What Happened with Items

The Problem with this is that this change while likely necessary came after multiple rounds of mostly nerfs and making the game more difficult and somewhat slower likely to increase playtime and to keep visual clarity and server performance high.

I think overall the goal is right.

But the communication and the directions of the changes could be improved. and after such a long draught on buffs this feels bad and kinda hard to belif for the community I think doing any more nerfs is a bad idea. Or if you do make a one month long event.

with races few days and some good or even unique mtxes as loot drops and patches to difficulty every day so that you can get some feedback on what works and what doesn't.

For such massive negative balance changes ones every 3 month leave a lot of room for error when it's already a sensitive topic and now the community is sore.
I played this game to have fun and loot things. Both of those things are now gone and so am I. POE will get no more time and money form me. Good luck with POE 2.

I'm the Game Director for Path of Exile 1

Interesting phrasing - who is the director of PoE2? KEK

Hopefully somebody else :D
Last edited by AwesomeZerain#7006 on Aug 26, 2022, 2:36:59 PM
Get rid of Archnemsis.
lets be honest. ggg was doing a really good job. thats why you have so many die hard fans and players. sadly in these last years the game became boring, not because of the difficulty but because of the lack of progression while lvling/farming. if every rare item is shit and the crafting is taken away (btw no one wants a 50/50 chance on an item hes working on for weeks!!!) you cant progress. while this being a problem now you added the less loot. guess what i dont want to farm the AN rare that gives me the loot we see on the last few days. people join a map to find a AN rare mob with specific mods, kill it, take the loot and leave! is this fun? is this diversity? its boring as hell. i should be able to progress how i want. mapping should give u loot. rares should be usable/an upgrade. u should be able to craft a perfect item if u invest 2 FUCKING WEEKS on that item ffs! but all of this is not possible right now!

edit: i heard that there is a 3rd party tool now which shows the AN rare mob modifiers. poeple open the map check the tool if the rare has the mods. if so they kill ONLY the AN mob and leave. they do this over and over again for currency.
Last edited by Erkhan1#6334 on Aug 26, 2022, 2:43:07 PM
I'm with Chris. Honestly, the game since Betrayal reached the state when it needed to nerf the loots. The loot bombs are disgusting, honestly. No irony. If you get some yellows - now you 99% skip them. PReviously in PoE you would pick up any yellow to check it's stats, because RARE loot was RARE back then.

This game really need nerfs to loot systems. 41k % to rarity from Arch monsters isn't good as well. I would like to see the "Hard Mode" for PoE. I want it.

And honestly, it is so funny to look at all you simps, who saw some whining from youtubers who plays in stacks of 6 ppl, that they got nerfed, but you, soy boys, were playing in solo mode most of the time. Stop screaming for your idols. This madness should have been stopped long ago, I'm very glad this time has come at least now.

No more loot bombs!
Lightja9242 wrote:
Great post. Thanks for the clarification and clear communication. Most of us understand that everything can't go perfect 100% of the time.

This issue is not "oh no, you were not PERFECT"

It's the statements that are totally out of step with the current actual balance and player experience of most players - also the outright lies that are being passed off as something else.

"whoopsie - did someone say we had a major enough balance change and then no one put it in patch notes or something, until AFTER pack sales were mostly done - my bad! Also - no, you still not find any loot is just in your heads - look at the over juiced player finding a ton of stuff once in a blue moon! Look over here at me shaking my car keys around!"

People should read what Hanlon's Razor ACTUALLY states - because stupidity doesn't actually work here (but that's the exact excuse being peddled).

ANYWAY - the current balance they think works so well is not actually working for most players - so this post is really just him quadrupling+ down and continuing not the listen.

Also consider everything NOT mentioned in the post (like harvest crafts appearing in the announcement video that they removed after no ACTUAL warning, etc.).
If this was not intented and slipped through, why remove the atlas skill point that gave Archnemesis monsters 1 additional modifier? huh?

Because it would have scaled even more and would've been "too much loot"?

We're not fools mate
TheNightmareGrows wrote:
I'm with Chris. Honestly, the game since Betrayal reached the state when it needed to nerf the loots. The loot bombs are disgusting, honestly. No irony. If you get some yellows - now you 99% skip them. PReviously in PoE you would pick up any yellow to check it's stats, because RARE loot was RARE back then.

This game really need nerfs to loot systems. 41k % to rarity from Arch monsters isn't good as well. I would like to see the "Hard Mode" for PoE. I want it.

And honestly, it is so funny to look at all you simps, who saw some whining from youtubers who plays in stacks of 6 ppl, that they got nerfed, but you, soy boys, were playing in solo mode most of the time. Stop screaming for your idols. This madness should have been stopped long ago, I'm very glad this time has come at least now.

No more loot bombs!

1) in ur logic ur simping for ggg lol

2) if u juice ur maps with 200 - 300c u should be able to get a loot explosion

3) thats the point of playing in group! more people = more hp mobs, rarity = more loot!

4) idgaf about the youtubers. every player who plays this game knew immediately that the loots were shit!

5) remember they didnt told us the loot nerf!? and chris told us to get our MF chars ready lol

6) if u lose more than 50% of ur players in a few days ur games not fun for those people

7) play your game if ur having fun but dont tell us what we can and cant do and let us criticize what we want cause as yearlong customers its our right to do so!

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