What Happened with Items
Let me explain how bad for solo player your new casino system looks like.
1. I need to grind houndreds of maps, watching out for 3 of these touched mobs. 2. I need to stop my dps in time and not to kill them ( remember, I may encounter one in 5 - 10 - 15 hours of gameplay). 3. If I killed one - it's horrible. I lost my chance to get decent loot, it feels VERY depressing, because you know, that it would take ages to get another one. 4.After getting a touched mob I need to got to TFT and get a magic culler and leechers, and I need it do it NOW. Not tomorrow, not few hours later, but NOW. So. instead of relaxing, I'm watching 24/7 for those 3 damned mobs... Sorry, it feels awful, it's REALLY, REALLY terrible. The idea of locking ALL good drops behind MF culler and certain archnemesis uber rare mods - it's god damn worst decision EVER. P.S. What about crafting? Where is reforge keep pref/suff? Influenced crafting is DEAD without this one... 3.13 Was the best league ever! 3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you... Last edited by Anngrat#4621 on Aug 27, 2022, 1:12:45 AM
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Please, make PoE great again!
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Don't forget POE is still an ARPG Chris.ARPG games are about farming and choosing between loots. When we started to use determination, grace, defiance banner, and tempest shield to survive game has already gone in another direction. It has been 3 leagues that we rely on these to survive the yellow and red maps. Can you imagine a ranger in any other ARPG or RPG having to use tank gear and aura to survive the basic content? Haven't you been bored of seeing fire traps, seismic traps, and explosive arrows? Also RF and lightning strike? It feels like these are the only options. The common part is they all use those auras. I made a bow character because I am bored of tanks. I've been playing tanky build for many leagues since Expedition But even with almost 400 life and ES and 120+ all res, enough chaos res, max spell expression chance, ghost dance, and phasing I still get one shot very often in yellow maps and early red maps. I've killed some guardians of the shaper. It didn't take long but some archnemesis monsters are 10 times tanky than them and they teleport, fast even shot me. They may look normal on stats when coding but combined with atlas passives and map mods they are all gods sometimes. I have some screenshots of when 2 rare spawned, one has a big round shield to block all my projectiles and the other burns me when I stay close. If I stay away my projectiles can't go thru the shield. If I get into his shield I started to burn and get one tapped. If I realized the situation and I started to run they run way faster than me. Some bosses in the lake don't feel like they have a cooldown. They leap on my head and almost kill me every attack, but my dash has a cooldown. I can't dodge all. Maybe the mobility nerf was right as how GGG thinks back in the expedition but it's outdated now. Need a fix. In every league, I spent a lot of currency to make a build then next league I find out my build was dead mechanically. I use to think I will farm some for fun in standard sometime but builds dies every patch note. Will you guys stop that and respect some time players have put into a character? I am sick of deleting characters with my heart bleeding. This league is the most problematic league I have ever played. I didn't even quit the league during Expedition. But in this league I don't have fun crafting, I don't have fun mapping. The only place still has value is the heist. But I've been doing heists for 3 leagues. Don't wanna go into heist again. All my friends have quit the league . I am really lonely and I quit today too. I opened D3 for the first time in these 4 years. They never change anything but that's still better than over changing to 0 fun. Hope the game is fixed next league and the fun is back. Or to be forgotten like Nokia in no time. Mamba out
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The basics of the hack and slash game are to quickly hunt many monsters, hunt difficult bosses, and get good items to become stronger and repeat them.
