Twitch Community Highlights

Am I a joke to you?
I am Drakunia... and you are not! And I am also GFL (Gamer For Life)
gandhar0 wrote:
Hatred_Snake wrote:
Where's Quins broken RIP to a blue mob after he tanked memory game and can face tank Uber exarch?
Fix that shit. So broken.

It's not broken. It's an SSF armour stacker that uses the Jugg notable Unbreakable to mitigate elemental damage. He did not even had that much armour compared to other SSF Juggs. Around 180k with Brass Dome & 2k shield.Also his weakness was chaos damage.

He got hit by like two dozen phys/chaos bonespikes in a 8+ tier lvl83 probably by chaos weaver or phys/chaos pen mods.

He got hit by a Steelskin pack that has 10% overwhelm phis + 40% inc phis and he took every one of those spikes to the face withouth any endurance charges up or molten shell. Another player or two pointed this out I can't take credit for the observation but that was basically the situation.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Yay I watch these streamers... ftw
cgexile wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:
Hatred_Snake wrote:
Where's Quins broken RIP to a blue mob after he tanked memory game and can face tank Uber exarch?
Fix that shit. So broken.

It's not broken. It's an SSF armour stacker that uses the Jugg notable Unbreakable to mitigate elemental damage. He did not even had that much armour compared to other SSF Juggs. Around 180k with Brass Dome & 2k shield.Also his weakness was chaos damage.

He got hit by like two dozen phys/chaos bonespikes in a 8+ tier lvl83 probably by chaos weaver or phys/chaos pen mods.

He got hit by a Steelskin pack that has 10% overwhelm phis + 40% inc phis and he took every one of those spikes to the face withouth any endurance charges up or molten shell. Another player or two pointed this out I can't take credit for the observation but that was basically the situation.

Yeah. Was a phys pen AN monster pack.
In a normal map he would barely feel phys hits at all but with the insane Lake scaling (not sure what the numbers are, but its assumed tile 10+ is like deli 80%) anything hits like a truck on a tile 8+,even the small barely noticable Sand Leapers.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
how about the part where one of those streamers put like a mirror in that helmet.

and the other video's ? High lights.. pfffft, it's not even poor me who is bored, seems like everyone is bored.
Last edited by Shadeless01 on Sep 26, 2022, 9:01:32 AM
… deleted .. forum glitched out
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile on Sep 26, 2022, 9:04:17 AM
Hatred_Snake wrote:
Where's Quins broken RIP to a blue mob after he tanked memory game and can face tank Uber exarch?
Fix that shit. So broken.

gandhar0 wrote:
cgexile wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:

It's not broken. It's an SSF armour stacker that uses the Jugg notable Unbreakable to mitigate elemental damage. He did not even had that much armour compared to other SSF Juggs. Around 180k with Brass Dome & 2k shield.Also his weakness was chaos damage.

He got hit by like two dozen phys/chaos bonespikes in a 8+ tier lvl83 probably by chaos weaver or phys/chaos pen mods.

He got hit by a Steelskin pack that has 10% overwhelm phis + 40% inc phis and he took every one of those spikes to the face withouth any endurance charges up or molten shell. Another player or two pointed this out I can't take credit for the observation but that was basically the situation.

Yeah. Was a phys pen AN monster pack.
In a normal map he would barely feel phys hits at all but with the insane Lake scaling (not sure what the numbers are, but its assumed tile 10+ is like deli 80%) anything hits like a truck on a tile 8+,even the small barely noticable Sand Leapers.

Even if you think u can tank anything anything in the game you probably don't want to just stand next to a box - especially in hc - where anything can happen namely the server locking up or lagging. At that point you won't even know at all why you died (other than server lag, heh).
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
No Quinn? sadge
am i seeing something fffffake in that first video?
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