What Happened with Items

Hi! I would like to put a few remarks on the current state of POE and hope that the developers can think of some situations.

I've been playing POE for about 3 years, usually playing at night and on weekends due to work. The interesting thing about the game is to have a certain difficulty with chances of rewards that it is possible to progress and develop the build.
As new leagues are coming into the game, I notice that the difficulty is getting higher and the drops harder to get. With this argument I ask the developers - How do you expect a casual player to be able to develop a good build to make the game's contents? The Uber-uber-boss? With the lack of drops and a market that on the first day of league divine is almost 100 chaos, it is difficult, right? Even if you don't focus on the boss and focus on the current content of the "lake of kalandra" league, the rooms with higher tiers 13, 14, 15 in which the difficulty level is high and the reward is practically zero? How to do with it??
Now imagine what goes through the mind of a player who wants to have fun, wants to progress, wants to make the contents of the game and can't because he doesn't drop anything? I made several maps putting chiesel with 120+ quantity and rarity + scarb + delirium with 40% and it doesn't drop 1 divine if you want... Sometimes some Exalted that at the moment is worth 12 chaos... With all this happening out of nowhere comes a video of players finding a specific mob within the game that drops 20 30 40 divine and exalted at once... ´
In closing I really ask if in these updates you think about the players you want to attract or keep in the game. I have the impression that they are trying to make a game similar to diablo 2 ressurection that is extremely difficult to get items (but it has runewords that can help players develop in the game).

"We know what's best, it's our game, we've spent too much time and money coding for Archnemesis modifiers to take them out even though it is ruining the community we've spent years and years building up. Oh, and while we're at it we might as well ruin crafting too. Deal with it or leave. We can't be arsed to recode yellow mob modifiers anymore. But please spend some money on our MTX crates and Kirac pack you muppets!" - Devs at GGG.
thank god I didn't buy the new supporter packs to support all of this
Ok.. when the changes were posted I knew they where bad but I said, will give it a try, I'll keep an open mind.

I tried it, both in the League and also on Standard (with legacy MF) and for the lack of a better term, the new loot system is sh*t.

What is the point of killing a mob and dropping 40 flasks or 300 blacksmith wetstones, or 40 useless jewells, or 20 fractured useless items from 1 mob - this "philosophy" leaves a lot to be desired.

There is no point in playing, the loot is now as RNG as "crafting" with ex slam, why would I invest in maps if i don't know if I will get a return on the investment.

Hope the game will go back to a state where it is worth playing, if not.. there are other game out there.
POE is dead in the water with this update. I ain't wasting another 1000 hrs trying to get 10 divine orbs as they never drop and cant do the recipes anymore.
GGG fix this quick, or you wont have any players left!!!
Vendetta wrote:
Why isn't Chris banned for saying "fuckup" ? Jessus...some people are getting banned for less >.>

"For regular players who are just alching their maps and adding difficulty where they feel they can handle it, we think that drops are in a pretty good place after this week's changes. They should have been like this at release, and I am deeply sorry that they were not."

Nope ...but I guess you playtested this also.

And archnemesis are still bonkers...A game shouldn't have mobs that are breaking your builds. Because they break the philosophy behind player versus monsters.

In diable there are immunities which are fixed by improving your mercenary to help you, or build into 2 elements.

In Poe you cannot build 2 elements and be efficient with both, and you cannot avoid things like Temporal bubble breaks your cdrs, rejuvenating makes the mobs regenerated while breaking your regeneration and so on and so on...You just cannot build to avoid everything and in a game there shouldn't be mobs that literally make some mechanics useless.

Players are going to have more options that are not optional in Path of Exile 2, using 8 primary skills and 50 hotkeys to be able to handle most situations. Press the wrong hotkey for the specific rare mob, within the 200 millisecond window you have to assess what you're fighting (which mob type & which modifiers, with 500 visual effects on the screen) before the telefrag comes, and you're dead.

If you manage to kill it, you get locked into a tiny arena and have to succeed at different kinds of minigames for a minute, or get instagibbed. During this time, your screen will be filled with item text from the sheer number of Divines and Mirrors you can pick up once you're free, though.

For our console players, we will be selling Mystery Foot Controllers. They have a low chance of working extremely well, which makes the console experience more exciting and puts hotkeys in a pretty good place.
VIPER258 wrote:
InspireLight wrote:
Very well written. Thank you, Chris, for doing your absolute best. Your game and vision really help me have fun and enjoy the game bit by bit. I know there are many things that players do not like, and, in a way, their voiced opinions and views are helpful to keep making this game awesome, and yet I on the other hand feel as well that everything is excellent and that I can trust everything you have done. I am just the single minority, and this comment is not as important as most in here, but just wanted to thank you Chris and voice as well that I am truly so grateful for everything you are doing for us. I am patient and understanding and again truly grateful for creating such an awesome game.

Probably my only concern is how you emphasized being the PoE1 director vs the PoE director. I really hope that when PoE2 comes out that you will still keep being around for us. We all love you and support you in our own way. Thank you so very much.

