Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I want to kms after reading this manifesto :)
Zaraky wrote:
fatelessguy wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:
To GGG i will remind some things about harvest :

Making an item requires you to go through 5 layers of RNG !!

Trading crafts is what makes it fast to achieve god tier items !!

Make a good decision for once because this will decide if players a gonna continue to support you in the future !!

Why do you talk for all players i wonder?

I stopped supporting with all the character power they introduced, and now i gonna start support again, cause i welcome changes which make gearing slower.

The worst practice is to talk for "all" or talk for "majority". Talk for urself.

Are you serious? If you enjoy farming for month and not being able to complete one build, enjoy. They should just make a "extreme" softcore and hardcore league where everything drop 99.9% less then you'd have a damn blast playing this game rofl.

If I could enjoy this game, craft what I want when I need to, make build that are fun to play and mix-max them over reasonable time, it would be the perfect game, sadly,. I have a life and PoE is too much of a work simulator then an actual game to enjoy.

You might be surprised to see the number of people who actually support this change. Players get tunnel vision. They see only their perspective and assume it is shared by all.

When GGG first put PoE out, we did not have all of the crafting options we do now. No veiled items, no masters, no crafting bench, no fossils, etc...And this was when the game was purest to the original vision.

This is also when many people fell in love with the game, and many of us are still around. Many would love to see the game return to its roots in some form by taking away an aspect that made the game much easier than desired.. And many of us are happy to see GGG acknowledge that they have gone astray and backpedal knowing full well they are about to take a lot of shit as well as possibly lose some players.

I am not saying any one opinion on the matter is wrong, I am simply saying that not one person should ever assume to speak for another, because at that point, they then become wrong. I too plan to resume my support, IF they stick with this decision come 3.14
Last edited by SqueakyToyOfTerror#0940 on Mar 16, 2021, 2:34:13 PM
Madrox213 wrote:
Hats off to you GGG for finally taking a step in the right direction! Harvest made it WAY TO EASY to get all the the end game gear. It should be removed from the game entirely but this is a decent start!

Yeah your gear is so OP, lol.
OdinNguyen wrote:
NaeRei wrote:
I never managed to get into crafting, for you see i am just your average player that makes a handful of exalteds each league, only trade what i need for whatever build i am using that league, so whatever currency i end up with feels far too hard to earn to simple waste it on a convoluted RNG gambling based crafting system. Gamble a chance to craft A so you can block B so you can gamble away on chances to craft Y, then try a change to get TierX on D and hop it doesn't brick E.. thanks, no thanks. nope.

Harvest league came around, exceptional for crafters, i am not a crafter, utterly boring as a league, skipped. Harvest returned this season and my already negative view of crafting just made me simply not bother with it, so the changes coming for it with the next season? Cant miss what i never made use of.

Don't forget, since you dont close your eyes and slamming exalted orbs. You probably using trade site to buy your items. Those item, unique or rare, are accessible and cheap on trade site cause of harvest. I'm not really convinced that you don't benefit at all from harvest, tbh.

Can someone please make a t shirt of that quote from Chris? Its better than Blizzards infamous quote.

You might be surprised to see the number of people who actually support this change. Players get tunnel vision. They see only their perspective and assume it is shared by all.

When GGG first put PoE out, we did not have all of the crafting options we do now. No veiled items, no masters, no crafting bench, no fossils, etc...And this was when the game was purest to the original vision.

This is also when many people fell in love with the game, and many of us are still around. Many would love to see the game return to its roots in some form by taking away an aspect that made the game much easier than desired.. And many of us are happy to see GGG acknowledge that they have gone astray and backpedal knowing full well they are about to take a lot of shit as well as possibly lose some players.

I am not saying any one opinion on the matter is wrong, I am simply saying that not one person should ever assume to speak for another, because at that point, they then become wrong. I too plan to resume my support, IF they stick with this decision come 3.14[/quote]

We dont have crafting options now, well with the exception of harvest. Lots of gambling options though if that's what you mean?
Last edited by IcedInferno007#3962 on Mar 16, 2021, 2:53:41 PM
SqueakyToyOfTerror wrote:
You might be surprised to see the number of people who actually support this change. Players get tunnel vision. They see only their perspective and assume it is shared by all.

You know what would really surprise me? ...If GGG made an official poll asking whether people wanted this change or not, because the only logical assumption you can make after reading this thread is that the vast majority of players are diametrically opposed to gutting harvest crafting.
Inb4 they introduce an even more powerful mechanic in 3.14 lol
Obright wrote:
SqueakyToyOfTerror wrote:
You might be surprised to see the number of people who actually support this change. Players get tunnel vision. They see only their perspective and assume it is shared by all.

You know what would really surprise me? ...If GGG made an official poll asking whether people wanted this change or not, because the only logical assumption you can make after reading this thread is that the vast majority of players are diametrically opposed to gutting harvest crafting.

They cant make a poll, the technology for polls in the client is just not there yet.
we're not forced to play the league or the game guys, but i would still prefer if they wouldn't gut harvest, remove it or don't , or just make the mods that helps gg craft much more rare. Was realy nice for once that i didn't have to gamble with my time for items that usualy suck anyways after league is done, for once in this league i actualy made an item or two i would pick up in standard, if i were ever play that. We've limited time in leagues to enjoy our builds because you boiz usualy destroy the popular ones anyways :D i wouldn't mind if the standard folks didn't get to perfect their already gg items, and league players would got to enjoy an un gutted harvest, so there is actualy a why to play league besides challenges and stuff.

Blood and Glory!
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Last edited by UKlimanco#1080 on Apr 19, 2021, 4:39:37 AM

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