Path of Exile 3.16 Balance - Part 3 - Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time
i am pretty glad about the way you guys from GGG presented these changes and the aproach you chose i love the game (even in 3.15 btw)
now there are changes i love (base defences/flasks/ accesibilty of block on tree/ all the aura changes/ immunities on auras- OMG i loved that so much) but there are some im a little bit sad about: when you first made ascendacies your original goal was to introduce some key elements to make each class stand out and be unique and feel different and have their own playstyles. But then you start taking those unique elements from them and you say that you have to do it so its fair because its just too strong - why did elemntalist lose his prolif ? why did inqusitor have to take the hit ? why are you now removing ghost shrouds from trickster ? wouldnt it make more sense to idk ...tune down some numbers or bring up defeces on the other classes up ? i also want to point out/ask about the EO change, there are some skills that cant crit or to put it better they dont have base critically strike chance and its really difficult to make them work without EO and using some secondary source that enables it - take Doryanis touch for example - awesome and unique skill but there is no crit for it and using crit gem to put a cheap bandaid or assasins mark isnt the prettiest way to solve that and i hoped for a way to solve that issue if you read this far i want to say Huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this game as i dont really play much games and i am very picky i want to thank everybody in GGG for everything they have dont however small it was beacuse they made this game possible and i think you deserve more then those hate comments ive seen when i looked in this thread you are human too so i want you to feel proud you did a good job :D now for the angry redditors waiting to tear me to shreds when they see this ...cya XD |
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" You may be too young and/or unexperienced in business terms to understand how this works so let me try to explain it briefly. PoE is a very complicated Diablo-like ARPG. This means it has a kinda huge learning curve, which leads to a power creep which correlates with Dunning–Kruger effect. In other words. Streamers will drop mirrors. You will see expensive builds that oneshot the entire screen and it looks so cool with MTX. Racers complete acts in 3 hours, 2 hours or even less. There is a bunch of concept that will trick you into purchasing microtransactions and keep playing the game. But there is a problem. As you learn how a system works, you progress on the ladder. This means you will become an economically reliable person and as time passes you will have larger and larger effect on the in-game market yourself. Why is this a problem? Well, the more people bursting out of this "power creep", the worse the income becomes. This is naturally how marketing works. And that's the reason why a mirror is worth that much. That's also the reason we get new major patches every 3 months (leagues). Everything in this world is based on money. Yes, Path of Exile is a non-paytowin ARPG, and I'm very thankful to it for being one. Even though stash tabs are almost mandatory to have. I see you have not done many challenges this league (17) and you don't have any supporter packs purchased either. So let me tell you a simple example to understand. For example they restored the legacy values of Energy Shield, meaning that we're back to the normal (~20% higher) values that we have ALWAYS had before (they've just reduced it recently this year). More defense, all good. On the other hand they remove Vaal Grace (34-75% chance to not take damage for 15-30 seconds, strongest and easy-to-obtain defense mechanic almost since version 1.0). They remove 4-6% increased defences per 100 str from Mask of The Tribunal (it did not bother anyone since Synthesis league literally). Etcetera... And if you start counting on your hands, they nerfed the defenses in 3.16 more than what we currently have, it just sounds good. Why is that? To keep you in the power creep. I did not complain about Harvest because I'm not a crafter. I did not complain about Delirium because I also think aurastacker should be removed. I did not complain about minion nerfs because I only had minion build in Blight. I did not complain about Expedition because I could still play with my friends in a party. Now I'm leaving this game as GGG has finally got my favorite build and playstyle with their endless cycle of "designing Path of Exile to be played forever". In the end you have 2 solutions. Do something you like in the game (most humans can't avoid this because, well, we are humans) OR always play something else and eventually become a brainless consumer. This is the 2 options you have, and don't seek an answer for your EO nerf question, the one I gave you is the full and only reasonable behind-the-scenes response. Cheers. You will get used to it by time my friend. I hope that helped, have a nice day. Last edited by Rahdur#2239 on Oct 9, 2021, 2:59:14 PM
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" Aura stackers didn't even exist until Delirium, so it definitely hasn't been 4 years. Aurabots will still have a place post-nerfs, but aura stackers are definitely toast. Aura stacking already isn't that great in-league. |
