Nerfing Defensive Archnemesis Modifiers

DarkJen wrote:
How about minions survivability?
They die everywhere..
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“Tomorrow we will post an explanation of what our intentions were with the balance changes in this expansion and what went wrong with our process. We're sorry for the delay on this, it has been a bit of a week.“

I’m sure it has been a rough week, but this explanation is now 2 weeks late, and that is why you’ve had a shit week. At least in 3.15 you had the balls to get out ahead of the nerfs, and so maintained the communities respect to a large extent. You can f****** forget that this time.
Mentoya wrote:


Yea I know, the need for the dopamine fix to escape reality is real for many people.......... I just don't let it affect me that way.

and yet here you are angered over other people's anger LOL

No, because unlike many people, I realize that it's JUST A VIDEO GAME and there are alot more important things going on in this world, Not sure how many times I need to repeat that, IT'S JUST A VIDEO GAME....


we get it, you're better than everyone else. Can we get back to the point of this thread please?
still a better direction but doesn't solve the problem of 80-90% damage reductions in some combinations.

But still better than nothing.

Still almost like some of this should have been done before the System was introduced to every Rare.

Good luck dev team.
I don't know that this is even needed. Seems fine that you might have to run from mobs that your build can't kill. Why is that a problem? It's not like these combinations that are specifically hard for a particular build are going to happen all the time. Most of the time we'll still faceroll through the map.
boy oh boy i cannot wait to hear your excuse on the fiasco that you guys did yourself intentionaly and why you wont revert it
REVERT LOOT CHANGES. OMG is this so hard to understand???

In case you people think "GGG is going in the right direction with these updates":
Bring back harvest!!
Great changes. Thank you. New direction is really good i never liked zoom zoom meta. ARPG were always about killing strong monsters not about killing million mobs for currency to buy items from market.
Last edited by franko79#2542 on Aug 25, 2022, 2:09:46 AM
ChriSxSaMa wrote:
I'm positive their trying their best here. They nerfed enemies. Its a good thing.

Lets stay level headed here. (Lets not turn into squeakers now lol.) Cough cough fortnite lol.

Im sure they want to slow progression in some way thats obvious.

Be one with the Nerf. Haha!

No wonder Flame weaver was so dangerous, 80% damn lol.

As per minions, lets bring back those Zombies baby lol.

The minion wands are awesome. I believe its called calling wand? Lol.

Keep up the good work :)

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