The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.
The solution is:
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 26, 2013, 10:04:02 PM
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OP is just biased and incomplete. Maybe expensive currency is entering the economy faster then good uniques are going on sale.
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" If you're going to cast stones, make sure you have a mark before you throw them, and before so, make sure this mark is even worth it. You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.
You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior. |
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" OP is a position built on bad science. "years" of PoE economy? The sheer scale of the OB economy compared to the CB economy would render his comprehensive analysis circumspect. It's just opinion and no more valid then any other. You don't like the evil multiboxer villains. zzzz Continue to counter me with metaphors and vagaries though, it is amusing. |
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" Granted, I have noticed the "Years", but OP also exaggerates some things because the OP is passionate about what they are doing. When Martin Luther King Jr. said for the people to never hate, or he would break their back bone, he didn't mean it literally; it's an exaggeration of passion to express a powerful emotion on a powerful scale. The OP was writing everything upon their own passion. It's basic psychology, really. As for your CB and OB comparison, could you please tell me how two different instances have any relevance to the main context behind the OP? The very fact that there is an inflation afoot, and it is eroding in-game economy the same way real life economy happens to be eroding? You could learn a lot by cross-referencing, but OB and CB isn't one of them. You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.
You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior. |
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What about a TDD and a PDD?
(Trade discrepancy detector and also a pick-up discrepancy detector) GGG could get a formula written to determine the rough value of an item (say a ilevel67 yellow gets a base value of 50 and health adds say 50 points per 60 health or something, resists might add 50 per 25%) and poor stats like reflect damage only give like 5 points. Chaos might be worth 150 points or something along those lines. A rare with good stats that is hard to find might be worth 5000 points (an exalt might be worth 1500 or something I'm not sure on exact values) So each trade is measured on a background point detector and if it senses that its roughly a fair trade then there is no problem, however if it detects multiple unfair trades, your account will get a lot of trade discrepancy points (there would be a grace area for allowing people to help their friends out), and if the point build up to a point the account would be banned once reviewed (or if its very far out of balance, then an instant ban). This would force multi-boxers to have their wealth annoyingly scattered over several accounts. This would make it impossible to give orbs to your other accounts, Also if they tried to trade around the system, like shuffling items around all day, there would still be a large discrepancy build up over many small trades resulting in a ban. Normal players would never be able to get enough points to get to that stage though, if playing the game as intended. Pickup discrepancy would work similarly, if 1 person in a group is picking up all the orbs for a long period of time - ban (what normal group would allow this?). Last edited by mark408#5163 on Mar 26, 2013, 10:28:15 PM
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No need to create some arbitrary (and almost certainly unenforcable) policy regarding multiboxing. Remove the party loot bonus and just like that, nobody multiboxes anymore. There would still be plenty of people partying, either for the increased safety and killspeed or because- get this- people enjoy playing in parties!
Recipes for every orb is a good idea and has been suggested many times. Shards for some of the lesser orbs (scours etc) have been suggested as well. As to why these things mostly havent been implimented, who knows. And regarding regular orb wipes: Ive read alot of suggestions that were likely to kill the game- as in, the player base vanishes and ggg goes broke- and i think this one would do it the quickest. If you want to play in clean economies, take up racing. IGN: KoTao
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" I completely agree with all of this (considering I stated the exact same things a few times). People who don't party now for whatever reasons (multiboxing, FFA loot) won't party regardless, people who do will still party. It is still more effective and more fun, even without bonus loot it may still prove to be more effective. |
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" Damn, KoTao, that was brutal. That's not very Tao of you. But I admire it. You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.
You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior. |
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I have read the whole thing and i agree totaly. i aplaud you for writing this up because its a seriouse issue that needs to be adressed ASAP.
Im no competative player nor a casual. i just want some freaking gear that wont make me die as much or at least let me hold my own in solo play. i dont even bother to look at trade channel anymore because its just insane people charging insane prices for 4 link items or some unique item for impossible ammounts of exalted. I just wana have fun playing the game but there comes a time i look at my gear from lvl 30 and im lvl 60+ wondering how the hell i have not found a single upgrade in all them levels i have obtained. then it hits me...i can try trade channel for an upgrade but then another thought crosses my mind, why bother? they overpriced... I dont have the orbs for trade and not enough orbs to try craft. what am i supposed to do? in 30+ levels i have not found a single upgrade! im stuck at a dead end. |
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