Game Mechanics Q&A

Why 2 million dps of one skill is like 5 of another. Why such difference in damage calculations from pure sheet dps.

what is the exact formula for restoring the energy shield?
in theory, an error should occur at -100, but the power board simply does not recover! if you do below, the situation is the same!
in general, if the value is less than 0, there is no recovery.
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What genius decides on the sheer insanity that spells do when 5-25 mobs all shotgun you instantly on opening a door? Is there actually logic behind this or just sadism?
Do Deadeye's ruptures from "Rupturing" work as a multiplier for "enemies take #% increased damage", or it's a gem-level multiplier?
Why are there so many status effects that do the same thing but have different names. I don't understand why I need 10 different versions of slow immunity and I still get slowed. Very much Unfun.
Can everything drop no without any Increaed Rarity?
Does Increased Rarity influence Currency drops? E. g. will Increased Rarity give more Exalted Orbs?

With all these On-Death effects will you rework VAAL Cyclone? Standing 5 seconds still is really risky...

How does damage mitigation work for impale?
Last edited by SuperMotte on Jun 5, 2022, 7:34:16 PM
How does Pride's enemy debuff work? If they leave my aura and come back, is it reset immediately? Or does the debuff have a duration?

Similarly, if I am using Pride on a Divine Blessing setup, is the debuff reset upon recasting the Divine Blessing?
What is the difference between spending mana and paying mana? With the change to have triggered spells cost mana I would have assumed arcane surge would work with triggered spells but that does not appear to be the case.
adress the archnemesis thing. All of us are just waiting for you to do something. You can't ignore everyone and put your head in the sand forever.
Will atlas passive skills work? I tried to play almost a month ago. Wrote in what is called technical support. Created a topic on the forum.
Today I decided to play again. Here is the result.

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