Nerfing Defensive Archnemesis Modifiers

This is honestly the worst league I have played and I haven't completed skipped any leagues for 5+ years. I actually don't hate the league mechanic but overturned AN mobs just ruin the game for certain encounters.
Last edited by Vaildez#6753 on Aug 25, 2022, 12:06:40 PM
still no fix for Sentinel golden shield to go throw wall yet still broken
_aummo_ wrote:
I'm an older player, in my 50s - had an original 2600 kinda lifelong nerd - last year I got Covid and hit hard, then immediately had a stroke. I accept I will probably not do Uber bosses, can't really see Sirus well enough or react fast enough, and I'm fine with that. I've given up other games, having to withdraw from Raid teams because I was becoming a liability. I'm fine with that, you get older.
But since your nerfs, I've played 1 map, 2 Lakes, and 3 unique heists, a pretty small sample size. My character comfortably took down Maven's 10 (I died once for being dumb), can take down tier 16 bosses without a hiccup. I was one shot five times over those six instances. One heist had two Innocence rares and something that melee killed me from flying in off screen. I didn't die to the robot dude that drops a jewel, but I was just destroyed by the rares in the run up. I did a Metamorph encounter in the lakes (level 80 map at a difficulty 5 or 6), it dropped 1 white, 1 blue, and one one socket rare bow.
In the hour and a half I played today, I had disappointing loot and disheartening one shot or just overwhelming deaths from the mobs that shouldn't be the main threat in the game.
Life has been hard, two years ago I was the General Manager of a top rated bar in Austin Tx, now I struggle with all aspects of life. I can't do a lot of things I used to. But if I was smart, and planned, and grinded, I could still enjoy one of my all time favorite games. And you've taken that from me this league.
I understand you as a team have a vision of what the game should be. I understand that sometimes your customer base don't want what you want to be. I just want to feel my failures in this game are earned. That my successes are rewarded. And you've taken that from me.
I don't buy as many supporter packs as I used to, I can't afford to any more, but I'd say I've spent as much if not more than any subscription based game in the past. I've always been happy with that, you were the good guys. But to read how you've 'fixed' things and log into an hour and a half of failure feels like a betrayal.
I'll probably keep playing, because it's the only game I really have left, but I will end with the famous line, "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed."

I've just read your post and I could care less if they bring back to a state where I enjoy it, but I sincerely hope they can manage to bring it to a point where you can enjoy it. Wish you the best.
You know why people talk so much about 3.13?

Im having a stressful semester, working, studying, I took a week vacancy to play this league, because i love playing action rpg, played more than 8k hours of D3, probably im like 4k at PoE, this game was great, we could make alot builds, one shots was mostly from BOSSES, even tried to made 3 builds myself, but 2 struggled with defs and another with damage... I already spent alot of time playing this game, I want to try new things, not play Trap starter every season because its a screen ranged DPS build, my first build was lacerate, did all content with it, but now... melee feels bad.

ArchMEMES feels REALLY BAD, They are took strong for NO REASON, I skipped Archnemesis league because I didnt liked it, I only played what changed on Atlas and skipped all of them in maps because it was worthless. Guess what, there are everywhere...

I made 2 chars this league, dont really felt problems killing them, because i made broken builds, but i didnt want to, fun was taken away from me, dying in one shot, didnt had enough alch to use on maps, needed even to buy vaal to make my atlas.

Drops are POOR, STILL POOR, Thats why people loved 3.13, WE HAD DROPS, we done a mechanic that dropped things we could change for usefull stuff.

Changing exalted to divine is a poor way to change market. honestly, you made exalted shards, made exalted card, made alot ways to farm exalteds KNOWING ITS WORTH, now you just took away drops, took away its worth, seriously, stop making the game bad!

Tried to have a good time playing this league, wanting to make at least 3-4 builds, guess what? Im already done because it sucks. Great job, hope you stop being blizzard.
By the way only good in this league is league-mechanic. its really looks great. But needs really HUGE,VERY HUGE Buff to rewards.

