The Schematic: A Fundamental Change to Crafting

The current system is not broken so don't try to fix it.

The current system is not broken so don't try to fix it.

No one called the current system "broken." Rather, there's a portion of the player base who doesn't like certain features of the current system. This side-system would let those players play a little bit more the way they like. That is all.

Don't worry. If you like to gamble, you still can.


i like the concept.

I would be happy if there was just a way to get the socket colors needed. Then i would like them to increase currency drops so we dont need to create low level characters to farm.
+1 . Your idea is new and cool. There are some things that need to be ironed out but it presents an alternative to the current system.

quoting chris:

"If there was a vendor recipe to guarantee six linked sockets if you traded in 1500 fusings, would you use it?

Edit: I'm not saying it takes 1500 fusings to get six linked sockets :P"

I know that the quote doesn't directly address the issue at hand but it shows that they have also been thinking of various alternatives, so they might be open to cool suggestions like this one here.

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the real main reason I like this is that new people won't be wasting all of their currency trying to get a 6 link/socket on a level 35 two hander (my friend quit after that happened) and on the other side of the same coin, this seems to remove the chance of using 1 jewelers and 1 fusing and getting a 6 link which is possible, if highly unlikely.

I like the idea of knowing what I'll get and not going broke breaking an item I was using. the hardcore crazies will hate it though, would make me laugh if they made this in default and left hardcore in the current system. = )
the other thing that I love about this idea is that currently trading for an upgrade will almost always cost far less than crafting one, with this system I feel I could craft what I wanted knowing what it would cost and not feel like I'm wasting money (currency) on a chance at a better item.

and currently trading is a bigger time suck than all of world of warcraft. so I think either this system or public trade stash tabs need to happen soon. people leave this game because of a lack of a cohesive system such as this.
I like this idea as a base.

The total currency cost of a known result should be higher than the average cost of a random result.

This is because the average person has a greater fear of losing than they have a desire for winning (theres a few studies and experiments showing this).

If a 6L schematic (which I assume would already require a 6S item to use it on) was about as common as 2 GCP drops then needed fusings to "power" it, the number of fusings should be greater than 308 (the average number of fusings to get a 6L, iirc).

This would create risk/reward tension in the player quite nicely.

One consideration is the amount of stashspace that might be taken up with schematics.

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If a 6L schematic (which I assume would already require a 6S item to use it on) was about as common as 2 GCP drops then needed fusings to "power" it, the number of fusings should be greater than 308 (the average number of fusings to get a 6L, iirc).

Yeah, that's the basic idea. The total number of fusings was left out intentionally, so as not to tie an idea like "make getting a 6L easier" to an idea that's really about addressing the manner in which some folks psychologically absorb risk. But if I were asked for a specific proposal, it would look like:

Schematic. + N items representing the 50% percentile probability of the event (the middle point) + Surcharge, where Surcharge equals whatever the devs feel is appropriate. It really doesn't have to be much, because any number > 50% will ensure that the Schematic is a bigger currency sink on average than the current system. Note that in one variation of the design, schematics don't disappear after use, they just lose their accumulated level. So that "Surcharge" could be converted into an in-game priming concept. So how about:

Find Schematic

Prime the Schematic
Level the Schematic
Apply Schematic to Item (and delevel Schematic)

The last 3 items in the list could be repeated again and again.

The idea is somewhat interesting, I like the approach to have a more deterministic way of obtaining valuable gear...

what worries me ismaking itthrough another "dropped item"(if i understood correctly the schematic thing) ..

would be cool to make the schematics as a high level side-quest reward for example
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...what worries me is making it another "dropped item" ...

Whether it drops or not, how common such drops are, whether it is vendor procurable, or even if it is reconfigurable or not are all things that don't particularly matter. That's a design decision for GGG to deal with, if they like the idea at all.


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