Improvements to Item Drops
Used to love this game, but in it's current state I prefer running Ancient Tunnels, so you can get an idea.
POE is completely broken right now and the devs seem to be immune to what playerbase says. |
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" I don't think you'll even notice these ~2-3% increases. Unless GGG misspoke this and this buff equals to 25-33% of OLD quantity and rarity. But do not get your hopes too high. |
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Please do not cave to pressure from the mob. Game is great and updating old systems is necessary. I do not want to load up PoE2 and be stuck playing PoE 2021.
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I feel like the people thanking them for the changes before actually testing them are actual TenCent propaganda-bots.
Man, something happened this league. Ironic it seems like Kalandra is the league where GGG finally died... |
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So, you nerf the drop rate by like 90/95%... then people complain about it and you buff that 5% by 25% and you expect it to be ok... what a joke!
The point of a game is to have fun... this isn't fun, you are aimlessly changing the game in the pursuit of an unclear vision that no-one likes. |
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I don't see why halving the cost of crafts is doing anything for harvest when you've taken away multiple instances of crafts to begin with. Back in the day I had 30 rolls (Unnerfed rolls too because you've changed that by about 90% aswell). Now I get enough juice for 2 hamstringed botched crafts.
I don't see how saying you appreciate us undoes the damage you done by changing everything behind everyone's back in a throwaway line in the hope no one would read it. I don't see how a 33% increase in drops for rare/uniques does anything when you've talked about there being fewer and fewer rare mobs in our maps. I don't see how an increase in 1 league mechanic (this one) helps when you've destroyed the past mechanics and their increased quant/rarity. I don't see how someone can use 50 tainted fusings and fail 49 times and you're talking abous increasing its effects? So it's 48 fails then? You're only adressing bosses and rares. When you took away (behind our backs, don't think I'll forget that too) the scaling of rarity/quant in comparison to white mobs. You can keep increasing by 100x or 1000x it doesn't matter because you've carte blanche removed rarity/quant scaling for any mechanic. But go ahead. Remove the comment. Alter it because you didn't like critisism. |
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Last edited by dodder#2509 on Aug 24, 2022, 9:27:58 AM
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" While updating old systems is necessary. Maybe you want to do it in small steps. Not a huge ninja one. Im pretty ok with archnem but only if its rewarding. Not kill a mob for 5 minutes with non meta build and get at least a transmute |
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Thanks for these changes GGG. I'm personally really enjoying playing right now despite all this, and was before this last patch, although given the nerfs and justifiably cacophanous uproar from everyone else, it feels a little like cheerfully fiddling whilst Rome burns. Nevertheless despite drop rates going through the floor, and it getting a little hot in here, I'm finding it a toe-tapping tune. It's just the people running past the window outside on fire which is rather distracting.
I don't think it's the gear drop rates that are the problem currently, so I was a bit confused by the gear tier patch. I think even before this last patch this was fine, given the state of ground gear affix rolls, I already had to craft or trade for gear, so I just need one good base per slot. It's mid tier currency, fragments, shards etc. which are lacking. Items used to access content and improve gear. I appreciate the 25% currency drop rate buff but I'm quite certain the overall nerf was an order of magnitude larger than this, so I'm not sure why that was included as it hasn't done an awful lot. It feels like alchs, scourings, regals and chaos have taken the biggest hit, to the extent that it feels like their drop rates were explicitly reduced hard, beyond the overall currency changes. Divines and exalts don't seem to have changed much to me even with the overall nerfs, so I presume these were buffed behind the scenes. My only real chaos has come from the most intensive chaos recipe use I've ever done, which feels extreme, but I'm getting by. I've been converting currency up through the lossy vendor purchase chains, which I never do, and may bite me later. My biggest problem currently with currency is I've no real source of alchs. Purchasing for 1 regret (32 jewellers, 5 vendored six socket items) is too rich, and they've not dropping through white and yellow maps. But presuming currency drop rates don't change back to previous levels, perhaps a change vendor exchange rates (buy a scouring for 6 jewellers, buy an alch for 8 jewellers) or allow chaos orbs perform the function of alchs as well a la essences. Of course if they dropped, that would be nice too. I'm not sure the unique drop rate buff has done much for me personally, I was fine with their scarcity and I can't do much with most of them anyway other than bank or vendor. I've yet to see much by way of the buffed uniques. I quite liked that uniques were super rare now. I've had more drop in a few hours today than in the last four days of play and I'm not sure that's helped my upgrades or level of fun. I recall an earlier interview with Chris around the time of Heist or Delve talking about the proposed loot 2.0 rework (drop far less, far better affixes) and how despite being great it was put off because it would cause a huge uproar. As a point of interest, feels like we have the uproar anyway now, but we didn't get the rework. I think people could use some reassurance right now, as a cynic might suggest a pattern to the last few leagues' balance changes. It'd be great to know the plan, especially the bad news. I'm not sure that the community and streamers' goodwill can take so many... surprises through to PoE 2 unless people know what's coming. Look after yourselves GGG. I've got some maps to clear. |
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GGG and the blizzard like fixes... sad
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