Will Harvest Become Core Path of Exile Content?

Nice,harvest very bad league .
I happy with your decision.
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KinJin91 wrote:
lilouille wrote:
overkligt1 wrote:
Thank god! 10 Exalt items wont cost 15 Chaos anymore!!!!!

Says fucking rich farmer who can play 12h/day. Harvest was one of the best league because it was opening actually very good items and customization for the first time for other ppl. The "poors" you may say. Yes, I'm poor, and yes, I loved Harvest. I'm glad items were 15c and not 10 ex. Should be the way.

Worst. Because every low IQ can get OP items. Just delete Harvest completely. Worst decision ever. Same as op Delve crafting back in the days, just worse.

So what, you consider yourself superior? Because you think you have upper IQ? what is this seriously? Are you actually that trash in real life? What's wrong with giving ppl with "low IQ" as you say actually fun they can't access otherwise? And by fun I mean, yes, making very good items. The whole point here is that 98% of players made things by THEMSELVES. Certainly the system needs further improvements. But ppl like you judging others cause they figured out how the mecanics works faster and get benefits from it, doesn't allow you to be the supreme god of this game choosing what is goo or wrong for "low IQ players" as you say. GG if you have a big brain. Try to use it correctly towards the humanity next time.
"The standard method of adding mechanics to core gameplay where they gain a 10% chance to appear in maps also doesn't really work for Harvest"

Trivial to solve : the boss loot the seed (that go directly in the chest) and the seed take 3 time more steep to grow.
I think that this mechanic is very good, it is not a problem if it keep an important place in the futur leagues.

"The Harvest mechanic also creates some database issues in terms of the amount of data being stored. This is a non-trivial technical problem we would need to resolve before allowing it to exist long-term."

How is it hard ?
The garden is like a Stash : at each slot, there is an item, with a list of data. If it is a seed : its type, its level and its number of step before end to grow. If it is a storage : its color, and its filling. (like for the rare item that have a liste of mods)

And to include harvest in the main league : simply it would be good. the use of dispersers and pylone is complicate for nothing. if we had 3 type of storage (1 for each color), and magically make that the lifeforce go from collector to storage, then from storage to seed tiers 2+, it would remove an useless thing to learn for the new player.
Last edited by GKPlight on Aug 14, 2020, 8:34:53 AM
Goodbye to "item level to high" message or similar wording.

Twas the thing that turned me off the whole thing.

Went back to Delving and Trade.

I've really enjoyed Harvest for pretty much everything it has had to offer:

- Accessible, deterministic crafting
- The mechanics and actual implementation of the garden has been fun - I've viewed it as a fun novelty and change in gameplay/pace (but I also enjoy games like Factorio tremendously)
- A wealth of crafting options for quality of life (exchange maps, make it so much easier to fill in Atlas completion without trading... we've all been there... message 10 people to trade maps before some responds ... so glad I haven't had to this league!)

That said, I completely understand Harvest not going core... *in its current implementation*. I think it is the right call. I do hope a number of things make it into the game in the long run:

- Crafting that is more deterministic
- I'm fine with high-end crafts being a slog to access... if I can only make a couple good items in a league, so be it
- The question is where you put the balance between RNG and having a clear idea of how much investment it will be to get the rolls that you want... I think it's been too far on the RNG side so far (it is a *huge* turnoff for many)
- Example... with extreme RNG a given craft may take 1-10 Ex to get right... that sucks for someone who is more casual (if they are unlucky), whereas the person who plays a bunch, crafts enough items that it all comes out in the wash (they see the average comes out to 5 Ex and that may be fine)
- ... and yea... there should be a curve where you have to dig and learn how to do crafting well

- I enjoyed the garden mechanics, but... it was a nice novelty for a league and certainly doesn't have to stick around in its current implementation

- Either keep the quality of life crafts (map, currency, essence, fragment exchanges) or introduce an auction house/trade system that means we don't have to message 10 people to get a cheap but useful trade through

I'll throw in one truth bomb.

POE has always had massive wealth gaps. Those who know how to work the system get insanely rich off thousands of other players who don't know how. How else do you get 1000s of exalts? (Ok... bots... but would still be somewhat true without that.) No one finds that many. *Without Harvest* the current economy and truly high end gear is only accessible because some players know the ins and outs of crafting well enough to sell a bunch of stuff at a *massive* markup from what it cost to make - and people are willing to grab it because they don't have the time/patience/motivation to learn the ins and outs themselves.

So... where's the right balance in differences between casual vs dedicated players? Wealthy players vs the rest?
Harvest sucks. Don't add this pos to core.
Harvest is and will be unhealthy for Path of Exile. And there is nothing unexperienced player can say to deny that.

I strongly disagree. I can see how it would hurt your personal enjoyment of the game, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it would be unhealthy for PoE as a whole.

For my personal enjoyment of the game, Harvest (or in general, targeted crafting that isn't walled behind insane levels of grinding) is extremely beneficial, and having it removed hurts my enjoyment of the game. And there is neither anything you can say to deny that, nor do I think that I am alone.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
Harvest has made it too easy to gain very powerful items that previously required a lot more work and investment to acquire.

WOW! 200ex items could be crafted now with only 120ex, who cares? The 90% of player base this league means they could remove "33 to accuracy rating" and add one resit on a 5c item...
If you are supressing Harvest mechanics from the game to not be core; then, why introduced in the first place? Many players will hate not having Harvest available.

Besides, with all the nerfs to the game (Harvest not becoming core is a hughe nerf) many players will seek for other games. These decisions makes the players angry, desiring to play another game.
Too much op items..

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