wrong so pls clarify):
- loot goblin stay but hidden so u cant buy culler
- party bonus still work on loot goblin drops
- iir/iiq(mf) still affect loot goblin drops
- party with mfculler still will get 60/70/80+ div/ex/other value stuff

so nothin changed except loot goblin will be better at read what it do (dmg/def/fly balls/slow/degen) but hidden what it drop so cant buy culler? righ? thats it?

sure arcnem nerfed its RLY RLY good changes, BUT loot goblin STILL alive and party with mfculler STILL will get crazy broken unbalaneced unfair drops?


84 div drop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWTUR1oJdHg


and more u can search where party got 60+++ div drops while me and other who unlucky got 0-1-2-3 div max...

fair system! good that it stay with us (/s)

PS why mf/iir/iiq/party bonus NOT nerfed? or better just removed? why GGG? u rly just wanna copy party EVERYTHING what d2 have?
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Last bumped on Nov 20, 2022, 8:41:19 AM
Who cares, the game will be easier and you'll need less currency to stomp on content anyway.
I find it funny people are hysterical about 'loot goblins'.

To ease your pain, it will work like this:

def GenerateLootOnDeath():
___index = randomNumberBetweenZeroAndOne()
___if index < a:
______loot = GenerateStandardLoot()
___elif index < b:
______loot = GenerateHandfulOfJewels()
___elif index < c:
______loot = GenerateHandfulOfFlasks()
___elif index < d:
______loot = GenerateHandfulOfHighTierCurrency()
___elif index < e:
.... blablablabla
___return loot

Which means there will not be a conversion of uniques to rare currency. And yes if you run MF you will get more but that is part of POE's DNA since inception.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
MF parties will always get better loot, that's expected. But we got rid of "should I hire culler for this kill?" dilemma, yey!
They should have less spiky rewards if ggg does what they say. But y, loot state of the game will be the same. But since AN is easier, should make a difference, we will see next league how grindy the game still is :). GGG negotiating with us lol :)
It's what it should've been: Rare monsters have better loot. It's what people wanted. Yes, MF will still be useful but that's kind of the point of MF gear to be a trade off. What's gone is having to go through loading screens and make sure to not accidentally kill a monster and change gear every time you find a monster you think is worth it; you just play the game uninterrupted (whether it's wearing MF gear or not) and farm monsters as normal.

And also, there is nothing wrong with party players getting more loot. It's not affecting your loot, let them have their fun.
TreeOfDead wrote:
just wonder after read manifest was confused as will loot goblin stay?

as far as i got it (mby im wrong so pls clarify):
- loot goblin stay but hidden so u cant buy culler
- party bonus still work on loot goblin drops
- iir/iiq(mf) still affect loot goblin drops
- party with mfculler still will get 60/70/80+ div/ex/other value stuff

so nothin changed except loot goblin will be better at read what it do (dmg/def/fly balls/slow/degen) but hidden what it drop so cant buy culler? righ? thats it?

sure arcnem nerfed its RLY RLY good changes, BUT loot goblin STILL alive and party with mfculler STILL will get crazy broken unbalaneced unfair drops?


84 div drop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWTUR1oJdHg


and more u can search where party got 60+++ div drops while me and other who unlucky got 0-1-2-3 div max...

fair system! good that it stay with us (/s)

PS why mf/iir/iiq/party bonus NOT nerfed? or better just removed? why GGG? u rly just wanna copy party EVERYTHING what d2 have?

There is always this one guy who will whine even about the positive changes. Just stop it please.
Rare monsters with more mods are more likely to have these special hidden reward mods. This new reward system smooths out the spikiness that the Archnemesis reward system had.

This is the answer we have - and this is what the problem was all about. So yeah, Lootgoblins are in fact gone if they are correct in what they said. Less high loot, more likely loot.
6_din_49 wrote:
MF parties will always get better loot, that's expected. But we got rid of "should I hire culler for this kill?" dilemma, yey!

Yeah, but if all other things still stand you need to wear MF gear at all times...

gageris wrote:
TreeOfDead wrote:
just wonder after read manifest was confused as will loot goblin stay?

as far as i got it (mby im wrong so pls clarify):
- loot goblin stay but hidden so u cant buy culler
- party bonus still work on loot goblin drops
- iir/iiq(mf) still affect loot goblin drops
- party with mfculler still will get 60/70/80+ div/ex/other value stuff

so nothin changed except loot goblin will be better at read what it do (dmg/def/fly balls/slow/degen) but hidden what it drop so cant buy culler? righ? thats it?

sure arcnem nerfed its RLY RLY good changes, BUT loot goblin STILL alive and party with mfculler STILL will get crazy broken unbalaneced unfair drops?


84 div drop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWTUR1oJdHg


and more u can search where party got 60+++ div drops while me and other who unlucky got 0-1-2-3 div max...

fair system! good that it stay with us (/s)

PS why mf/iir/iiq/party bonus NOT nerfed? or better just removed? why GGG? u rly just wanna copy party EVERYTHING what d2 have?

There is always this one guy who will whine even about the positive changes. Just stop it please.

But hiding loot goblins doesn't make the problem dissapear...Treeofdead highlights massive issue that will stay unless further changes are implemented. It's important to point out.

It's ironic, because your comment is unncessary one, not OP's.
Last edited by SunL4D2 on Nov 17, 2022, 8:51:16 AM
They were not specific in the manifesto about this actually. I tend to think that the loot goblins are not gone, but rather hidden behind non visable rng.

People & groups who stack Rarity and Quant will still likely have these loot explosions, but they will be unexpected.

I fully expect to see big divine drops on reddit and youtube again, but the difference being random (like a mirror drop highlight is). So the FOMO and guilt of not hiring a culler should be nearly gone for "average" players.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

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