Communication and the Sacred Orb

Losing my forum cherry for this sinking ship of a game. 3 x rarer than an exalt, really? GGG have lost their fucking minds.

I can't even find the original teaser with this orb (it's just for reddit, as always, huh?), but everything around is already covered in whining!

May peace be with you, exile.
thefufuu wrote:
can you whiny loosers just leave the game already ... ???

they first will ruine this game and then they will move on to find another game to kill
IF it can drop and has great value to sell, not a care in the world what it does:)

Well it was long road with almost 15k hours in.

I was using blindfold for every dumb thing you did GGG and just enjoyed the game but i can´t do it anymore. I feel like i have to show you that some things are just wrong way.

I was quite hyped for those changes but nope. You should know that even those small things will have impact on how much players will play your game.

Many things you do are great news for the future of PoE but things like this orb should have no place or shouldnt be there until major problems are solved.

Do you really play PoE? like really how many exalts do you find outside region juiced farming that requires a LOT of time outside your game and is most likely non existent in ssf.

I´m going to skip all future leagues and even PoE2 that means I´m not gonna buy anything too until you adress real problems like trading is.

How you find fun having a need ot third party things to actually enjoy PoE. Even Neversink isnt perfect and sometimes disables drop for etc Bottled faith card dropped from crusaders and yet you add another need of filter check. Why don´t we drop only endgame bases in endgame. Why don´t we roll only top 3 tiers of mods on certain ilvl items? Why can´t daily missions be etc free simulacrum, map with multiple red beasts, full fuel for Niko, unique map of our choice or customizable rooms in alva that we can just set and go. Something that we can play when we have only few hours a day? Why don´t we have etc weekend global events like new monster randomly spawning in maps dropping some cool stuff to utilize our time on weekends?

There is so many questions and so many things that can be done to make your game more fun for everyone. PoE comumunity is getting short but yet you dont grow to fix it.

There are no midgame chase items. Everything is just about getting to suuper endgame where whole fun starts and as its not really a problem its getting really boring. I was hyped for new uber simulacrums and so but its just another endgame but you know what? endgame was ok and everything is getting much rarer that forces players to use even more trade.

I´m sad but i feel like i really have to do this. Good Luck and lets hope I can come back one day.

Last edited by Yokaptn on Oct 12, 2021, 5:44:35 AM
If they make the sacred orb 3 x rarer than an exalt then it needs to be either a guaranteed perfect roll or at least go higher than your current roll percentage.
Last edited by CHAM051 on Oct 12, 2021, 5:44:15 AM
Why is everyone freaking out at this orb? I don’t see you all freaking out about veiled chaos orbs or annulment orbs both of which are also rarer drops than exalted orbs, and with far better overall crafting functionality.
@Chriswilson I read through alot of posts and been very vocal in y opinion's on alot of things and mechanics to do with PoE I think as much as it might "hurt" personally as a Dev and the teams outlook and expectations on this game you need to realise that were the ones playing the game the most we are the ones buying and paying for skins and supporter packs and supporting the game financially we are the ones supposed to be getting excited to play the game and spend our money YET every league you hide the mechanics behind high gated drop rates, Boss behind high level chance of a map drop or a high spawn rate HOW IS A COMMUNITY OF PLAYERS expected to get excited and want to play if a vast majority of us go the entire league without experiencing the mechanic so we dont get to enjoy and love the league and all the mechanics it brings?????

it seems like GGG and Chris have kinda lost there way listening to Streamers and "HIGH" view count players for info on what they thing the game should bring because going on to podcasts then listening to a Streamer who has 150 hours a week to play Path of Exile and then they complain "the games too easy so i walked away"seems to be damaging the average player who only gets on abit after work or college/school etc etc

Drop rates in the current league its supposed to be occiated with should always have a decent drop rate so ppl can see what there all about and how the mechanic actually works and experience everything they game has to off in that perticualr league, other wise how is it any different than another league because you might not experience hardly any of the mechanics making it feel like last season league or the one before... THEN ONCE THE LEAGUE HAS ENDED adjust rate droops and stuff if it was too high or powerful, or if it wasnt keep them or tweek them slightly

i personally loved Expedition league, i likes the NPC's the logbooks i played a LOT of hours im not sure how many but i streamed on Twitch about 12 hours a day 7 days a week, i got around 300+ logbooks i think drop, ran about 100 of them over tier 81+ give or take to spawn Olroth in, i got his fight once and i got Ultred about 3 times the other i got afew times about 6 or 7 each which was a good amount, i got to experience the mechanics and the bosses which was nice which i personally feel is the reason i loved the league so much i played constantly up to about a month before the league ended and this wasnt because of anything GGG did or the game its just Call of Duty Season pass was ending and i needed a week to jump on to that finish it before the timer ran out.

