Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time

If party play is really the issue, wouldn't a simpler solution be something like the following effects on aura skills, baseline;

- Aura's have 25% less effect on Party Members (other players and their minions)
- Aura's have 10/15% less effect on You AND Party Members for every Party Member beyond the first.

So essentially in two player content, you and your minions get full effect, your partner and their minions gets 75% of your aura's total effect.

3 player group, you and your minions get 90/85% effect, your party gets 65/60%. With 4, you get 80/70%, and party gets 55/45% effect.

So in full groups, the aurabot's efficacy is cut in half more or less, while preserving aurastacking characters efficacy.

Not that there aren't problem's with aurastacking, but from what I've seen, keep in mind I am fairly casual player, aurastacking is broken with particular skills, like the blade spells.

The changes as they are seem harsh for aurastackers. Aurabot's require no self sufficiency. Stacking aura's to use a particular skill with self sufficiency is an opportunity cost. This is even more true with non-minion aurastacking.

TLDR; addressing aurabots should impact aurabots more than it impacts aurastackers. These changes seem to be the inverse.
JBID145 wrote:
If party play is really the issue, wouldn't a simpler solution be something like the following effects on aura skills, baseline;

- Aura's have 25% less effect on Party Members (other players and their minions)
- Aura's have 10/15% less effect on You AND Party Members for every Party Member beyond the first.

So essentially in two player content, you and your minions get full effect, your partner and their minions gets 75% of your aura's total effect.

3 player group, you and your minions get 90/85% effect, your party gets 65/60%. With 4, you get 80/70%, and party gets 55/45% effect.

So in full groups, the aurabot's efficacy is cut in half more or less, while preserving aurastacking characters efficacy.

Not that there aren't problem's with aurastacking, but from what I've seen, keep in mind I am fairly casual player, aurastacking is broken with particular skills, like the blade spells.

The changes as they are seem harsh for aurastackers. Aurabot's require no self sufficiency. Stacking aura's to use a particular skill with self sufficiency is an opportunity cost. This is even more true with non-minion aurastacking.

TLDR; addressing aurabots should impact aurabots more than it impacts aurastackers. These changes seem to be the inverse.

There was plenty of solutions as usuals. I'm sure blizzard is behind that since few leagues. (Internally).
Primaeus wrote:
impulze3 wrote:

I played this build for 5 leagues now, improving it bit by bit every league.
About 15-20 mirrors of stuff, soon to be obsolete.

I feel you bro, I've been working for 10 leagues my aurabot support build. Before delirium it was not really good.

i skiped Delve and Betrayal (work) but since Ritual, i play standard. I was using an entire league simply to upgrade my build in standard.

on Xbox, market looks like SSF for most part. Min maxing like i do, i was alone.

-My Victario took 57x T3 corrupt over 10 months.
-about 169x T3 corrupt for clusters (2 months in glennach)
-Helm had 45 minutes to craft it at the end of Ultimatum (so not exactly like i would need but OK for xbox),
-Shield was in standard few weeks ago with 80x suffix cant be changed and add an extra mod shaper/redeemer beast craft. was trying to get 250+ES end up perfect LOL.
-sceptre: harvest

Proud of what i did, nerfs will hurt but i hypothetically estimate to use 8 aura and 1 banner (CI).. we will see. (aul uprising, 1 or 2 wurm ring.?.)


I only did 1 MS in my life, and it was on that perfect pair of boots. worth it. (one of my friend)

crafted theses clusters.. wasnt using them anymore... but ill see what happen to medium cluster jewel after the patch.


overall nerfs, unfortunatly, seems too big as a buff for people. All builds will be much more stronger than befor because of the aura reworks and how its easy to get 50% reduction.

We had to invest a lot to get something, now with minor investment you get the main auras you want. Well no big deal but the game is getting much more easier.

so i assume we will see in parties offencive and defencive aurabot instead of only 1 person that do everything.

last note: feels bad for everyone that have bought MTX for aura, specialy 15-20 invisible buffs effect. it looks like they steal our money. Still no big deal, but it's multiple details like this + time invested in something that makes people mad.

damn thats some nice gear, legacy es with rmr, same goes with the emperor jewels.

i feel like this whole aura nerf is just a sacrifice to appeal to the toxic reddit crowd. just like how they banned empy as pr stunt.
Very cool mirror Service:
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lol any bufs ? ... :)

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Last edited by smileys on Oct 9, 2021, 12:16:23 PM
Phish wrote:
TizeNO wrote:
Paulwrath wrote:
Personally I dislike the reduction to Aura Stackers. It felt like a good trade off in strength and weakness to have a character that is nearly helpless on it's own but invaluable to a party. What I dislike(d) is aura stackers that managed through gear(even expensive gear) to have substantial damage dealt of their own. I kind of feel like if you are going to be. . ."selfless" enough to make a character that only buffs and deals no damage you shouldn't be penalized for it.

