[3.15]💥Dang's Infernal Trinity Palm Raider 💥 Explosions W/O Massive cost.🔨Crafting Section🔨

Is there any significant advantage of using 2 Inspired Learning instead of only 1? Or is it just for QOL? If I hit a single rare mob, I will get 2 mods instead of 1? It seems in Ultimatum 1 IL is enough to get tons of buff, general mapping not so much.
Hey with around 55-65 ex would i be looking to go the regular build or crit version? Thanks :)
Logan100 wrote:
Hey with around 55-65 ex would i be looking to go the regular build or crit version? Thanks :)

That's way more than what you need for either version I think. Imo crit is just overkill, we already have enough damage for 99% of content. Getting squishier won't help on the top end fights.
Hey guys,

I would like some help improving the build as I don't see myself being able to fit future purchases without swapping entire sets of clusters and jewelry.

My next upgrade would probably be a bottled faith but any advice is appreciated.

My POB: https://pastebin.com/JATjyE1G

I tried to level this build a bit. Levelling is quick (but not really smooth, the levelling section needs an ugrade), but I stopped at LV 43 because the route of this build is imho clearly visible at this point already: glass cannon and far away from a well rounded build (and also really expensive if you want to get just a little bit more than the standard crap). Should have read some more comments before. Anyway, thanks for the effort summing up and writing a guide. Some people will like it, me not :)
If anyone is looking to buy the build I am selling most of what you'd need for 25ex. You can check the pob here https://pastebin.com/eZNdqn9t .

Leave me a PM here on catch me in game.
Necronos777 wrote:
I stopped at LV 43

Or you could have just not posted since your opinion is absolutely invalid and weightless based on your "experience".
Hey! So I'm leveling this build because I love raider builds and it just looks fun. Still very low (38) but running this gear:

Any cheap upgrades that will improve my leveling experience? Mana is kind of a problem right now, which I suspect will bite me in the butt soon. Also when should I switch to infernal blow? Other thoughts or advice?

Can any1 explain why we want anomalous trinity and fortify? In pob they both show as a dmg loss over the regualars for me :x

Also, any idea why my ingame dex shows 1370, while my pob shows 1265?

Last edited by Loje on May 13, 2021, 5:41:35 PM
Hey guys can you helpme out a little bit?

I'm going for the crit version of the build but sometimes I feel that the hit is missing the target and deals no dmg and also the trinity does not trigger the three bars at the same times(usually the red bar is the missing one). I have the following gear

Any advice? I know I'm missing some levels but getting there
Last edited by Adrazazael on May 13, 2021, 6:23:52 PM

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