Path of Exile: Ultimatum Announcements and Path of Exile 2 Showcase

Will the past league reward changes be made in Standard when the league starts?
The game looks great for sure. Almost epic. But if the monster had more interaction with certain elemental status like shock effect with a short stun like effect or ignite with reaction of fear etc would make it more interactive and lively and interesting. Maybe interaction reaction with melee attacks.

Lightning strike should be change into a spear skill that throws your spear and chain a certain amount of times. That would be cool as hell. The Gáe Bolg, a cursed spear similar effect.

POE 2 cool as hell
No core changes to trade/crafting. They need massive changes to builds in order to make me at least try this league (not fond of the same builds for several leagues in a row and the loss of variety due to the harvest murder).
See you in poe2.
Wow... both POE2 and Ultimatum look amazing.

For Ultimatum, very thought out and useful reworks to the Lab and other reward improvements.

Well done, can't wait! :)
b4timert wrote:
I got the item and claimed it on twich it even show i got it but it isnt in my in game inventory.

Do i need to wait a few more hours to get it since there is to many to prosses at the same time or do i need to do something?

Did you link you accounts?
It's just harvest 3.0

This game sucks right now
Love the balancing changes to league items, got very sick of the "everything drops everywhere" path the game was taking with 1 clear thing that is always better to grind than everything else.

POE2 looks interesting so far, but we will see. Much to early to judge on a gfx showcase.

New league mechanic is epically disappointing Ritual was boring to say the least and its just another form of ritual with a slight rework on how you get loot... It looks pretty much designed annoy players, either you will hate it because your build cant get all the rewards, or you play some OP meta build and hate the wait to clear every wave.
Due to the value and power level of the items contained within, this is the rarest Reliquary Key ever added to Path of Exile.

its just green, and same shitty items. cant see any greatness from being green whyle being same items, and we could make shield atleast shaped wich looks way cooler and build enabling for more power
what you mean rarest `? droping them ? vaal items nobody gives any s about them. and i mean real players not those hideout sitters who just flip day and night..

ahah cadiro.. why cadiro sitll gives 3 chisels in perandus manor ? why cadiro gives alcs on tier 16 maps from tier 11+ too

poe 2 level of detail was nice. eye resting nice. but that second crossbow is just arrow nova and all skills fired up and wait them to land is just shit in my perspective. dot damages aswell. anit nobody got time to wait to poor bastard bleed out . its giving more carpal tunnel than actual straight forward shooting without mirage archer. mirage archer should be stronger and way faster wich would give rangers more defence, but hey. we all know that every build is strong when using headhunter. and ggg dont care. i close my eye
i need a real break.
fk archnemesis.
too bad POE2 has to wait
I hate nerfs. I agree they are needed but there should be put extra effort so they dont need to be large. After alternative quality nerfs my build lost 8 times damage and 8 times toughness. That feel terrible. There is no chance to be even close to this now. I just dont have incentive to play.

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