Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

vahu wrote:
Personally, I still have a small hope that in the trailer/patch notes, we will get a lot more. Cause this looks boring to be honest, I don't agree with GGG often with most things, the only thing is good that they make many changes always compared to anything in the market, so game is "alive", but this frankly looks very underwhelming sadly.

I think they are saving something for trailer, like new skills and the league itself, but imagine if they spend the most time for the league and the league won't be fun. This will turn shit sideways very fast.

They still have a week basically for some changes, so hopefully, they will listen to feedback as 80% of people aren't happy overall. Need to reduce that number, if not this league will be short in numbers and length.

GGG, prove that you listen once again :P

My hopes are also left for the patchnotes and reveal. Purely for melee damage buff or, what I'd like much more, new melee skill(-s). Otherwise the jugg buff is nothing for me to warrant going into a couple months of gameplay of the same skills, without any buffs to them.
league yes
Last edited by Wulfenheim94 on Aug 3, 2022, 11:05:30 AM
I'm probably the only one who cares, but the Firestorm "buff" sounds pretty useless. It's only the big meteor that does any damage, not the small fireballs...
Knowing GGG there is nothing to worry about...

Like every league so far, 3-4 week into the league:
"oops we kind of overdid it.. We will revert/partly rollback a few changes now"
Should remove the archnemesis mods from the monsters, they are too overpowering for the mobs, and also, since you mention some auras are not many people using, why not lower reservation instead u remove the mana efficiency?

This is plain dumb. GGG needs to take a break to really discuss further on nerfs before actually implementing without a proper solution.
problem: mobs are too strong
Solution: we will nerf everything that can be played with
The Reservation Mastery that granted 15% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills has been removed from the Passive Skill Tree.

Welcome to EXPECDITION 2.0 with CRIS VISION of the game, now for minion builds to. More grindy game for trashstreamers less fun game for casuals. Ave ggg/
drakorglium wrote:
its me, or minions have special buff?

Special needs now only.
this kinda fells like archnemesis mods introduction to the game. might be really sad launch depending on the league mechanic

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