Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

dopusy wrote:

everyone is crying here again. Play another game :D :D :D

Yes, I'll play another game. :)
I would not care about nerfs like these if GGG gave us alternatives.
Many players are waiting for melee buffs and other skills for several leagues already. What is GGG doing? Nerfing something that's in a good place, and this only results in disappointment and players skipping the league or even quitting the game.
Ok so Reave, add 12% more damage and 2% more attack speed per stage and it'll be a fun and playable skill.
Last edited by Lordsidro on Aug 2, 2022, 5:57:49 PM
This is 3.15 all over again. Why? Wtf
Makes me wonder if they know why people turtle up behind spell suppression, det def banner and more. It is... perhaps because getting one hit deleted by random mobs isn't fun by any means or vision.

Looks like next season will be even more rippy.
Nerf everything fun
Buff almost nothing

just shutdown the servers, it would be easier
I'm REALLY not amused by the removal of 15% mana efficiency mastery, it was literally crucial for many of my self-made builds to fit all the auras, even with Enlighten lvl 4 (and Awakened Englighten lvl 5 is absolutely out of reach, prices are insane! Well over 100 exalts, up to 300 even!) and you cannot always fit a Redeemer-influenced helmet to get that mana reservation efficiency suffix from gear, it's just a tremendously bad idea from my point of view
IGN @SexyMilf
Golems for non-minion builds were already in a bad state due to very bad survivability. They are worse now. Why does every character even get the gems in act 4?
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Wow...just wow...

"We're happy with this direction, but will be making further changes aimed at making some of the most powerful defensive layers require more investment and improving diversity in defensive options."

More investment? Seriously, Like hundreds of hours of grinding isn't enough for you? Seriously... welp crap...

I really loved this game but I truly hate the direction the game is going.

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