Communication and the Sacred Orb

Totally unnecessary.

Problem: There isn't a problem
Solution: Sacred Orbs

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I just dnt understand why people downvoted the teaser post of this orb on reddit and why its the most downvoted posts ever POE made.

Oh I also dnt understand all the hate people on reddit making comments on the explanation posted.

I dnt also get why memes over this subject got over 2000 upvotes in few hours.

says Chris !!!!!

Now let me explain why for you.

simply put, its because you dnt know how to sell your product. and you still think your dealing with 10 year old kids who understand nothing .

well let me tell you that a 10 year old kid these days has much more access to knowledge than a 30 year old man 30 years back in time. and people really dive deep into this game and have more knowledge of it than most of your dev team.

having said that , you could have told the truth behind the reason of this orb, which I will gladly help you this time and explain it for people.

The only reason behind this orb is to cut the items shown by the Neversink filter to about 10 % , in other words as its known filters will not show white items even if they were good bases level , same way now filter will not show 90% of the items that drop because people know they dnt want to have a bad base to craft on , so they dnt pick it up , people will pick up only bases with rolls 18/20 to 20/20

in other words its a smart way of removing clutter drops for those who want to remove it, and at the same time its the cheapest and laziest way from designer perspective to reduce clutter.
now when you speak about the boost to defense these rolls will provide, its a joke in most cases and on most item slots, non the less still it will have its benefits on few bases, if it gives an extra 20% amour or ES.

finally if you want my opinion on this one, and on the game progression in general. what I see is the game reached a gr8 place in 3.13 then after that all your doing is shooting yourself in the foot and trying to put bandages on the wounds your inflicting on yourself.
I dnt see any problem if people gets good op perfect gear set over the duration of 3 month league where they will conclude the league happily and have a lot of achievements and fun.
not all people want to get challenged to the point where they hate themselves, some people want to have fun and explode things wipe screens of monsters feel powerful and fast vent their stress in this game etc, not stress over rolling a 6 link or an item till they lose all there currency and rage quit …

Simply because how stubborn you (Chris) and your vision philosophy is, I suggest you give people two options of game play.

1_ who want to get challenged hard can play as so in a hard mode.

2_ people who want to craft deterministically and have fun actually exploring
the game exploding mobs and running fast another mode an exploration mode.

then people wouldn't mind what ever barriers you want to put in the challenging mode while keeping the other mode fun to those who hate a challenge and want to simply explore and have fun.

I see how much work is put into this game , and I hope really really hope this negativity stops and these bad decisions stops and we go back to having fun and enjoying a game we like as we always did before 2021...

Great, another useless currency.

Might skip another for a 3rd time in a row.
This game has poor quality of life.

-Bad trading system (no built in trading platform),spending hours alt+tab for trade

-After tons of maps farming , and u have 1k,2k cards u need to manually click and trade to that purple lady (DUMB)

-splitter , orbs , frag , etc all you have to pick up manually , and they are not stack which you can pick all the stuffs on the floor with just 1 click / no auto pick up

To be honest, spending 1k hours in this game, 30% are doing dumb thing like I mentioned above.

We need quality of life .....
prankmaster wrote:
WhiteDragonRU wrote:
Vary values of defenses on items is bad idea, not as bad as immunities, but awful nonetheless.

All this outdated mechanics must stay is D2. Just like painfully small inventory.

At least GGG did not add item durability from D2 and a new currency called Enduring Orb, that repairs broken items . KEKW

Oh,please don't give them the idea,you know how much Chris love D2..
Is there anyway for us to check base defense value of a magic/rare/unique item without having to scour it first?
Ok, you made defense rollable by the player.
Why not with just by Divine Orb?
Innomen wrote:
This changes nothing. the real game is still outside gameplay. It's trade and third party exploitation, either streaming or discord or some other outside party/guild organization.

Nerfing auras will just make that number of elite cooperatives and system exploiters more rich and more rare.

Sure, making what those used to control the economy weaker is definitely 100% making it easier for them to control the economy. Makes perfect sense.

This game is becoming just a boring satire of what ignorant people think the real world is like.{/quote]

This sentence does not have any meaning if you don't provide context. And you have not provided any. But what you believe ignorant people think the real world is like is most likely not what I or anyone else thinks it is.

