Twitch Community Highlights

Good ones.
How about you put in development team playing leveling in game
oh yes the important streamers... i hope they will pay your bills from now on but i doubt it cause even they dont like your ViSiOn!
Hatred_Snake wrote:
Where's Quins broken RIP to a blue mob after he tanked memory game and can face tank Uber exarch?
Fix that shit. So broken.

It's not broken. It's an SSF armour stacker that uses the Jugg notable Unbreakable to mitigate elemental damage. He did not even had that much armour compared to other SSF Juggs. Around 180k with Brass Dome & 2k shield.Also his weakness was chaos damage.

He got hit by like two dozen phys/chaos bonespikes in a 8+ tier lvl83 probably by chaos weaver or phys/chaos pen mods.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Twitch is full of stuff showing how bad is this patch, but you actually just carefully picked the 0.01 percent of good stuff.....
This feels like propaganda news.. like look guys the league is great people are having fun.. what player base are these clips aimed at? new players or people that did not reach maps yet after 5 weeks? where are the 150 Whetstone
drops? The random one shots? the 2 minutes uber uber rare fights in a random alch T16 map? killing 3 harvest pots and getting no loot? people playing lake maps ( wtf is that even, this league is standard) and getting no rewards from room levels 1-5?
nah fuck that let's show Ghazzy slamming 0.047% exalt, we like that.
Last edited by TiberiuMa on Sep 26, 2022, 3:27:57 AM
If these are the highlights, this game really doesn't have much to offer anymore at this point in time.
shinino wrote:
Almost like there aren't highlight videos on Youtube routinely *cough*GFL*cough*

I am Drakunia... and you are not! And I am also GFL (Gamer For Life)

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