[3.25] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder

Howdy again! Really enjoyed following your build over the last two leagues and working with it.
Ended up going melee for the first time in 7 years this league but I'm about to roll another character and go back to pcoc because I've been missing it like crazy, no other build is as enjoyable to me.
It is interesting seeing your notes and progress through Trickster, but I know I'm definitely doing Pathfinder again, so I wanted to see that your thoughts would be on this build setup I found, looks extremely interesting with a lot of things used that I haven't seen before. I have the currency to get most of it how they have it.

Last edited by LuxyBoo on Aug 29, 2024, 5:15:00 PM
Build update! i managed to get more defenses.https://pobb.in/i-8QqnOkT6Hn i got the kalandras mirror ring so i plan on mirroring the frenzy ring but i need to figure out another way to get res capped to compensate. Not sure what to do with the gloves tho. right now there is 0 on the market with both temp chains and frenzy charges. There was one some days ago but it was stupid expensive at 140 div or something. The shield is also a good defense boost but i think it would be easier to use it as a stat stick to get the stats that i need.

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