3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

delve event just shows how bad this game is nowadays

cant wait for diablo4 myself
Sounds great
This may not seem like it, but it will end up being a Nerf, and for those who still used some unique jewels, prepare to see them at a ridiculously high price in 3.20.

To give you an idea of what to expect, we're planning to cover these topics:

Jewels and Ailment Mitigation (Nerf detected)
Courses (we'll see)
Eldritch Altar Revamp (we'll see)
Archnemesis (Please, God, deliver us from this evil)
The drop rate of the unique had been nerfed in Kalandra and now a bigger cut to the unique jewels is coming, can't imagine how rare to see the unique jewels in 3.20
all this does is make the economy even more restrictive as build-specific jewels will become insanely expensive, where only the most autistic players will be able to afford them
the power level of someone with access to (lets say) one or two divine orbs gained through chaos recipe farming for example and someone who has dozens or even hundreds of divine due to giving up on their real life just doesn't seem like a great way to improve the game
seems like this will just make the game suck more than it does now for most of the player base
tldr; ailment avoidane is important, so we at GGG are putting ailment avoidance on jewels you almost certainly won't be able to afford in the end game
I really hope D4 is decent …

Embrace yourselfs guys …..

Vision inc …
Your strength is the law !!

MadG poe on youtube for mellee content
Voidbreaker1 wrote:
arandan wrote:
Voidbreaker1 wrote:

For non crit builds you need 2 mods for damage, that's the point of being non crit, being more tanky. You have plenty of space in this archetype.

No and no.

No, you don't go non-crit to be more tanky.

No, you don't have plenty of space in this archetype, which is why abyss/normal jewels are not used at end game. Expanding the mod pool even further with useless mods that nobody is ever going to pick up doesn't solve any problems, it only creates them, especially if ailment mitigation gets nerfed elsewhere down the line.

Makes absolutely no sense. Why else do you go non-crit? Crit is the best for damage lol. And yes, we have space and yes, we use rare jewels to some extent. I would pick 2 damage mods with es and ailment mitigation any day on my cold dot. The other mods are bad, this is finally a worthy one. And I really don't care about nerfs somewhere else, we talk strictly about jewels here. If they don't nerf ailment immunity elsewhere that means I can just move ailment immunity on a jewel or 2 and save a mod on my main gear.

And don't tell me you play 2 forbidden jewels on every build you make, that's just a narrow mindset.

why is there still no ignore option on these forums >.>
I'm not sure everyone would take the statement made for the unique jewel drops the same way. I think it's great because when you only have the good gems in a reward pool, you have a higher chance of getting that good unique gem. Since the bad unique doesn't exist. I wonder if someone would read the way it's stated as "they're killing drop rates again". It's actually a good thing. Think about why people sometimes roll lower level classes to narrow the pool of uniques they can get.
centrumsilver wrote:
I'm not sure everyone would take the statement made for the unique jewel drops the same way. I think it's great because when you only have the good gems in a reward pool, you have a higher chance of getting that good unique gem. Since the bad unique doesn't exist. I wonder if someone would read the way it's stated as "they're killing drop rates again". It's actually a good thing. Think about why people sometimes roll lower level classes to narrow the pool of uniques they can get.

You will have no chance to drop any useful unique jewel. There will still be tons of trash unique jewels and useful ones will be far more difficult to drop, as they did in 3.19.
The recent 8 league should teach everyone: "never expect anything to ggg".
Finally GGG bringing UNIQUE SKILL JEWELS to the game after saying WAIT for it in the past, idk 2 years ago mb.

Great change tbh. GL

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