Summon Skelly + Unleash

broken. not summoning a full pack as it has in the past.
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2022, 11:18:59 AM
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I also am seeing this issue.
Support's mana cost, letter on skill icon, and effect are not applying.
Worked about a week ago.
Same. All other minions still supportable.
IGN Odminko, Orlangoor.
I do not lose hope that one of the staff will see this post.
IGN Odminko, Orlangoor.
Yeah I'm using from dust as a bit of a workaround for now but it's a big hit to the build :(
Last edited by Silithor on Feb 8, 2022, 11:10:29 AM
IGN Odminko, Orlangoor.
Yeah same
Still not in Patch Notes Preview or Known Issues :(
IGN Odminko, Orlangoor.
Yeah i've been checking every day :(
I still don't lose hope.
IGN Odminko, Orlangoor.

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