An Overview of Upcoming Changes

I know we all complain, and rightfully so when we see things that are bad or not feeling good. I am happy that you have acknowledged the feedback and are working to make it better. In the end we all love this game and want to see it at its very best! Thank all you guys at GGG!
Sounds good! Keep up the work.
thanks :)
Sounds really nice!
"We are planning to limit the number of Archnemesis mods that can spawn on certain rare monsters. For example, those that spawn additional monsters in boss fights and those that can't drop items." - /face palm

"We are monitoring the current situation where players feel forced to swap items or hire a magic find culler against specific four-mod Archnemesis monsters. We don't have an immediate solution for this but we are actively looking at it." - ok before you make any changes please ask your self. Is this going to make the game worse?

"We're making some improvements to the Kalandra League, including a change that allows you to see which rooms have already been completed as well as making the Reflecting Mist more common." - WONDERFUL!!!! now as soon as you make it as rewarding we can start running them agian!!!!

"We are planning to buff Tainted Currency." - If your just gonna change fusing to 25% chance from 10% chance. Can you guys just save the dev time and move on to next item. There is no way you make them good enough to be used.

We are aware of feedback around Harvest crafts but don't have any commentary on this yet. - This feels like you want to say. "You think you do, But you don't." Come on admit it. you think by trashing harvest your saving the game. [Removed by Support]

We are aware of feedback around Minion survivability and are making it so that certain monster auras and debuffs, such as the Rejuvenating and Executioner mods, do not apply to minions. - So no changes to Archnem mods that destory players with 100kDPS and have their way with our corpses with 1 million movement speed and more teleport/dashes then Dr Strange?

We are also doing an audit of all league monster skills and endgame map boss skills to check that their damage against minions is appropriate. We will lower the damage they deal against minions where we find that it is too high.

We're making improvements to how Lightning Mirages from the Storm Strider modifier spawn by increasing their cooldown and making them spawn close to the player but not right on top, so that builds that hit multiple times in quick succession are not swarmed by Lightning Mirages.

We're reducing the terrain collision size of Spark and Lightning Strike projectiles, which fixes the issue where the projectiles aren't created when casting into a wall and in some Lake of Kalandra tiles. - Wild thought here. maybe don't make your league tiles the skinnest alley ways ever just so players get stuck on everything and die to bullshit archnem rares

We are also aware of the feedback around loot in Path of Exile overall and will continue to discuss and monitor this situation. - "You think you do, But you don't. HAHAHA ALL UR LOOTS IS MINE GET ROLLED REDDIT!!" Honestly could care less about the loot. just give me back my ablity to craft my own gear. and you can keep your shitty loot changes. I'll even help you convince the player base that they don't need loot. it's all superficial

There are other changes coming which you can see in the upcoming patch notes. This does not signal the end of all changes to come, merely the areas we have decided on at time of writing. We will let you know as more things come down the pipeline. Thanks for your continued feedback. - This is their way of saying. We will continue to very slowly add tiny improvements to these broken mechenics in hopes that the player base gives in and just deals with these horrible changes.
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Aug 30, 2022, 11:30:15 PM
looks good, thanks :)
Awesome, thank you!
Please make the lightning mirages spawn from the enemy that creates them. NOT a set distance from the player.

if its centered on the player, it could create a scenario where you are correctly kiting away from the enemy, but run into the mirages that spawn behind you.

centered on enemy > centered on player
Last edited by MissWillow on Aug 30, 2022, 11:32:01 PM
Nice, the tainted currencies needed a buff.
looking for the upcoming harvest "comments"

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