The Hook Divination Card - Reward Poll

The Hook - Reward Options

12x Annulment Shards
Orb of Conflict
Unique Fishing Rod
Expedition Scarab
Corrupted Level 21 20% Quality Chain Hook
Random Elderslayer Map
Random Expedition Logbook
Random Corrupted 23% Alternate Quality Level 21 Skill or Support Gem
Sacred Orb
10x Winged Scarabs
10x Blessed Orbs
Poll closed
10x winged scarabs would be nuts.
wtf guys vote for winged scarabs
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
Pls community. Don't betray us. 21 23 alt qual is too much. Go go blessed orb!

I agree with the high quality gem being too much.
Maybe trying to keep the essenece and theme of the former reward the most similar might be the winged scarab. I am still not sure if 10 is fine or too much.
Most of these suggestions miss the mark thematically.

Whatever you see fit to line my Stacked Decks is fine with me, however.

Blessed orbs would be nice. A fun card that you could actually find instead of some insanely rare drop that a 21/23 gem reward would dictate. Short of that, the card itself looks more like a scarab/logbook reward to me. Can I say fishing rod or is this still a meme on the forums/redit because... that also fits obviously.
10x Winged Scarabs would be nice....
As usual with these, pointless poll. The most valuable reward will always get the most votes regardless of the card's theme or of anything else.
I'm missing a boot as a reward.
Only one or two of these are really even that great for a fun, potentially powerful turn-in reward. Too many div cards are just "Oh yeah, I guess I did collect enough collections of things to earn a collection of 10 more things." It's a lot more exciting to build to something powerful over time, and nearly all of these options are just pointless... and if they're not, I bet this card will have a large set and bad weighting. Yeah, I'm a pessimist, but at least we got Encroaching Darkness back just in time, right?
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Come on... the Hook should give a fishing rod reward. Ti makes sense.
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