eHP of old evasion vs new evasion, and how much easier it is to hit the evade cap (w/graphs)

Picksomecardz wrote:
This is all incredibly easy to fix, at least from a mathematical standpoint.

In 3.15 you could hit 95% evasion and 75% dodge. That's effectively a 98.75% chance to completely avoid damage at capped evasion and dodge. Simply change the evasion cap from 95% to 99%. You'll always have a small chance to get hit, but if you invest heavily in evasion, you'll end up with a slight avoidance buff from 3.15's evasion/dodge combo.

If you want to take it a step further, just change Wind Dancer to reduce damage by a percent of your evasion chance, i.e. you take (.5*evasion chance) % less damage if you haven't been hit recently. That way it can remain extremely strong for evasion based characters, and maybe even get a buff, and be useless for people that don't focus on evasion.

And did anyone actually hit 95 % evasion and 75 % dodge in 3.15 outside of doing it as a stunt?
Any analysis of evasion "ehp" without including wind dancer/dodge is fairly worthless, as is any that doesn't factor in high alpha damage and assumes that the damage is infinitely subdivided (90% evasion is worthless if you die every time you roll the 10%, as you will get hit eventually, so evasion doesn't actually increase your worst case ehp against large hits at all, just the averaged number of those instances of damage inflicted.)
There's no powercreep here. Creep implies it's slow and could be overlooked, this is a full out sprint.
DarthSki44 wrote:

I honestly cannot fathom how you can stay alive consistently in the endgame (even if/when they fix RT mobs), knowing the hits will land, and you will die.

I mean really, is there an answer aside from hoping you dont get hit during a susceptible period, which is 100% going to happen? (Especially with dodge gone)

7k life + lightning coil. thats unfortunately it, unless you are hybrid primary defence where you are ci + ev or armour + ev you basically get a coil and take all the life nodes or your build is shit.

thats been evasion in a nutshell since they added coil, i wanna say late 2013 which basically enabled pure evasion to be used by people not on suicide watch or using a legacy kaoms (which is still sort of shit compared to coil tbh).

Xyel wrote:

And did anyone actually hit 95 % evasion and 75 % dodge in 3.15 outside of doing it as a stunt?

it takes about 13k evasion + blind to hit 95% evasion as a raider, you have 55% base dodge chance and when your elusive procs you hit 75%.

so ya, it was actually really really easy to have capped evasion and dodge, virtually any decent raider build had it without even using vaal grace.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
cpurdy777 wrote:
Any analysis of evasion "ehp" without including wind dancer/dodge is fairly worthless, as is any that doesn't factor in high alpha damage and assumes that the damage is infinitely subdivided (90% evasion is worthless if you die every time you roll the 10%, as you will get hit eventually, so evasion doesn't actually increase your worst case ehp against large hits at all, just the averaged number of those instances of damage inflicted.)

this is true but its also worth noting how completely shit pure armour and pure es builds are because of the endless barrage of damage they take. builds that have no avoidance like evasion or block or dodge... you need some insane stats on your other defenses to make a builds defences work really well without some form of avoidance like that.

you say without factoring in dodge, dodge is also like evasion, it doesnt protect against 1 hits, and % for % its worse than evasion cause you can get unlucky and roll 3 hits in a row then die to some 3k damage shitter in a split second.

what evasion really needs to be paired with in order to be good in fairness is not dodge or block, it needs gigantic hp or physical damage reduction. dodge and block are just more forms of not taking damage until you do take damage and then get 1 shot.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Snorkle_uk wrote:
cpurdy777 wrote:
Any analysis of evasion "ehp" without including wind dancer/dodge is fairly worthless, as is any that doesn't factor in high alpha damage and assumes that the damage is infinitely subdivided (90% evasion is worthless if you die every time you roll the 10%, as you will get hit eventually, so evasion doesn't actually increase your worst case ehp against large hits at all, just the averaged number of those instances of damage inflicted.)

this is true but its also worth noting how completely shit pure armour and pure es builds are because of the endless barrage of damage they take. builds that have no avoidance like evasion or block or dodge... you need some insane stats on your other defenses to make a builds defences work really well without some form of avoidance like that.

you say without factoring in dodge, dodge is also like evasion, it doesnt protect against 1 hits, and % for % its worse than evasion cause you can get unlucky and roll 3 hits in a row then die to some 3k damage shitter in a split second.

what evasion really needs to be paired with in order to be good in fairness is not dodge or block, it needs gigantic hp or physical damage reduction. dodge and block are just more forms of not taking damage until you do take damage and then get 1 shot.

I mention dodge because it stacked multiplicatively with evasion at basically the same function with very little investment, so anybody with 50% evasion also generally had like 50% dodge, making their effective evasion/dodge combo at 75%, which should be taken into account for comparing now rather than just comparing raw evasion to raw evasion.

That's also why I mention wind dancer and the issues with evasion "ehp," it still doesn't prevent the worse case scenarios, just delay them. Wind dancer was basically a multiplier to EHP against one shots, just like life, so now evasion builds will need to stack even more HP/generic reliable mitigation to have the same survivability as before, despite appearing to have higher evade.
There's no powercreep here. Creep implies it's slow and could be overlooked, this is a full out sprint.
But still worse than dodge + evasion
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Exile009 wrote:
Phrazz wrote:
An evasion-to-evasion comparison is all fine and dandy, but most (soon-to-be-old) character were running around with close-to-capped evasion AND at least 50/50 dodge/spell dodge. While we get spell suppression instead of spell dodge, I don't think "easier-to-get evasion" is making up for capped dodge on top of evasion.

I think you overstimate how many people were actually running around with capped evasion. I suspect capped dodge was even more common than capped evasion but that's just a hunch. And keep in mind that in place of dodge evasion builds now can mix in all of the other defensive options since the Acrobatics penalty that forced you into going nothing but dodge is gone now (and with spell suppression on top, since it's apparently found on the same evasion nodes and gear).

You're probably right. Hell, we'll probably see hybrid armor/evasion characters with the new versatile combatant, managing to almost cap evasion, a decent chunk of armor and 50/50 block.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
P.S.:- For info about how evasion also protects you from crits, see here -

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