Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas Gem Information

Very cool. Can't wait for passive tree today!
Wait, most of the games damage was buffed and I haven't seen any information about increasing Ennemies health nor damage...

What happened?!
Last edited by Funinyourgame on Jan 31, 2022, 3:05:12 PM
Funinyourgame wrote:
Wait, most of the games damage was buffed and I haven't seen any information about increasing Ennemies health nor damage...

What happened?!

I think act2 got balanced just act1.
So it will be definitely harder.
Also new bosses are harder
Mark on Hit while a pretty nice support for utility seems to be rather expensive in the cost department.

How would the cost of a level 20 assassins mark, for instance, actually work out? An additional 99 mana for each attack to apply the mark? Or only once for the first application of the mark? Any way to reduce it?
Yeah. So all the nerfs that have been done 2-3 patches ago. Now you return it back to how it was before. In conclusion you actually did nothing just dead work.
Deemer610 wrote:
Totems - Nerfed
Mines - Nerfed
Traps - Nerfed
CoC & CwC - Nerfed

Self Cast - Buffed.

Actually mines got a buff imo.

Take Eye of Winter for example with just a 100 damage added for modifying in the example and high impact mines with minefield.
Old average dmg is 211.5 + 100(40%) + 28% less dmg and 60% less throw speed.
New average dmg is 306 + 100(55%) + 50% less dmg and 46% less throw speed
old 211.5+40= 181.08 x (1/.6) x 5= 1509
new 306+55= 180.5 x (1/.46) x 5= 1961.956

Looks like roughly ~23-24% more damage. Just a very rough example.
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
Menysk wrote:
So basically, pure mine skills like Pyroclast mines, Icicle mines etc are going to be unplayable.

GGG nerfed all the supporting gems, but failed to buff the main gems to do any sort of offset.

Mines with minefield and blastchain got roughly 22-24% dps increase, but yes, you are 100% correct. Straight mine skills are now going to fall behind and lack :(
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
no new skill gems? only 3 supports?

Mark On Hit Support

Triple mana cost, 16% reduced effect and it will keep triggering every 4 seconds even if you already have a marked target.

That's way too many downsides, in my oppinion.
Maverick31 wrote:
Didn't fix shit when it comes to movement or the fact that standing still to cast is pretty shit in the game but hey, there is always next league to nerf shit and not fix it either.

No idea why people keep saying this. I played self-cast Eye of Winter and did just fine in T16 maps and end-game boss fights.

That's before the healthy buff Eye of Winter just got.
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