Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Incarcerated wrote:
yeah so fun to get perfect gear in 2 days and ruining league

Is THAT problem?

You have no other games or stuff IRL to do? It's just a game. Game must be fun. I know that 'fun' is very different for all of us, but why exactly a somebody 'fun' must be cutted?

Harvest is powerful... because other 'crafting' sourse are not or less powerful. So, maybe they should rethink all crafting procesess or phylosophy entirely?

About two days ago I had imprudence of pressing 'show all loot' button after harbinger encounter on well rolled t16 map with beyond mod. Game just freezed about a two second. For every time I pressed the button, because amount of loot that names was rendered is insane. More insane is how many worth drop I had in the end. Nothing. Besides currency shards I have nothing to pick up.

This is a problem, not actual craft in gambling world.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
DoEFotGS wrote:
Incarcerated wrote:
yeah so fun to get perfect gear in 2 days and ruining league

Is THAT problem?

You have no other games or stuff IRL to do? It's just a game. Game must be fun. I know that 'fun' is very different for all of us, but why exactly a somebody 'fun' must be cutted?

Harvest is powerful... because other 'crafting' sourse are not or less powerful. So, maybe they should rethink all crafting procesess or phylosophy entirely?

About two days ago I had imprudence of pressing 'show all loot' button after harbinger encounter on well rolled t16 map with beyond mod. Game just freezed about a two second. For every time I pressed the button, because amount of loot that names was rendered is insane. More insane is how many worth drop I had in the end. Nothing. Besides currency shards I have nothing to pick up.

This is a problem, not actual craft in gambling world.

check dude's account and you'll have your answers
i dont have time to play 12 hours a day i dont know why you do this =(
macacodoido32 wrote:
check dude's account and you'll have your answers

I don't need to check something. This is not about gear they, or I, have. This all about mentality.

GGG don't play they own game a long time right now. Exalt slam was a thing maybe at Perandus-Prophecy leagues and even then required some knowledge to not being a stupid move. Because of how poor 'craft' is. It's never be a craft. It's stupid gambling that nobody likes.

Torchlight series, and Last Epoch right now, have NPC that sell random things. You can see only base type, rarity and stats will rolled after you purchase one of that things and not before. It's called 'gambling' at 2009. And this gambling is PoE 'craft' system.

I don't played Diablo 2, I just have no PC in that time. I'm not share all the feeling that GGG have in mind for all awfull stuff like trade 'system'. PoE have no trade system. And we now in 2021, not in 2000.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
Here's what we've learned from the "experiment" that was harvest league:

1) Most people would much rather play darts with the lights on.
2) People get really mad when you turn the lights back off again.

I'm really glad I had such a wonderful time during harvest league, but I could have told them all that and saved everyone the bother.

Oh well, next we get to watch the third and final lesson of harvest league play out:

3) You cannot intentionally undermine the greater part of your player base while you simultaneously depend on those same players to pay your bills.

It won't work.

...Especially after players realize they're just fodder for a vampiric elite class.

Games are supposed to be fun, and being forced to succumb to the whims of the elite in order to perpetuate an economy which is intentionally broken on their behalf is not fun.

That's WAY WAY WAY too close to most of our real lives. Why would we want to "escape" to that world in a game?

"Doing what they did" in order to "be one of them" and have a decent shot at crafting something even remotely usable is also not fun for most players, even when they DO have 16+ hours per day to play PoE. It's no more fun than working your way up a corporate ladder in real life. Not everyone is cut out for that, either.

Really, what this is all about is autonomy: they don't want us to have any. They want us to be totally at the mercy of no-lifers so that the economy can "stay fixed" for them.


Last edited by Obright#1785 on Mar 16, 2021, 10:54:17 PM
I don't have time to play a lot of this game ... but changes like this just make me sad. The deterministic side of Harvest crafting made crafting in this feel more approachable for me and less of this secret club that you had to know the right password to get in to.

Now it just feels like GGG wants there to be LESS reasons to do Harvest crafting and interacting with the content, rather than MORE reasons.

Why not just move some of the deterministic crafting options to other types of content? Or just limit them a little?

Maybe try tuning one knob at a time?
Tenkei is stopping most POE content creation because of community backlash to Harvest nerf. Didn’t have to happen. Congratulations GGG on hanging out in your ivory tower. Keep up the lack of communication addressing the fire raging in your forum threads.
Incarcerated wrote:

If you had perfect gear after 2 days, you were playing standard.

Nobody had perfect gear in 2 days on Standard either, which makes that even more of a joke.
Holding out for huge compensatory buffs to under-utilized skills that need mirror-tier gear in order to be viable (ie. most of them).

Either that or going back to playing the first ~2-3 weeks and stopping due to currency inflation, prohibitively-expensive build-enabling uniques, redundant metas revolving around broken mechanics and skills like Valdo harby farming with BV HH builds, currency bots etc etc. Ya know: the stuff they should actually be paying attention to. > 200 active skill gems (a guess) and we got BV, Cyclone, Carrions, CoCSpri (me), Wanders, BF/BB, some Slams, and Aura Stackers as builds that "work". 200 of these dang gems and like 20 of them will get you through red maps.

Harvest, as it is now, gives people with 50+ ex budgets (probably around 5% of the playerbase, if that, just a guess) the ability to craft 200 ex items sometimes, but it also gives people with 5-10 ex budgets (probably the average) the ability to craft 10-20 ex items usually. People with the cash will probably go back to just slamming their rares like GGG wants. Me though? Heck no! I'd rather look at 3 ex in my stash than slam one and brick my belt with tier 6 stun/block recovery. Or my Elder Bleed Bow with T3 Lightning Damage. Or take my 6 ex and buy a Shavs or something.

Feels kinda lame that they're nerfing harvest into oblivion, a mechanic that helps mid-tier players more than others, while they're introducing and ignoring economy-warping mechanics that usually only 1% of players can afford/set up (intstacking wanders, HH, Maven orbs, etc.).

I recognize the game is not supposed to be easy; none of us signed up for a coast-through, theme park-esque ride game. That's D3. But, this seems like a lot of misplaced priorities.

Why isn't the baseline for a skill/ascendancies performance to be able to finish a T10 map, without dying, with a decent setup (T3 life all gear, cap res) in less than 4 minutes while also scaling into endgame? With an average machine ($1000 maximum) and 100 ping?

400+ pages of vitriol bashing the thought of slamming exalts should indicate some level of disconnect right? Just my $0.02.
Even Ignoring the harvest changes GGG overly catering to the 1% elites is gonna be there downfall mark my word.

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