Energy Shield not regen on low life, ghost dance bug, map and HO pls fix

NVM, I figured out that it was de ghost shroud node in the tree
victorxxx1 wrote:
NVM, I figured out that it was de ghost shroud node in the tree

Hi sirz thanks for response.

but how come? my evade is much higher

i tested on pob, unticked and ticked it as well as in game. Im wondering why its not full when i enter map and HO when its allotted. can you help elaborate?
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
Its probaly a bug, im pretty sure that its is from Ghost Dance.

maybe you evasion in HO is lower than your ES, and it is not updating correctly when you enter a map.

Have you tried to disalocate and allocating Ghost Dance inside of a map ?
victorxxx1 wrote:
Its probaly a bug, im pretty sure that its is from Ghost Dance.

maybe you evasion in HO is lower than your ES, and it is not updating correctly when you enter a map.

Have you tried to disalocate and allocating Ghost Dance inside of a map ?

Ya i tried it in HO and map in game, i wonder what ghost dance is basing from because on both occassions my evasion was 14k and grace is activated upon entry, as per my image

also it doesnt automatically regen unless i use mines despite disallocation and allocation :/
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
Last edited by LeknaatTrueRune on Oct 30, 2021, 11:06:53 AM
perhaps ghost dance isnt working as it should
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
Not sure if this has been noted already
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
i invested some in regen and recharge rate but it seems it would be useless because of this bug?
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
Last edited by LeknaatTrueRune on Oct 31, 2021, 4:10:37 AM
now i start inconsistenly with 1k somtimes higher sometimes lower, this is a super weird bug
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.
GGG does read every thread in this section of the forum.

If you really want to make sure that they "see" it, you can always email and ask them to pass it on up.

This one has me stumped as well. Spent a bit of time looking over everything on that toon just to make sure, and nothing stands out for me. I am at a loss. I don't think i missed any possible causes.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Last edited by Aragorn14 on Oct 31, 2021, 7:07:28 PM
Aragorn14 wrote:
GGG does read every thread in this section of the forum.

If you really want to make sure that they "see" it, you can always email and ask them to pass it on up.

This one has me stumped as well. Spent a bit of time looking over everything on that toon just to make sure, and nothing stands out for me. I am at a loss. I don't think i missed any possible causes.

oh okay got it, ill email them as well. last time i emailed them about it was that they said they dont have technical support for the meantime but that was last league. Thanks for your advice.
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.

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