All the core problems with poe remain. Chief among which is a complete lack of reason to trust the dev team.

You talk about transparency but still no damage log. And so much is done behind the veil of server side calculation that it's simply foolish to trust the word of the dev team about anything.

Of course there are server side calculations, else cheating would be extremely easy. That has nothing to do with trust - but on that matter: Trust into what? Do you think they lie to you? For what and in what manner? That whole paragraph is again without any meaning if you don't provide context for what you actually try to say.

Every league is the same, and standard is frozen. A handful of professionals blast to lvl 100 in a matter of days and everyone else just serves them directly or indirectly by wage slaving through low content and selling stuff they'll buy in bulk to exploit some mechanic or market imbalance.

That is not my experience at all with the game. Let people play to lvl 100, what is the issue for you with that? And what has level to do with market control?

It's growing intolerable to play and sell knowing my wealth will simply flow upward to some wallstreet type "earning" more on the market in a day then I could playing for 5 years.

So your issue is that you are comparing yourself with someone who devotes his playtime to make currency and are envious? Why? Isn't it more important to have fun? And if you don't have that because you always have to think about "being exploited" (even though I find that laughable at best) go and play SSF.

It's insulting and disgusting and there's clearly no reason to expect that's gonna change.

How? As long as there is an economy in the game, that means player trading, you will have people that will try to earn more currency because it is fun to them. What do you even want?

I'm sure I'll still play, try out a build, slog around in scrubcore mode because I refuse to sign up for one of the actual soul crushing paths to late content, but I won't be spending money, and I'll be constantly hoping I can find some satisfactory replacement.

What soul crushing paths? What has that to do with anything you wrote above? Are you just complaining that you are not handed the whole game but actually have to improve your character in an ARPG to be able to best the endgame-bosses? Like, that is the whole game, the whole genre. If you think that is stupid, that is totally up to you, but why do you play such a game in the first place? I don't like FPS, so I don't play them. I don't complain that they are stupid because you need fast reflexes and good hand-eye coordination, which I lack.

Poe feels like a dented can of spinach in the apocalypse. I'm grateful to have it, but it's a miserable meal none the less.

Well, there is no apocalypse happening though and enough other meals available if you don't like it. I still don't understand what your issue is nor why you keep playing and now I'm nearly through your whole post.

Until trade, speed running, meta chasing, and streaming are nerfed, the game will essentially be casino like in it's newb trapiness and I will never recommend it to anyone I care about.

Why should trade be nerfed? Play SSF if you don't like it. Why should speed running be nerfed? That has literally no impact on your own play-experience. Why (and how) should meta chasing be nerfed? What do you mean with that even? That players play meta-buids? That GGG implements changes? Yeah, they of course hit meta-builds with these, but that is because meta is what is strongest or even too strong so naturally balancing will influence these. Why should streaming be nerfed? Is that still that baseless theory that streamers get more / better drops? If you really believe that, just start streaming. Be happy with your improved drop rate or come back and tell us why it didn't work for you...

All the rest is just claptrap and glitter meant to distract us from the perpetual core betrayal of selling out to a gigacorp and never lowering prices.

What prices? The cost you had to acquire this F2P-game? Not sure $ 0 can be made much cheaper tbh...

The tightest bind I have to this game is dead friends, old memories, and no real alternatives.

GGG doesn't deserve the honor of hosting their names in my friendlist. And it's disgraceful what a monument to greed this company has become.

Let me guess, deleted for "needless negativity." Probation or dogpiled by zealous fans in 3... 2... 1...

I guess you'll put me in the category "zealous fan", but really the issue is that you are putting way too much importance in a game. And this IS a game, nothing more. Just don't play it. Come back in 6 months or a year, see if you like it again. If you feel miserable playing I'm sorry to hear that - but from experience, complaining in the forum while still playing won't help with that. I have games myself that I feel like that when I open them. WoW is such a case. I go back to it every few years for a week or so before realizing that it still isn't and will never be the game I left, I think around 10 years ago. It just isn't and that is ok. There is so much more in this world, even if PoE has not competitor currently, there are other games, other hobbies. Do something you feel fulfilled afterwards, not miserable.
I ran out of popcorn reading all this.
"no view is wider than the eye"

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