Geez dude, you're really kissing some ass today. The fact that you say that everything in the game is fine, shows that you don't know much about the issues at hand or you don't care to know about them.
How do you expect people to react when you give them something good, take it away, not replace it with something equally rewarding. But then are surprised that they get upset about it.

As for the trust everything he has done part, I would comment on that but insta ban would be headed my way.

There seems to be a lot of frustration, sadness, disappointment in this threat of comments. Reading through it can be very depressing and just plain old sad. My heart really goes to you all and your feelings of what was better and what is bad for you now.

I see despite everything a few important things that should also be considered after all the venting and fulfilled desires to express the sadness that most of you share here.
That is that somehow Chris is seen in a very bad light...if there is any space to light after all your desires and concerns. I would like to take a step back and see the whole picture from my standpoint as well. My picture is definitely not the only and most important view, but it feels to me that by itself it holds value and appreciation in its own way as well.

That is. Chris is a man who obtained a degree, worked hard and him and many others had dreams and desires. Things worked out not just for him but for all of us. Chris and friends created a game with tears, blood, sweat and was blessed in life not only with opportunities to bring Path of Exile to pass but to cause thousands of hours to gamers of fun and amazing emotions and feelings. His intentions and direction have not just given us that since years ago but also the hope that we all, together, can make Path of Exile the best game for all of us.
This can be hard for sure. A single man, with a vision that has had so much success so far, wants to also do his best for gamers, for this PoE community. Surely, there is at least a bit of love and respect to always hold within our hearts for him and all his team, and decisions. While I have read almost every detailed comment in this threat I sit and wonder a bit if we all are considering that it is not just what we want as a gamer that would feel best to play, but that it all should include Chris' vision. Together we all can make PoE an awesome game, and so we have. Part of the issue is perhaps too that change no matter how advanced technology is slow, gradual and even painful. From the moment we are born, till the moment we die there is constant change within us and around us. It is very hard to see now where Chris is taking things. It is important to express our opinions, consider also Chris' opinions and wait and see. Hoping...if there is no hope and good wishes for something better there will be despair...always...I am sure this is something a bit hard but well exercised to an extend in our daily lives. Painful yes, but if we do, things absolutely get better.

I have shared how the game is good at the moment. This has been questioned and it is obviously easy to misunderstand since every person has feelings, and experiences in life that make it hard for everyone to understand each other. Thus, it is all totally acceptable, yet I want to add that I am simply grateful, hopeful and I know that there are things I miss from the past yet staying in the past will not help me live in the present and future.

Now some of this frustration and venting can come off explosive at times. Totally understandable, yet harming and unhealthy for both parties experiencing it and by standers or readers. It is important to try and remember that we all have a right to equally express ourselves, you and I, and also Chris and staff. I do not have the personal joy to work for GGG but if I have the chance to one day and if you have that chance too, I am sure it would be easier to understand every detail on that side of the issues felt, experienced and expressed. Remembering this is also helpful. Cyber bullying, insults, and tantrums are products of despair, as toxic and chaotic to us as to our most loved ones.

You all are important to me. Your opinion whether is not going in the same group as mine, whether someone is paying you to write ill content, or simply is a product of having felt like something good was given to you and then taken away. It is all important. I simply write this because also some love and appreciation for what we currently have, and will yet have, and will yet be taken, and will yet then be returned will make you happier. Not if the game is solely what gamers want excluding GGG's vision and goals. All is important.

Again, thank you Chris and team for all you have done. Yes, mistakes have been made, and I can see you are trying to fix them and at the same time have your own vision intertwined with our feelings as well. Thank you for that. Thank you as well to all who took the time to vent, to express, because (even while we all can type things in a better light) I enjoy this game daily minute by minute because of you all before me causing this game to be so successful.

Let us all be inspired in truth and sit and hope and play and enjoy. Things are not the best for all of us but with time things will be better and the best one second at a time.
rip Path of exile ~ you distroyed what we loved and loved to play because its fun nothing more nothing less..
Takumashii wrote:
I'm usually not one for making dramatic posts about the state of the game, but this is far and away the worst change I can possibly imagine for a game like this. I don't want to hit the big jackpot once in x maps, I want some loot while I'm playing the game.

I don't know why you think everybody wants this game full of gambling to be even more full of the worst parts of gambling.

I'm done. Maybe I'll be back if loot changes.

no crafts only gamblin and more gamblin
while SAME ppl always get HH/MB/50+div/etc other ppl ALWAYS get NOTHING!!!
alrdy made thread about it https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3298458
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Aug 28, 2022, 9:06:53 PM
Stop releasing non playtested leagues. How do these changes not go through weeks of testing so the community isn't doing beta tests for you every time you launch a new league

I used to be very excited for new leagues but this year especially you guys tune way to much without playtesting and looking over consequences and it puts the game itself overall in a worse place then it was months Earlier

Leagues Should be content and patches that push the content and add more to player experience. They should not be drastic changes to core game play unless properly vetted.

You should rethink balancing between leagues and keep leagues and balance separately as currently the POE team cannot keep up with Balance, league mechanics, bugs and POE 2

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