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i am deeply disappointed in the feedback thread to the manifesto (seriously how are some people in this community so ... to post 90+ pages of meaningless drivel like "POGGGERS i love you GGG, GG!" or " F... YOU! GGG" ) how is any of this meaningful feedback and encourages a discussion people can follow? i gave up to read most of the feedback posts, so apologies again, if this has been answered before. If i understand correctly the medium Auraeffect-Clusters get removed and are replaced by small AuraReservation-Efficiency-Clusters that can have 1 notable granting 10% aura-effect on you and maximum 2 small passives with 6% Aura-Reservation-Efficiency. that gives 10% x9 = 90% Auraeffect on you with 9x2x6%(more with 35%-effect mod) = 108% ReservationEfficiency on 3 voices with 3 small auraclusters each. as far as i understand the maximum aura-effect from clusters was 21%(6%+6%+3x3%) x3x3=189% with 3 voices setup. Is the extra 99% (at the high end, should be lower to reach only 300% aura effect) really so hard to make up with a proper glorious vanity or a 4th and 5th voices/largeCluster and the now available additional points, that dont have to go into a cluster? it should still be possible to reach 300% aura effect for yourself and the reservation on the small clusters will help to fit the auras in (though the new reservation-system is kind of bad for aura stackers, it is positive in the aspect, that any build can now find reservation-efficiency in cluster jewels instead of only in specific positions on the tree). Therefore i think aurastackers are still alive (though not in a great spot for the investment they require towards the power they grant). Did i understand the manifesto correctly or am i missing something obvious and someone can explain to me why they think aurastackers are dead? |
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" Sorry to answer short, I'm mobile, but check how much of the planned efficiency would be needed instead of reduced reservation to cover a part of auras compared to before, the graphs are out there. To me it looked like 1000+ efficiency might cover 90% of the RMR function, so pretty much not gonna happen. And all that to limit the influnce of bots affecting team members... |
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" You're right it does get MORE effective but here's the real nature of the nerf. Say you're running 100% reduction (which is the most expensive possible setup in the game short of a mirrored legacy kaom's heart which isn't even AVAILABLE in league). Yes you can run ALL the reservation skills in the game simultaneously short of certain other limitations like... skill sockets banner limits passive tree limit (which NO other build has this problem as strongly since to min max a stacker you have to stretch to NOT ONLY every efficiency node in the tree but to EVERY. POSSIBLE. JEWEL SOCKET YOU CAN. YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO HIT LEVEL 100 IN A GAME WITH A DEATH EXP PENALTY TO TRULY MAX A STACKER So what happens when you go from 100% to 99% reduction? With JUST the % based auras you go from 0% reserved to not quite 9.5% total reserved. Not that bad right? Except again that's JUST the % based auras. Not including banners, blasphemies (because curse limit), or flat value reservation (i.e clarity, precision) OR the BASTARDINGLY high arrogance multiplier for life reservation for the skills that won't fit in just mana. So what happens when you drop the reservation max to 90% with those same auras? NINETY FOUR PERCENT TOTAL RESERVATION. Good fucking luck surviving on 6% of ANYTHING in this game, and that's of course with that final bit of salt in the wound that like ye olde AOE nerf of the same mentality the overall nerf at the top end will likely be way more than 10% of max. |
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" People like you are why blizzard is a joke. Deadass people like you were celebrating the gutting of support monks in D3 and oh would you look at that their idea of an expansion anymore is 15 dollars for a new character class and they became a laughingstock over a cell phone sequel. "Easy mode" you ever try farming up mirrors worth of gear? What's the point in gearing character in ARPG if it basically turns into a touhou game at the end? Even the big name streamers don't avoid that shit 100%. FFS one of mathil's most famous clips is literally the spam use of a logout macro to avoid hardcore deaths. So yeah "avoiding random one shots" has less to do with game knowledge and more to do with what amounts to rage quit efficacy. I did find a new game, it's called poe and I found it after D3. Maybe I'm just tired of idiots ruining shit in the name of "balance and fairness" especially when the reason for balancing is asinine. After all the entire rationale for nerfing aurastackers is because SUPPORT HAS A ROLE IN EFFICIENT PARTY PLAY. That's literally it. You wanna see easy mode? Cyclone headhunter on any mass spawn content like legion. |
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" P.S. was here almost a full year before you. YOU find a new game. |
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Great job on the changes to the mana reservation. I really liked it.
The Elemental Overload rework on the other hand seems so ugly and confusing. The fact that it only affects ailments seems misleading (it took me a while to realize it ends up only affecting ignite). The fact that it interacts differently with different skills depending on the hit rate and crit chance is also so weird. I really don't see the problem with the original version. It was such a simple and good keystone that offered a great alternative to crit builds. Now we have to take the keystone and (depending on the skill) still get some crit? Whats the point?! If you were worried about "builds not being able to get it" maybe the solution would be to create a way for us to access keystones that are far on the passive tree (like the amulet anointments does for notables). Aside from that: I enjoyed most of the changes and I'm looking forward for the release. =) |
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