Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas Teasers

frozensteinpp wrote:
And what would they do with all the Map Stash Tabs they sold until now? Refund?

Conquerors retire, nice. Can we finally get their portal effects as MTX?

It is a great question but also has an easy and great answer: the tabs would be updated for the new system.
Last edited by Philippe_Mello on Jan 20, 2022, 10:22:39 AM

Immortal Build is Comming
bartpio wrote:
Am i the only one afraid of Awakened gem prices ?

Or the conquer exalts, or influence bases.
okay im getting hyped
My hype is like my d... It get smaller the older I get.
Map tab has got me hyped
jsuslak313 wrote:
so that feature of the blight/del tabs is definitely a new update recently, either this patch or last patch. it most definitely did NOT work like that when the tabs were first introduced.

To be clear, there could be a misunderstanding in terms of terminology.

For example, there are regular maps that have blight encounters as an affix or enchantment (I believe it's an enchantment, but I'm not certain off the top of my head). Those have an affinity to the regular maps tab. But there are also blighted maps, which have had everything removed aside from a larger blight encounter. Those have an affinity to the blighted tab.

Regular maps with a blight encounter have always gone to the regular maps tab, mixed in with other regular maps; blighted maps have always gone to the blighted tab.

Nothing has changed here in any recent patch.

But it does seem as if the previous response to your irritation might have misunderstood the subject of your irritation.

If I'm interpreting your irritation correctly, you want regular maps with blight encounters (not actual blighted maps) to go to a dedicated area of the maps tab—just as is now happening with the guardian maps. Although I don't have a particular desire for that, I can see how it could be useful.

Similarly, regular maps that are partially delirious have an affinity to the regular maps tabs, mixed in with other regular maps; actual simulacrum maps have an affinity to the delirious tab. (And the same irritation could also apply to that.)

Of course, I could be wrong about what's being discussed.
frozensteinpp wrote:
And what would they do with all the Map Stash Tabs they sold until now? Refund?

Conquerors retire, nice. Can we finally get their portal effects as MTX?

It is a great question but also has an easy and great answer: the tabs would be updated for the new system.

Will the convert button work?
GGG, it is almost impossible to wait for sooooooooo loooooong :D
Last edited by Merowingin on Jan 20, 2022, 1:33:59 PM
GGG please i want search through multiple tabs at once. Now i am using trade for searching enchanted/delirious maps. Its not fun.

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