Game Mechanics Q&A

How Item Allocation Mode works on party groups.

I've done countless party games in groups of 6 people playing as aura, (0 dps), and in an pack of mobs with over 60 items on the ground not one item was for me.
(playing in Permanent Allocation)

How is this possible?
Last edited by ollydbg on Jun 6, 2022, 7:17:13 AM
Why is Light Radius a game mechanic. Was it ever relevant? As of now, it is a dead stat that dilutes the already diluted loot pool.

Why don't high item level items select their mods they can drop with from a different pool from the low level items?

Does the "Ignite Proliferation Support" override other proliferation-like effects (e.g. Berek's Respite) or does the kill of the Ignite Proliferation just not count as your kill anymore to make the mechanic not work together?

The mechanics worked together in the past (Ignite Prolif spreads with Berek's Prolif for insane ignite clears), was that just a bug in the past and is it now working as intended?

The same behaviour seems to be observable with Shock-Proliferation and Berek's Respite.

Last edited by akei56 on Jun 6, 2022, 10:10:32 AM
Not sure if this is necessarily a game mechanics question, but one thing that always confused me as a new player was rarity.

I now understand that rarity does not affect things like currency, but even now with 5k+ hours I just understand that this is a rule, but not necessarily understand why.

In my head, currency like exalts, and especially mirrors are extremely RARE so logic would dictate that if you improve your odds of finding rare things, you would now have improved chances with +rarity.

But that is not the case.

What was the idea behind rarity only affecting item drops, and not anything else (div cards, currency etc).
Is the line from Coruscating Elixir "Removes all but one Life on use" considered damage? From the wiki it's not a hit, but I'm wondering if you were using both Umbilicus Immortalis (flasks apply to Zombies and Spectres instead of you) and a cluster jewel with Blessed Rebirth (Minions created Recently cannot be Damaged), if you used a Coruscating Elixir would your Zombies and Spectres created recently still have their health set to 1 or not?
Is the implementation of WASD movement possible?
For me, this is the main reason I don't play the game and it would be awesome to see what are the technical difficulties of this process and why hasn't been implemented.
Can we have shop similiar to ancient Lineage2, where player has to sit down while online, and you can purchase items from their inventory without having to interact with them?
I believe this would be a reasonable in-between for an improved trading experience.
How are item mods generated? Will the type be picked first and the tier afterwards followed by the values? Or will all types and tiers be rolled together?
Will additional tiers available due to higher Itemlevel mean that this type of mod is more likely?

Who places all those vases in the underground / delve?
Last edited by SuperMotte on Jun 6, 2022, 3:54:31 PM
Advanced item search in Trade on consoles is very complicated these days. What types of improvements do you intend to apply in the future?
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Brittle ground and Sapped ground do not scale from the increased effect of non-damaging ailments, while Scorched ground does scale - is this behavior intended?

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