I can understand wanting to nerf nigh unkillable characters with insane DPS(the high end) but feel like there could have been some way to do it without gutting true supports that invest a lot into protecting and buffing their party.

Totally agree.

I totally agree.

dont kill party play. some people like playing as a supporting roll. its who they are.

lol, you guys should chill.

let's be real: this game doesn't have any meaningful party play whatsoever. if it's unorganized variant, everyone just follows the quickest guy while he kills stuff and that's it because clearspeed is too different, or its carry+aurabot, carry kills and support guy follows. not to mention that aurabots trivilized the gameplay & this gameplay is a joke. nothing to lose here to be honest.

it's not even d3 variant, where every party member has very distinctive roles: wave clearer, boss killer, supps that do crowd control: gameplay is more clean, expressive. i'm not talking about other games, where party play at least have some groundwork: healers, tanks, dps. so i would suggest you to wait till developers will rework party play, shared progression, guilds (some changes will be in 3.17).
dead game
bring back 3.13
Perfect! GGG <3
Bazkur98 wrote:
Might of been nice if EE allowed you to stack an exposer or increased exposer effectiveness. As is, I'm not sure when you'd use it any more unless you were pathing pass it anyway and your build just happened to need an exposure source.

Otherwise I like the changes!

Honestly EE doesn't feel like EE anymore; might as well call it something different. As in, where's the EQUILIBRIUM in having no downsides? It's also kinda weak now. I guess it'll be taken by elemental builds which pass next to it anyway, might as well make it a notable
Aisoi wrote:
DeadManx29 wrote:
What a joke.. this was how me and my fiancé enjoyed playing the game, as dps + auras together. That was our fun. Supports exist in other games.. POE isn't a group friendly game unless you're all specialized to certain roles. I don't understand all the hate and want, to nerf shit into oblivion, especially when it doesn't even affect you as another player. You all had to bitch and whine so much, to ruin the fun of others. Again..
Boy I can't wait to see this launch.

Yeah :( *Am the fiancé here* .. I play Aurabot, because I'm not very good at finding gear for myself or dps (The OP of this post, my fiancé is the person who helps me with all my gear <3) .. so I like to help him via Aurabot. He loves this game a lot (has almost 3500 hrs in the game by himself), and I love him a lot!, so I play Aurabot to help him enjoy the game to the maximum. Because who doesn't like loads of DPS? It's fun for us to just zoom around, enjoying each others company in game, because we can't enjoy each others company in real life (Stupid covid..)
I have a feeling that we're going to have to jump ship from PoE and find something else to play, because it just won't be enjoyable anymore.
Too many people are complaining about this, when they don't even play with an Aurabot.. or are effected by it.. they're just hating on the subject because they don't have a person to play with and because they see some HCSFF streamer complaining about the subject, which also doesn't effect them. :(
It's really sad that these people are taking joy in taking away the fun from other people.
PoE was the first game that we played together that we actually fully enjoyed the complexity, the builds and each others company. I've put literally 1200 hours into this game.. as an Aurabot.
Thanks GGG and everyone else for ruining the time that I get with my fiancé because you want to whine about a game aspect you never partake in.

Oh drop the complaints. The build isn't completely dead, it just isn't as powerful as before, because the build gave far too mcuh power which was unbalancing the game, and which meant content had to be made harder for all players to compensate.

If you choose to continue playing, you will probably have to lose 3 or 4 auras out of the 10+ you are running, but seriously do you need every buff in the game to be able to play?

When a mechanic becomes open to abuse or far too powerful by comparison to all of the othes in the game, they will change it.
Aurabots had a good long run, now they just aren't quite so reidiculously powwerful as they were before.
i also lost godly mirror chars in the past to changes.

Like what?
Chico1988 wrote:
I really need someone to explain the new aura efficiency, because I didn't get how it is better at low investment, worse at high.

Now I fell sorry for the guy who loves aurastacking (no irony). I didn't like the way they initially gutted it, as it was transformed in a build almost exclusive to high investment, and I have fond memories of doing a weak version of it at ssf and having loads of fun. Having your favorite build being not viable at all is hard to deal, as I felt that this league.

It sounds like with mana reservation reduction, the effect got progreesively stronger, but with mana efficiency the effect gets progressively weaker.

1% less reservation form 100% is 1% of total, but 1% less mana reservation if you already have 50% less is actaully 2% of the total remaining, so the higher you could stack it, the moreeffective it gets.

I dont understand exact mechanic for efficiency yet, but it sounds like it starts strong and gets progreesively weaker so you eventually reach the law of diminishing returns where it is no longer worth investing in.

Basically more auras for players who dont run many and fewer auras for players that run lots, which seems quite fair.

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