Craft - dead!!!!! add reforge keep pref/suf + reforge more fire/cold/chaos and other more likey. delete this reforge including that is just like chaos spam.
Mapping - Dead (drop rates are INSANELY low)
AN - remove it from Core

And really Chris. wgaf about your vision of game, since the game now built on community money from supporter packs/boxes/MTX and ofc your favorite patrons for DIV cards. i more then sure you saw all the MOST POPULAR content creators that are just dissapointed at "YOUR VISION" of the game. soon "YOUR VISION" will bring you to play this game only with your company.
Chris and GGG team,

I'd like to share an idea in case it hasn't been brought up in your recent team meetings.

I've been reviewing the community dissatisfaction with the recent changes and believe a small change could pack a real punch:

Would it be possible to make the powerful rare monsters stand out even more than they already do in the game?

It looks like you've been working to improve visual clarity of monster attacks and have been somewhat successful.

The piece that is missing is the ability for players to quickly identify whether a monster may be too powerful for them to engage without dying. Increasing monster size or adding a visual aura like some of the new MTXs could help players see the dangerous monster on their screen rather than requiring that they "mouse over" the monster to see that it is a powerful rare.

Rare monster power is an entirely different "problem" for players to overcome when there is a reasonable opportunity for the player to decide whether they engage that rare monster or skip it until their character is more powerful.

Some community members will continue to complain about rare monsters being too strong. My response to them is that they should just leap slam/flame dash away if their character is "weaker" than a particular monster.

Who said that our exiles are guaranteed to be the most powerful beings in Wraeclast? Sometimes the best strategy is to run (or "break contact" as we say in the Marines).
honestly this is just another band aid

it doesnt fix the problem of some ANs being ridiculously powerful enough to one shot even the strongest of defensive barriers....those offensive multipliers are just plain stupud....and this isnt even taking into consideration the offensive multipliers of the maps

it doesnt fix the fact that some AN modifier combinations basically invalidate your build as a whole.

all you did was make them take 30 seconds or a minute less to kill for SOME of the AN mods....but we will still have to tip toe around because they will just one shot for whatever stupid reason
_aummo_ wrote:
I'm an older player, in my 50s - had an original 2600 kinda lifelong nerd - last year I got Covid and hit hard, then immediately had a stroke. I accept I will probably not do Uber bosses, can't really see Sirus well enough or react fast enough, and I'm fine with that. I've given up other games, having to withdraw from Raid teams because I was becoming a liability. I'm fine with that, you get older.
But since your nerfs, I've played 1 map, 2 Lakes, and 3 unique heists, a pretty small sample size. My character comfortably took down Maven's 10 (I died once for being dumb), can take down tier 16 bosses without a hiccup. I was one shot five times over those six instances. One heist had two Innocence rares and something that melee killed me from flying in off screen. I didn't die to the robot dude that drops a jewel, but I was just destroyed by the rares in the run up. I did a Metamorph encounter in the lakes (level 80 map at a difficulty 5 or 6), it dropped 1 white, 1 blue, and one one socket rare bow.
In the hour and a half I played today, I had disappointing loot and disheartening one shot or just overwhelming deaths from the mobs that shouldn't be the main threat in the game.
Life has been hard, two years ago I was the General Manager of a top rated bar in Austin Tx, now I struggle with all aspects of life. I can't do a lot of things I used to. But if I was smart, and planned, and grinded, I could still enjoy one of my all time favorite games. And you've taken that from me this league.
I understand you as a team have a vision of what the game should be. I understand that sometimes your customer base don't want what you want to be. I just want to feel my failures in this game are earned. That my successes are rewarded. And you've taken that from me.
I don't buy as many supporter packs as I used to, I can't afford to any more, but I'd say I've spent as much if not more than any subscription based game in the past. I've always been happy with that, you were the good guys. But to read how you've 'fixed' things and log into an hour and a half of failure feels like a betrayal.
I'll probably keep playing, because it's the only game I really have left, but I will end with the famous line, "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed."

+1 to you

the game should definitely be in a state for all to enjoy and not be disappointing, especially you for you
You are the cause of great misery.

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