[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

stoudtlr wrote:
WinterHiko wrote:

Concerning Clarity : Once you have enough mana, the nodes already allocated on the tree should be quite anough without the regen from Clarity. it depends on how high is your intelligence. You can also slowly downgrade Clarity to see at which level you have enough regen while having the smallest reservation possible.

If going the hatred route I'd recommend keeping clarity even if only level 1. A watcher's eye with added cold, cold pen, or %inc cold damage while affected by hatred plus the mana as es clarity mod are only 2div. With the amount of mana we have that's an easy 1k plus energy shield.

Indeed. I think it's the best choice, just behind spending 50+div for a Watcher's Eye with 2+ Hatred mods (those are pricey!). Level 1 Clarity reserves virtually no mana and we have a free socket if we remove Culling Strike. That 1k extra ES is really good.
quick question, in the other thread it was mentioned to uses an awakened cwc but only use it at lvl 1 (2 because of the staff)
Pretty much always been using a lvl 1 cwc because of that.


But i suppose that was before we moved to self casting for bosses...

in the gems section it mentions having idealy 4+. Which is the right answer 1 or 4?
Last edited by Lavacaverns#5348 on Jan 6, 2023, 4:35:11 AM
Lavacaverns wrote:
quick question, in the other thread it was mentioned to uses an awakened cwc but only use it at lvl 1 (2 because of the staff)
Pretty much always been using a lvl 1 cwc because of that.


But i suppose that was before we moved to self casting for bosses...

in the gems section it mentions having idealy 4+. Which is the right answer 1 or 4?

I believe the Scion variant had stun immunity built in. Accordingly, it didn't need to get it from Awakened CwC. The question was then only a matter of cast time.

However, the Trickster variant benefits greatly from the stun immunity that starts at lvl 5. Since the staff gives +1, it is suggested to get at least lvl 4.
Dbl Post
Last edited by Lavacaverns#5348 on Jan 6, 2023, 9:15:55 AM
Thanks, will do
I think that the low level CwC or aCwC are a thing from the past. When we had only one staff for mult use even on bosses. Because the cast time and overlap casts.

When you using CwC and spinning all over the map, higher are the aCwC better, coz te ice storm will drop often and better the clear speed.

I guess.
Last edited by whiterockxx#6367 on Jan 6, 2023, 4:04:33 PM
Hey loving the build so far was just curious what content people are running with this kind of character as I'm pretty new. I loved legion but it doesnt seem like this build would excel at that? Could be wrong I also really like delirium which I think could be pretty good. Any help is appreciated thanks!
Sleepersz wrote:
Hey loving the build so far was just curious what content people are running with this kind of character as I'm pretty new. I loved legion but it doesnt seem like this build would excel at that? Could be wrong I also really like delirium which I think could be pretty good. Any help is appreciated thanks!

This build can do pretty much any content. Its strength is that it's virtually immortal to any content that's not Pinnacle bosses once built up and that its damage output can reach ridiculous heights.

I personally ran Abyss + Breach + Delirium and it was a blast. Monsters everywhere! I also ran a boss-rushing strategy, farming Conqueror invitations last league and it worked very well.

It's one of the most versatile builds I've played.

As for Legion, Cyclone through the enemies and it should destroy them once you have enough damage. You stay mobile and can cover a lot of ground like that.
Sleepersz wrote:
Hey loving the build so far was just curious what content people are running with this kind of character as I'm pretty new. I loved legion but it doesnt seem like this build would excel at that? Could be wrong I also really like delirium which I think could be pretty good. Any help is appreciated thanks!

About the same answer as WinterHiko. I'm doing deli and bossing. Mainly deli just because guardian map drops are sucking for me. Shaper, Elder, Conqueror and Synth atlas nodes so bosses have a chance to drop all 4 types and I still only seem to get 1 guardian or synth map out of every 10.
@stoudtir -- yeah. Last league with my atlas tree maxed out at 132/132 and all shaper/guardian nodes selected, I found it was easier to just buy the frigging maps. I had enough currency from trying.

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