Twitch Community Highlights

Hatred_Snake wrote:
Where's Quins broken RIP to a blue mob after he tanked memory game and can face tank Uber exarch?
Fix that shit. So broken.

+1 Yeah that F wierd he die with so much time on this character , resit to burst maven but cant even resit F Spike explosion that non sense
Remember Kalandra league announcement when Chris said there will be many highlight moments when streamers will be amazed and shocked with the new content?

I remember...

Gambling is not fun.
Her beauty did not fade
her humanity did not survive.
ekaye wrote:
How about some clips of accidentally killing touched rares without a culler and dropping 2 chaos?

Think Quin should have been in these ones.
Quin ignored per usual LOLW
5/7 of the Twitch Highlights are just gambling.

Wakeup call for you GGG: This is not healthy gameplay.
While it's great showcasing the community, often the highlights really show your biases with game design.

Gambling and either failing hard or winning, and not showing the hours upon hours upon hours involved with this process most times and how painful & menial it is.

The other being death's. As there are numerous times and clips where everyone goes "the hell killed me". Punish mistakes, not wanton murder of players with random crap that smacks me upside the head for daring to look away from the screen for a microsecond or take a drink after killing enemies only to have an on death effect of some kind demand my reaction. More challenging content, less ANNOYING content PLEASE.

The ONLY highlight that really showcases a desired archtype and hopeful for future design that would be fun to play in the game is Mathil reflecting Brutus. The idea of being ALLOWED to take hits in the game and make a build that reflects damage to kill enemies would be awesome, but absolutely impossible endgame and in no way viable. Being allowed to take more that 1-5 hits PERIOD without stacking layers upon layers of defense and still potentially getting one shot would be fantastic.

Love the game, hate the majority of your heavily dated "Design Philosophies". Fix bugs & buff mechanics + skills + gear, no nerfs until PoE2 please, it really does just feel like wasted resources that could have improved the game right now.
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
Thanks for showing us stupid expensive crafts that have no way to be protected and they had only luck to get them, which most players won't even attempt.


The gambles are nice though...Show exactly the state of the game, were the only way to get rich is gambling...Cuz through farming you invest so much time that it's not even worth for the scraps gambles and streamers leave on trade.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta on Sep 27, 2022, 4:23:17 AM
-.- time to say goodbye .... n o t m y v i s i o n...
> An unexpected disconnection occurred.

ekaye wrote:
How about some clips of accidentally killing touched rares without a culler and dropping 2 chaos?


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