[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Ironically, the best way to get spefcial maps is through Kirac missions. Use Scouting Reports to cycle through the selection and they pop up often enough.

Downside is that you can't MAven-witness the maps. If you want to farm invitations, for instance, buying in bulk is the only way.
Graiaule wrote:
Here's a quick commentary on my experience with the crit versus non-crit build.

Basically, the crit build (with the same gear, and measured for me) is about 80% more dps, and due to 3.5k less ES and 40% less spell block, I would say I die 80% more often.

You probably missed the defensive part of the setup.

3 endurance charges all the time :

with 1.98 secs duration and 2.50 secs cooldown that synergises very well with Hartstopper Assendancy:

I can assure you, i dont die on maps, simulacrum, guardians or pinnacle bosses.
The only thing that eventually kill me are the Uber Pinnacle Bosses but thats normal.

I made this setup, because its cheap at league start. With no cluster, no WE and no Split personality. Its a low budget setup that can do all content on first week of the league easly!

I learned few things playing WI for so long(10+ leagues):
- The budget to clear maps with confortably speed and do regular pinacle bosses, on block version is High!
- With Uber Pinnacle Bosses you must have high damage or eventually you fail.

I like to farm Uber Maven, Uber Atziri and the Feared with a high %IIQ, and when I run maps I like to just pass through the eare mob one time and kill then. Thats why I dont play the block version nowdays. The investment is too high, the damage is low based on budget and the jewels are not available on first 4-5 days of the league.

I certainly died a lot in the beginning, but I did all the content and sold a lot of boss services since the day 3 of the league. Eventually, with the improvement of my gear I stopped dying and reached lvl 100. In the end this setup proved to be very good to start with. With few resources , having a very high progress ramp.

I'm working on PoB two High-budget versions. A no-block + crit (over 1.5M damage per hit) and a block+crit (about 1M damage per hit).

I just need time, my business is draining all my time and i'm not been able to play properly :(
whiterockxx wrote:

I'm working on PoB two High-budget versions. A no-block + crit (over 1.5M damage per hit) and a block+crit (about 1M damage per hit).

I just need time, my business is draining all my time and i'm not been able to play properly :(

I would definitely love to see these pob's once you have time to finish them. I made some adjustments on my version and have ~860k average hit on a semi block non crit version. Dropped the safeguard nodes and a couple others to pick up Heart of Ice and the mastery for frenzy charges.

Will have I should say. Need my last 4 levels and still need a couple awakened gems. Every time I think I'm going to buy them I spend it on gear for my son's character instead. Even in a video game I have to support him. Lol
Hey whiterockxx, thanks a lot for your build variation. I did play it for two weeks, half this league.

Just so you know, it's not easy to get those minimum endurance charges. I was aware of them.

I missed the "cheap synth rings" train which leaves roughly about 4 days after league start. (I'd really like to understand why they are so cheap early on and dear later on. Are people just not farming where they drop?)

So, I did what I could without the endurance charges. I would venture it took you quite a while to get them yourself, so you were as squishy as I was before that.

Regarding the build costs, I can assure you my gear didn't cost a lot either to where it became quite usable (I'm only missing 2 x 7% rings, and the forbidden jewels for a good dps bump. Everything else I wear I purchased cheaply or crafted cheaply.) You don't need blanketed snow on the clusters, for example, for quite a long while. My amulet is only slightly less dps than a 14%/1% per 15 amulet, and is far easier to craft (though I wasn't aiming for endurance charges.)

As an interesting contrast, my kid is running an EA crit deadeye build that can hit about 1 billion dps with reasonably cheap gear (10 div total.) But she defines the very meaning of a glass cannon, and decided she couldn't take the deaths anymore.
Last edited by Graiaule#7461 on Jan 8, 2023, 5:02:05 AM
stoudtlr wrote:

I would definitely love to see these pob's once you have time to finish them.

I had few hous to play today and made few upgrades on my character.

https://pastebin.com/6Dn4kVDt (updated)

There are 2 trees, the Low-budget and the High-Budget

If didn't configured anything wrong, its low-block with 2.1M damage per hit and almost 12k ES.

I tried Uber Maven and she just melts, was really clean and fast!

There is still a lot of room for improvement with time/currency!
Last edited by whiterockxx#6367 on Jan 8, 2023, 9:14:47 AM
whiterockxx wrote:
stoudtlr wrote:

I would definitely love to see these pob's once you have time to finish them.

I had few hous to play today and made few upgrades on my character.