anyways my point being is i played the shit out of PoE this league and i still didnt have alot of the league mechanics experience i wanted because i would have loved to fight Ultred and Olroth more and got my challanged done look at my season challanges level im 36 and 2 that im missing is CONDITIONAL OLROTH AND ULTRED and this is down to low chance of them dropping look internally at my stats chris you will see im not lying and i play way way way above the average player so how do you expect ppl to fall in love with he game and a league if you gate alot of the content behind high rate drops and stuff

UNFORTUNATLY this is clearly a product of 2 to 3 things GGG/Chris look at

1) the "BIG" streamers need to be enjoying the game as they feel there promoting the game and the league and if there not playing it it INFLUENCES ppl watching them not to play the league

2)The want the big streamers to feel like there challanged long enuff to they keep playing it on there channel and help to promote skins and MTX and stuff by making the drops higher rate, and giving a "longevity" to the game and league

3) they look at streamers and how good/easy they play the game and the mechanics and think this is the level of the average player, (unfortunatly i think this one is a massive influence when they make drop rate decisions)

personally as a average player, but has alot of time available to play the game i mostly enjoy the game when im getting the gear i need and able to push the content and farm and do bosses over and over, I think theres certain aspects of the game that are too hard for me iv never DEFEATED MAVEN but i think this is because iv only managed to fight her like 3-4 times in 2 leagues because you have to do 10 boss fights for 1 shard towards her map.... unless i bought them overpriced from trade, so i just gave up because it got too tidious to do all those fights for 1 or 2 shards towards a map

my overall point is unfortunatly 90% of streamers on twitch who stream PoE stream it because they ARE well above the average player and can do the mechanics but thats a "THEM" problem it should reflect on the majory of players who are just average at the game to satisfy the "high tier" players, they are alot less of them than us average guys
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial on Oct 12, 2021, 5:52:53 AM
Yokaptn wrote:
Well it was long road with almost 15k hours in.

I was using blindfold for every dumb thing you did GGG and just enjoyed the game but i can´t do it anymore. I feel like i have to show you that some things are just wrong way.

I was quite hyped for those changes but nope. You should know that even those small things will have impact on how much players will play your game.

Many things you do are great news for the future of PoE but things like this orb should have no place or shouldnt be there until major problems are solved.

Do you really play PoE? like really how many exalts do you find outside region juiced farming that requires a LOT of time outside your game and is most likely non existent in ssf.

I´m going to skip all future leagues and even PoE2 that means I´m not gonna buy anything too until you adress real problems like trading is.

How you find fun having a need ot third party things to actually enjoy PoE. Even Neversink isnt perfect and sometimes disables drop for etc Bottled faith card dropped from crusaders and yet you add another need of filter check. Why don´t we drop only endgame bases in endgame. Why don´t we roll only top 3 tiers of mods on certain ilvl items? Why can´t daily missions be etc free simulacrum, map with multiple red beasts, full fuel for Niko, unique map of our choice or customizable rooms in alva that we can just set and go. Something that we can play when we have only few hours a day? Why don´t we have etc weekend global events like new monster randomly spawning in maps dropping some cool stuff to utilize our time on weekends?

There is so many questions and so many things that can be done to make your game more fun for everyone. PoE comumunity is getting short but yet you dont grow to fix it.

There are no midgame chase items. Everything is just about getting to suuper endgame where whole fun starts and as its not really a problem its getting really boring. I was hyped for new uber simulacrums and so but its just another endgame but you know what? endgame was ok and everything is getting much rarer that forces players to use even more trade.

I´m sad but i feel like i really have to do this. Good Luck and lets hope I can come back one day.

At least try 3.16. I try every league and normally play them for around 10 weeks. Heist (5 weeks) and Expedition (2 weeks) are the only leagues I've quit pretty quickly. I'll never just not play a league launch, that's just dumb. But the rarity of this sacred orb is daft.
Last edited by CHAM051 on Oct 12, 2021, 5:49:04 AM
honestly i dont know why you GGG insist on making the game more and more clunky over the time.. from the start these new type superior type items solves nothing about the POE itemaztion they dont change the fact that items will be created by crafting there would still be 99.999999999999999% garbage shitty rare items dropping that no one wants to check them.. and then we are supposed to ignore rares now? only put on filter +10/20% base items and then craft on them? with the most clunky unclear spread into 10 benches crafting system in ARPG or in any game ?

and then you add that stupid orb that makes it dont matter at all anymore.. because we would just take an item craft the shit out of it and then eventually make it superior? you better think of better ways to fix items in PoE and if you cant i suggest you take a look at Last Epoch Exalted item system which has exalted tired that can only be found and not cafted or changed by crafting .. makes hunting for items really fun.. instead of picking milion useless rares and vendor them constantly for chaos/regal/exalted recip.... at this direction im losing hope again for this game..

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