Suffixes and Prefixes cannot be changed with Harvest crafting

no, the ilvl required means 'mod x cant roll without being at least this ilvl'

even if you have an ilvl 100 weapon, tier1 phys% has a 25 weighting, while tier 8 has a 1000 weighting.
Good to know. Some mods do have tier weighting while others don't.
MagicalHacker wrote:
Thror2k5 wrote:
that said, there are **TWELVE** tiers for flat es on belts. getting a tier3/2/1 roll, will be MUCH rarer than getting tier 9-12 because thats 300/1200 weighting.
An equal tier weighting on a given mod means you have an equal chance of getting t1 or t12 once you hit the mod. So you can retract on this as well. You seem to confuse mod weighting with tier weighting.

I think it was less confusion and more of slightly bad phrasing, I believe he meant that since you only like 3 of the 12 outcomes the chance in this case will be 300(wanted weight)/1200(total weight) = 25% outcomes being desirable, and thats without factoring in the chance it lands on ES mod in the first place.

Silverpelt wrote:

Not RNG, it's coded to only have one <stat tag> when you reroll with reforge with the reforge - modifier of the selected type are more common. It will only (90% of the time) add to the item a single mod of the <stat tag>.

I don't think that 90% is correct, and if it is then I believe its because you are rolling some weight affixes. I've been rerolling my new life block shield for maybe 30+ times now with life more common. Its very unusual to not get at least 2 life mods on it. AFAIK the "more common" harvests act like a fossil but without the block i.e a 10x multiplier. Depending on the base weights this can make it very easy or just not atrocious to roll.

I have no idea how the chosen stat is picked, I don't think its a equal split between all mods of the chosen tag but just the same weight distribution among them which 8000 to armor, 12000 to ES and 1500 to %ES making the last named appear less than 10% of the time (not including it appearing in the other affix rolls).

@wengbeng How specific are you on your wanted mods? have you calculated any odds? You might just not have even hit the average times for what you want to achieve.

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