Art, Areas, and Effects Feedback Forum
ill try to create something for you and post it here...
only w8ing for a beta key ;) |
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i concur with angelx91, actually proportional update (not only wrists..) has been expected in a very long time, maybe they will fix these kind of issues after OB, don't have any idea since i also have given a long break to PoE.
"This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take"
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Yeah character models will updated over time. Especially the duellist.
In the duellists case with the ol twisty wrist its actualy going to be quite hard to fix that. It being a rig problem all. Rigs are the skeleton of characters that animators animate. If the rig is overhauled all of the animations break. Duelist has around 160 or so if you see the problem. However the rig isn't at fault as im aware for that really long neck : P Though now the rig has been bound to that weirdly proportioned model I imagine it will be quite hard to fix heh. Duellist used to have a far more twisty wrist by the way. When standing idle in town it was actually pixel thin. Ahhhh alpha.. (alpha being before we even released beta. Not our alpha testing realm.) I like all the fluffy animals[img][\img]
y im slept? |
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Templar's animation for Ethereal Knives with shield is bugged.
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I think a swapped stats table layout would make reading values easier & faster: ![]() When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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I have a question.
Will there be a character customization in any way, like coloring gear? Will unique gear have a unique look? I really liked playing with colors in WoW and Diablo 3. I really liked in Diablo 2 that you could tell, "this guy wears a Tal Rasha's set", "This guy has a Griswold's armor on, what a lucky bug!" IGN: Winxie
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i got an art suggestion im a bit missing a flying mob smth like a harphie for the sandy outdoor areas.
[IMG][/IMG][/URL] that can fly arround you in the air(cant be hit in air) making a diving attack on you out of the air knockbacking you on the ground and stun you for like 1 second smth that you have to be care of jump away phase run away or whatever, that the escape moves have get in use more times. after the diving attck the mob should stay on the ground making her attackable, and the harphie should deal melee dmg now. Last edited by DonCamillo#3546 on Jan 13, 2013, 4:10:17 AM
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minor suggestions,
Targeting an enemy right now gives them a red outline, to be honest its kinda ugly :D suggestion: i think an light like aura around them would be better, this would blend in with the game abit more. some areas the mountains and walls cover the view of your player making it impossible to see what you are doing or what monsters are doing, though i could ofcause move out of the way but seems wrong, you never know what you are missing.. suggestion: when near rocks and mountains that block the view, make the part the covers part of the view see trough/invisible |
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The overall feel of the art in the game is a nice dark, gritty realism. It looks really good and fits well with the lighting that accentuates the dark mood of the game and some of the themes.
A few UI elements could use a bit of an overhaul to make them a little more pleasing to look at while retaining the dark gritty feel of the game. Also one thing that might be interesting is to have a little more interaction with the world. Nothing crazy like breaking boulders, but if a explosive skill would blast a way a few things when used it would enhance the look and feel of the game. | |
So far the only thing that has bugged me about the artstyle of the characters is the fact that the duelist's shirt is WAY too baggy. The fact that his shirt isn't removed or replaced for something else when he wears armor can make him look quite ridiculous at times. I mean his shirt is bright red, it just looks plain bad with some armors. Other classes don't have that problem (IMO). I really think it would make it look better if his shirt was replaced or removed when he wore armor, or at least make his shirt a somewhat more subtle color or less baggy overall.
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