The Easiest of the Easy Beginner Build Guides [1.1 SotV UPDATED]
Hello ZiggyD,
first of all thank you very much for your YouTube channel - I watched nearly all videos you have there and I get better understanding what's going on in PoE (I used to play D3 and WoW and PoE is kinda different). I'm total newbie in PoE but advices on general are sometimes really strange so I want sure what to do. Also even though I have 21 ranger already I decided to level another ranger according your guide and this forum post. So thank you for your great contribution I really appreciate it. Maybe I pop few questions later :-) |
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Can someone tell me what's wrong with my ranger? Second phase of the final boss completely obliterated me. I had no problems with the game up until then and then suddenly I'm completely useless. I had to get a random person from global to help me. What kind of fucking gear am I meant to have at this point?
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" It's probably not your gear, but your lack of understanding of the mechanics of the fight. I don't know if there are general Dominus guides around, but there should be , just search for them. If you're too lazy, don't sit in the rain and just stand inside his circle during those segments. |
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" What's there to understand? I'm not a moron. I didn't stand in the rain for more than the 3 seconds it took to realise this shit doesn't stop and oh look there's a bubble over there. |
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" *If it's merciless Dominus, ignores this, because I haven't even bothered going after that guy on merciless* Is it the corrupting blood from his melee attack? If the stacks get to high, your hp will start dropping just as if you were standing in the rain. There is also the "titty bitches" that will be standing at one of the corners outside the bubble, that I miss sometimes because of all the flashing going on. I'm now back in game.
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Christ no, I'm still on normal. Well I'm on Cruel now thanks to a nice guy from Global, but I've never even seen a staunching flask which is apparently what I need to counter that thing you're talking about.
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Hi, loving your build!
have a question, i just got Lioneye's Glare and droped Resoulte technique. Is it still worth going up to static shock, since i can crit now, or is it better to refund those points and go crit multiplyers and all that good jazz? Thanks for your answer. |
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Good afternoon and thanks for the guide.
This is my first character and I've been having a lot of fun. I'm playing the higher dps version of the build and I am currently level 66 and just defeated A2 Merciless. In general, I am feeling very weak. Defensively I know I need to get my resists up, but after 400 hours or so of playing a bliz sorc in D3 I really don't die much and dodge most attacks. My real issue is my damage. It takes me what feels like forever to kill a named mob and way to many LA's to clear trash. My dps sheet only shows 529.3 (without Frenzy buffs) and I just can't seem to get it higher. The question is... is this normal for the build, are there things missing in my gear that are key for getting higher dps, or what is the issue with the dps? Again, I am new, so sorry if there is a specific way that I can link you my build/gear. I'm not sure if you can just see my characters or what through my forum account. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. |
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" If you click your character name at the top of the scree while you're making a post, your inventory will come up, then you can click the items once, and they will appear in your post. I'm now back in game.
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What are most people running as support with LA? I have to rely on projectile weakness for pierce, because I don't want to give up any of my dmg for chain, but I've never used chain, so would losing damage in exchange for chain be worth it? If I manage to get some decent gear with life leech, I could probably drop that gem, but for now I'm un able to. I'm now back in game.
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