Stress-Free PoE! ANIMATED POISON (AW): No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End! 3.12
"Awesome Guru1619! Great suggestions and advice. Thanks! Good points to consider. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Ha ha KurtVresig! I too like having a party with me. That's one thing Heist tickles for me as well. And aren't you right! These characters this league make me laugh! I'm glad mapping is going well. Thanks or the feedback. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Hey JackOffAllTrades1! That's the thing I hate about AW too. It can get tedious and clunky at the beginning of a map or when you zone out and don't realize that they are all expired. As the gems level higher you'll find them more sustainable and they survive more. It gets better but I agree with the irritation of it. But, it's the life of AW. Guru1619 said what I was going to say and more, so hopefully that helps? Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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One thing I am curious about because I've not managed to come across the info yet, is how does making the poisons last longer equal more damage?
"Increasing poison duration results in a longer-lasting poison that deals damage at the same rate [citation needed]. increased Poison Duration, increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies and Temporal Chains are means to increase the duration of poisons on enemies." from, i haven't been able to find the rate that poison ticks just that it's base duration is 2 seconds. If it's dealing the same damage just over a longer period or if it's adding extra ticks for every second added could mean very different things for how it's dmg gets calculated and whether or not something like Unbound Ailments would be worth while or not comapred to just going for increasing the flat poison dot or increasing the raw poison damage via adding gems like Added Chaos Damage, Minion Damage or even a Fortify which buffs Melee damage by 34% then buffs Ailments by another 34% so would that then double dip for poisons and give 68% overall dmg increase? |
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Hi Wrecker, huge fan of your guides! Want to try this out when I have the time, but I have a question; Do you think swapping this to spellslinger-bladefall-animate weapon and putting your curses on hit for bladefall and golem rather than as auras would negatively impact the build too much? Seems like a good way to to keep the 1 button playstyle that I love about your builds but I've not used spell slinger before.
Keep up the great work, really excited about these new builds! |
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" Not to sure how spellslinger would work with AW tho that'd be one of the best ways to summon them up if it works well enough i think... Will have to try it next time i get on. Mind you, that's Spellslinger on Bladefall and AW, That being said AW can be rather mana hungry so you may not want it to cast as often unless you take some more mana regen nodes or drop all mana regen nodes and possibly look at getting Eldritch Battery tho this may impact ur survivability! As for using it for curses isntead of blasphemy, it should work, you would just need to make sure you curse everything around you. It would also make the buld more ranged then 'melee' based which may not work as well with Withering Presence. You shouldn't need to resummon ur golem out that often, however i think it'd go well for spirit offering so maybe a bladefall - culling strike - offering skill - spellslinger? Edit: i somehow missed the 'on hit' part for the curses. While that'd be rly nice, you'd have to move some stuff around to make it work and then you'd still be self casting bladefall which isn't really that bad. Not a fan of Curse on Hit being attached to golems as they don't always hit what you need/want them to. So i'd recommend still using atleast one blasphemy/curse setup if you go this route. That being said, spellslinger - temp chains - enfeeble - despair may be really workable (far as i can tell spellslinger should work with casting curses. Just not sure how much of a CD it would give them though which would be the only major downside i can see with it) Edit2: Have been testing spellslinger and how it works with the build. Honestly feels rly good for automating Bladefall/AW. That being said just with Spellslinger - Bladefall - Culling Strike reserving 27% mana (52% with adding an offering in a 4link) and Spellslinger AW being 62% mana reserved, you have 11% left to do everything else with(4 link with offering wouldn't work as it's 114% reserved). Something of interest to note is that spellslinger - 3 curses reserves less mana than Blasphemy does at 25% reservation per curse vs 31%(with passives from tree!) so take that for what you will. Last edited by Guru1619#5671 on Oct 7, 2020, 2:43:47 PM
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"Hey Guru1619! So poison does Chaos damage per second. Here's an example: Let's say I do 1000 Chaos DOT per poison application and my poison duration is 2 seconds. Let's say I hit once per second. Let's also say I'm only hitting one character, like a beefy boss. The first hit I do will do 1000 damage per second. But in the 2nd second, my 2nd hit I do will 1000 damage 2 times because there will be two poison applications on the enemy each doing 1000 damage per second. So the 3rd hit for the third second will also deal 2000 damage because the first hit will have expired while the 2nd hit will be in it's last second. If you use that same example and say we hit 2x per second, then you'll have a 2000 damage by the end of the first second and 4000 damage by the end of the 2nd second. If our poison lasts for 4 seconds instead, while attacking 2 times a second, then we have 2000 damage second 1, 4000 damage second 2, 6000 damage second 3, 8000 damage second 4, and then it stays at 8000 damage as the first application of poison has expired. So with this build, without gear, EACH minion deals (with the suggested 6-link and round up/down so the numbers aren't too picky), 3160 Chaos Damage Over Time per hit. They hit 4.8 times per second. That's 3160*4.8 = 15100 damage per second (for the first second). Now each Poison duration is 4.3 seconds. So 4.8(Attacks per second)*4.3(duration) = 20.6 stacks of poison per second (after the 4-second mark). So when you have 20.6 stacks of poison each dealing 15100 Chaos Damage Per Second, you're getting 15100*20.6 = 311000 damage...for one minion. We'll have 14 minions. So 311000*14 = 4'354'000 damage per second (after the 4 second mark). Poison damage is based on the physical damage dealt per hit. So if you're looking to make any changes to the damage output of the build (like heavier hitting with less duration), you'll want to use the Calcs section in PoB for easy math. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Good answer Guru1619. I really wanted to play with Spellslinger with this build. It's a good suggestion. I just also really wanted the consistency of permanent curses with Blasphemies. The mana reservation on all combined just wasn't naturally feasible. Having the curses on Bladefall is a great idea but it requires a 6-link (SS-BF-HoT-3 Curses). This build will 100% be Spellslinger if I can find a good way to do it and keep the curses up too. Keep the suggestions coming as they come up. I really appreciate your encouragement and kindness. Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying them so much and that they suit your style :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Ah ok then thanks for explaining that! Far as making Spellslinger work, the only way i can think of is to get curse on hit rings and corrupted gloves if i remember right for Temp Chains. However then ur stuck at certain levels for the curses. Might be able to get a 6link 2H weapon and try that, but you are going to be losing out on a lot of possible minion damage and damage mitigation from using a shield. Not to mention you'd also have to take into consideration the mana reservation again >< Last edited by Guru1619#5671 on Oct 7, 2020, 4:46:00 PM
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"I'm glad it made sense Guru1619! Ya...I spent long hours playing with Spellslinger options before moving on from it. I'll find a way...;) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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