Art, Areas, and Effects Feedback Forum
I found Weylam's War Chest Arcanist's Strongbox today and had a fun battle with the strongboxes unique boss which was a carved prow of a ship. I have to say it is one of the most imaginatively designed bosses I've seen in PoE.
Who designed the look of this boss and more importantly does it have a name? Last edited by Chalk_Circles#1033 on May 31, 2017, 6:59:39 PM
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Hello in 3.0 act3 next CLarissa ( south of her there are texture bug, Straight line on the ground)
ps: well everywhere sadly :/ I guess you already know that and will fix this soon! Keep the good work, best game of all time! IGN: | Default : ConnardLeBarbant
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![]() | The night and day difference between the picture and the actual MTX items is saddening for a person that spent quite some time and resources to get them, please add richer and denser collors to the challange rewards
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I would love a Gore MTX or something dark themed for Tempest Shield. |
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Given that microtransactions and character customisation are a kind of endgame and your primary business model, it'd be cool if you guys expanded on these and maybe spent an update focusing primarily on customisation - including microtransactions *and* more unique 3d models for uniques.
I personally would like to see a blue arcane flame alternate skin for blight since iirc it was officially stated that blight was intended to provide supplementary single target damage for essence drain/contagion builds which have blue arcane flame alternate appearances for the entire set. Most builds that utilise curses suggest using orb of storms for a curse machine, but I personally prefer to use blight as it fits with the ED/contagion build thematically and I love the spreading rot skill gem. The problem is, if I spend my money and buy the blue arcane alternate appearances for all the other abilities and spell totem (which I would love to do), blight will no longer match. Blight already practically looks like purple flames, so why not give us the option to make them blue!? :p If worst comes to worst, I suppose I could swap to the generic orb of storms setup, but I love the fact that my build is a little different to everyone else's; and it would be cool to be able to keep my build while also giving you guys money and customising the build with the blue arcane fire microtransactions. |
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Besides a boatload of new and revised content and a complete reordering of the map tiers, 3.1 also introduced many small additions to the game world and i want to voice my appreciation for this!
Having played actively for close to five years, it isn't just the new skillgems and leagues or shiny new items that make me come back again and again, but the attention to detail that can be found in many places. This includes things like texture and effect improvements, new tiles being added to tilesets, unique monsters in almost every zone, enviromental effects and storytelling, pieces of lore added to the world and many more ... Doing the same content over and over when leveling several chars in a league, it often comes down to a race to whatever new content was last introduced. But once in a while i find myself wondering 'hey .. was this here before or did they add something new?'. It may not even be the first build in a league but sooner or later these moments happen and 3.1 added quite a bit in that regard. To me these things add significantly into making the ingame world feel more alive and it is mostly in these moments, that i am reminded how far the game has progressed in these past years! I can imagine that the persons responsible really want to tell people about it and the understatement of not even mentioning most of these improvements just adds to the charm in my opinion. Some things get noticed immediately, some later - and some much later. But this delay also keeps things fresh and leads to a sense of discovery whenever one of the many 'I think I found something new'-threads pop up. Keep up the good work and see you in Wraeclast! 11.02.2013 - 11.02.2017: four year PoE anniversary!
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Give the uniques a different look than standard gear..
For example, the The Broken Crown Prophet Crown shouldnt look like a regular Prophet Crown.. It should look as pictured to show its unique.. Adds a finer touch to gameplay Thx |
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I would just lke to point out something that has been bothering me for a while. Probably nobody cares but I still wanna hear what people have to say about it. I'm all about killing horrible, dangerous monsters but why in the world would you draw what 100% looks like a smiling nice young guy getting his head cut off on the Slayer ascendency tree picture?!?!?!? <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/fUwAk"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> |
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Would it be possible for vanishing dye to work on claws as well? I wanna pretend I'm pummelling enemies with both my fists while using skills that require weapons.
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Hi there,
i would like to report a lil bug maybe or just lil overlook issue. Redeemer weapon effect. it is included in quite expensive supporter pack. But its visibility on big weapons like 2h ones is nearly invisible :/ here are some examples: as you can see its nearly invisible on bigger weapons :( which is bad :( cause the effect itself is pretty much nice Can you do something about it? Thanks in advance Last edited by Hashmalash#7820 on Jan 13, 2018, 8:01:32 PM
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