The goal of this game is not to hunt the last boss like a soul-like game, but to complete a build that you can be satisfied with. For some it could be an uber boss, for others it could be a tier 16 map. However, you were obsessed with the need to increase play time while ignoring such diversity, making a patch with a strange direction, and plausibly presented a philosophy that contradicts your actions. There is absolutely no need for a normal rare mob to be as difficult as it is now, no need to make harder act. This is not a 'Soul-like' game. However, you are pursuing Soul-like hack and slash game. Think carefully, why most player used Determination, Grace and Defiance Banner? Do you think they used it because they really wanted it? not. If they didn't use it, they were going to die. In this post, there are great contradictions. 1) Fewer rare mobs for mods checking. However, some rare mob kill the player in a hit even hardcore streamer. They cannot check the mob mods because the mobs are unusually fast and strong. Do you think this fits your philosophy? Moreover, Resists cold, Increase Critical chance and damage, Leechs Life are much more intuituve then, Archnemesis mods (Steel-infused, Sentinel, Entangler, Bonebreaker) Is it possible to immediately determine what properties it has by checking the mod? 2) Little difference in the drop rate. You compare the drop rate 3.19.0d and 3.18.1. 3.19.0d is the version after the drop rate patch. Do you think it is a suitable comparison? It's not. 3) Some players get many Divine Orbs Only for MF party player. For high currency, invite MF player at party (use TFT). Then, 10 Chaos Orbs change to 10 Divine Orbs. Is it right? Players cannot gain high rewards without MF party member. Is the current situation in which the reward is 100 times different for just one is normal? Before the final boss, you need to create a moderate level of difficulty, so that the many unique and skill gems you have created can be utilized. In order to increase the play time, it is forced to make it difficult, so there is no choice but to focus on some strong skills like EAB. Again, the way to increase playtime is not to make it difficult, but to revive the diversity of the game. You may not want to admit your mistake, but your current direction is wrong. Back to fun POE again. |
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Firstly, I would like to thank GGG and complement on an excellent development process over the years. As a fellow developer, your approach has been an inspiration to many. I also had several talks in the past to my team where I included you as an example of what it means to be a part of a progressive, agile development.
Now I am somewhat buffled. Previously I was getting behind all of the changes you ever made. Knowing you know what is the best. Archnemesis does not bother me as I switched to softcore long time ago. However, I am wondering about the loot changes (and also stopped playing because of it like many others). According to the post, this is what to expect for a casual player who has not been affected on average: 1. Previously, I had to play x hours a day to receive a divine/exalted orb. If I repeated this process for 50 days, this would get me 50 of those. I mind you I am not a pro and I rather complete all challenges then earn mirrors. 2. Now I have to play for 50 days, find absolutely nothing for the first 49 and on a 50th day be showered by 50 divines. Does this seriously sound to you as a better model? Now, you might say: "Wait, that is on average. In those fifty days this might happen to you twice or even three times." Well, that's how average works. Since I only play a league of maximum of fifty days, this might also happen 0 times. And that might also not happen for even two or three leagues in row. That being said, I found one thing positive. I like the divine/exalted swap as that makes the unique items truly unique. |
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There is no shame in admitting that Archnemesis being shoved to core untested was a failure, and the loot changes were mistakes. Revert both until they can be properly play tested extensively.
The only failure would be to continue to push content that the player base is openly telling you it doesn't enjoy. |
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I get the feeling that this will happen again very soon.
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I'm stuck on T5 maps. 0 yellow maps, 0 t5 maps. And 10 alchemy orbs left. I just wasted an entire day trying to break into yellow tiers.
Playing on this league is a torture. I QUIT!!! |
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"I… didn't actually understand the impact of the change. It was mentioned to me in passing (that we were removing the league monster bonuses and replacing with just quantity), and I didn't ask any more questions. I was busy, distracted, and should have sought more information. Had I understood the consequences, we likely would have still gone ahead with the change, but hopefully with better communication and maybe some pre- rather than post-release counterbalance elsewhere. This is a massive internal communication fuckup and I take full responsibility for it. "
Why does the basic context of this not worry you, Chris? Why does it need to be you to figure out what's worthy of higher notification than the people actually working on the game's nuts and bolts. [Removed by Support] At what point do you have to step back and realise that these are not new issues, most leagues have fundamental issues with them and most have communication issues despite whatever assurances you give at the time. [Removed by Support] Who's game director of Path Of Exile 2 then? You edit my post which contains no swear words or insults, you guys have lost all credibility Last edited by eversorgod#5722 on Aug 27, 2022, 4:44:40 AM
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Shame on you.
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