[3.15]💥Dang's Infernal Trinity Palm Raider 💥 Explosions W/O Massive cost.🔨Crafting Section🔨

SkimmyBoy wrote:
Hey everyone!

This build is hella fun to level, really enjoying it!

What is our source of Onslaught? Can't seem to find it anywhere, apologies if i'm being blind,

Many thanks!

You get it from your ascendancy node, permanent onslaught Rapid Assault

SkimmyBoy wrote:
Hey everyone!

This build is hella fun to level, really enjoying it!

What is our source of Onslaught? Can't seem to find it anywhere, apologies if i'm being blind,

Many thanks!

Either brutal restraint or an abyssal jewel on tree. Brutal will either be blind or onslaught or both if you're lucky on the ####.
Thanks for the replies!
I'm having a lot of fun with this build and double inspired learnings really carry through maps. Could anyone please check my character and see if there is anything missed that would give a big bump? I'm working on crafting another belt so I can get dex on rings. My brutal jewel gives 10% dex, onslaught, and blind.

1278 dex, 517k tooltip


hmm how do you know what a brutal jewel will give? I mistakenly looked just for higher numbers I guess
Jaynen00 wrote:
Any tips on what I might be doing wrong here as boss damage feels like I'm hitting them with a wet noodle. Failed the breachlord fight as their health barely went down. I can see a few small incremental upgrades to creep my dex up to 1500 maybe but I doubt that's going to be revolutionary.

Can't really justify the awakened gems until I can at least figure out if something is fundamentally wrong.

Have you tried pulling your character into POB? Are you using elemental weakness ring? Are you buffing yourself with the Ancestor totems?

Yes, yep and yessir. I'll pop my gear below so you can see.

I also have a fairly ok Brutal Restraint with the following:

5% Increased Desterity
5% Increased Desterity
+20 To Dexterity
Gain 5% Physical Damage as Extra Cold
20% Increased Elemental Damage

Yet still the boss damage is garbage tier somehow, I must have messed something up.

The build is fun, until I encounter anything with a decent amount of life or I don't have my buffs up.
Last edited by next_generati0n on Feb 3, 2021, 3:02:47 PM
I got a feeling lion's roar is fucking me with desyncs because my connection is just OK. Any tip? I have to enable attack without moving for the build to feel good otherwise I teleport all over the place.
Any thoughts on adding in dual wielding block chance nodes?
Hey guys, how are you guys sustaining mana with this build?

I have a cluster with Fuel the Fight so that’s fine in terms of leech, but with hatred+herald my mana pool is so small that a couple of Dashes or missed IBs run me out of mana. Any tips?
This build is a lot of fun. The biggest "yikes" is that unless you are running mirror tier rares in the 3 slots you will end up with close to no Chaos res. Which is a BIG fucking deal this league.

Maven fights, Maven influence on bosses, any boss with chaos effects, the ritual with chaos dots... It freaking melts you.

I have pretty decent gear with around 1550 dex and I'm beating up 90% of what the game has to offer with little to no problems at all. However, I have tried swapping out chest in PoB to try and gain more defenses which results in quite the loss of DPS.

All in all, one of the most zoomiest builds currently available I think when it comes to regular mapping. I have ~15ex invested and am slapping T16 content without any issues at high speed.

- Pre 3.13 Assassin speed clear
- Reaching respectable DPS is rather cheap
- Juicy MTX explosions!
- I finally get to play Raider again
- Infernal Blow sound effects are tasty

- Chaos damage is freakishly lethal
- Min-maxing for tiny increases is insanely expensive
- "Budget" means 3 rares = messing around with resists
- Not tailored for current endgame
- Infernal Blow's AoE is absolute ass
- "Just don't get hit"
- NO

Long story short: 8 out of 10 would roll again just to go zoom zoom, hear POOF POOF and see pretty colors.

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