There are 2 trees, the Low-budget and the High-Budget

If didn't configured anything wrong, its low-block with 1.8M damage per hit and 12k ES.

I tried Uber Maven and she just melts, was really clean and fast!

There is still a lot of room for improvement with time/currency!

Thanks! It looks really good! About 40k less ehp than the block version, but still over 100k which is plenty IMO. POB also doesn't take into account that with twice the dps stuff has half as long to kill you.

Edit: Also your dps is just shy of 2mil if you tick the enemy on consecrated ground box which he should be with your bottled faith.
Last edited by stoudtlr#5310 on Jan 8, 2023, 8:09:43 AM
Quick update, up to 320k Avg hit with my main hand after a few updates, feels a lot better!

Current status here: https://pobb.in/odajFUV6pSbf

Have a hard time determining my next upgrade though. Defensively, it seems a new chest would probably net me the most?

Offensively, it seems like incremental upgrades all the way through? Probably chest first then, unless someone knows what I'm lacking in general.

I'm also looking at that crit build you shared, doesn't seem too complicated compared to the original one, the Forbidden jewels are a bit cheaper (2 div for the pair) and the lack of the second cluster jewel is half of the bottled faith, but not sure if it's worth 'respeccing' for it.

WinterHiko wrote:
About your build :

These are all good steps. I'd add a couple of low- to mid-budget suggestions.

- I see you put one more point into the Whispers of Doom nodes to get some curse effect and duration. I'm not sure it's worth the extra skill point. The curse effect gives you 1.6% more DPS, for example, while a node like Trickery would give you 3.1% and a variety of other effects. Curse duration is not worth the point either, as we apply it via a lvl 1 CWDT, so quite often.

- Your cluster jewels could be changed to CttC/Blanketed Snow. It's a bit costly, but it's a good upgrade in DPS.

- I see you put a point in a minor cluster node that doesn't lead to anything. It seems to be to help with your resistances. I'd suggest allocating two points towards Practical application (in the middle). It gives you 13% to all resistances, stun protection while casting and some strength and dex, which will help with stat requirements. You could also invest in a good corrupted Heup of all (+25-28% allres).

- A conversion jewel in the middle-right jewel node (currently unnalocated) would give you 4-5% more dps and some more ES for only 1-3C.

- The staff mastery for more defenses is really, really good. You should take it as soon as you can. It would give you 300 ES, 800 EV and the usual almost 3% more damage from Polymath.

- Make some room for a Tranquility annoint as soon as possible. Changing Wisdom of the Glade to Tranquility would give you a wooping 16% more damage instantly. It's a bit more costly but worth it.

You'll see that this build is building off of each part. The more you invest, the more returns you'll get. Your DPS is getting there. You got the basics, like you said, and now you're getting the good stuff. You'll soon have double the DPS and mapping will feel a lot faster. You're on the right track!

About calculating total DPS :

This build is a bit weird, in that casts of the spell don't deal damage. They summon a storm, which summons projectiles, and those projectiles deal damage. As such, it's very difficult to precisely know how much DPS we're doing, because the only certain element is the damage per ice shard (which is the average hit on PoB).

There was a discussion in the Scion version's thread where it was suggested, after some calculations, that the top DPS (with the maximum of 5 storms) would be around 40 times average hit. It's not realistic against moving enemies, though, and requires ramping up. I'd say 8-10 times average hit might be a good estimate, as it means around 2 storms active on a given monster.

Once your mapping staff is around 200k average hit, you'll be zooming through maps. Once your bossing staff is around 250k-300k, you'll be able to do all pinnacle bosses. But it varies. You'll feel the difference once it goes up.

Last edited by Giku#7497 on Jan 8, 2023, 10:15:58 AM
Is there a reason we're not running Wave of conviction in Ball Lightning's place? It seems like it could apply both curses just as effectively and free up another spot.

I'm probably missing something.
WinterHiko wrote:
Is there a reason we're not running Wave of conviction in Ball Lightning's place? It seems like it could apply both curses just as effectively and free up another spot.
I'm probably missing something.

Ball light spread the curse better imo.
So guys, rocking this build for first time this league, never done a int stacker, never done a scion (well, scion is already left behind, trickster is WAY moar fun) and I am having a blast - big thanks to everybody improving this!
I hate sanctum mechanics and just grinded it a bit to get my hands on a sanctified relic, which I just now got and already Elemental Overloaded. So how do I get now the Elemental Overload? My relic is currently in my Relic locker in my Hideout...

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