Will Harvest Become Core Path of Exile Content?

natsipaska wrote:
Wissle wrote:
To anyone bitching how harvest makes obtaining high end gear too easy... how about just not using the mechanic then, if it makes the game to easy for you?

Even if I wouldn't use the harvest mechanic, other players would. And it means economy gets totally wreced.

Bots and RMT'ers means the economy is beyond broken already.
Azarhiel wrote:
natsipaska wrote:
Wissle wrote:
To anyone bitching how harvest makes obtaining high end gear too easy... how about just not using the mechanic then, if it makes the game to easy for you?

Even if I wouldn't use the harvest mechanic, other players would. And it means economy gets totally wreced.

The econoimy is already broken, what would break more ?

For thoser who have made suggestions on deterministic crafting being used with orbs is an interesting idea, but the problem remains the same :

Making 100+ exalts in 3 month need you to play 8h/day, playing Path of Trading with bots...

From my personal experience, i play around 8h a week and never trade. In 7 years, i looted 16 exalts... I think we have a problem here...

Ohhh so you want everything to be easily accessible beacuse u cannot play more? WoW.
While I understand the reason and even expected this outcome I am very disappointed. I am not and never will be a power player in this game. Even in the current form I couldn't craft anything close to mirror tier. For people like myself deterministic crafting is absolutely necessary otherwise it is impossible and a waste of time.

Before people start a hate storm please realize that I am not asking for anything other than the ability to build a character that can handle red maps and maybe take down Shaper, Elder and Sirus A5. Trade is trash and crafting is impossible for me with only 15-20hrs/week.
Thank you! Hope you will not mistaken like Harvest again!
Who cares about Economy ?
ist just something the rich care about.
its about gameplay, and harvest was the first time since i play poe (7 1/2 years now) where craftig was fun and not only some stupid RNG money sink.

So just keep it like it is with some tweaks (like fixed garden and stuff)

And while we are on it. remove this Stupid 10% rule and/or add more triggers!

Harvest has made it too easy to gain very powerful items that previously required a lot more work and investment to acquire. This was acceptable for a temporary challenge league but poses problems for the long-term health of Path of Exile's item economy if allowed to remain in its current state.

That is complete rubbish, no one believes tencentGGG anymore when that's said.

I absolutely HATE crafting and gearing up my characters every league. I found Harvest crafting not easy or rewarding enough, so I quit after the first week.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Hirux wrote:

Ohhh so you want everything to be easily accessible beacuse u cannot play more? WoW.

And what's the problem with that ?
It is what differs a game from being fun opposed to be a job...

I don't want items flowing in my pocket, but there is a middle ground between nothing and everything !!
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Very sad to hear it goes.

Can we at least keep the garden even if we loose access to seeds?

I spent a lot of time getting my garden just the way I want it, I have rather become attached to it. This way we can go look at it once in a while and remember the good times.

Best league ever, never going to be topped. (and no I am not decked out in mirror gear)
Last edited by LFO on Aug 13, 2020, 6:52:50 AM
Deterministic crafting is the best thing that's ever been introduced in PoE. 'Crafting' as it existed in this game before Harvest was something only a small percentage of players could use to improve their gear in the endgame. Harvesting allowed a far larger portion of the player base to partake in this throughout their character progression. Working on a piece of gear, fine tuning it to have the exact mods I wanted was a very satisfying journey that kept me coming back for 'just one more'. I will miss actual crafting, rather than just alt/aug/regal or spamming chaos/essence/fossils hoping to luck into something useable. This whole idea that perfecting the items you have is too powerful or bad for the game seems very counterintuitive to a game without gold where the currency is 'crafting materials'

Oh well, guess it's back to grinding currency and wooping the trade website next league.
Chameleon wrote:
Harvest has made it too easy to gain very powerful items that previously required a lot more work and investment to acquire. This was acceptable for a temporary challenge league but poses problems for the long-term health of Path of Exile's item economy if allowed to remain in its current state.

That is complete rubbish, no one believes tencentGGG anymore when that's said.

I absolutely HATE crafting and gearing up my characters every league. I found Harvest crafting not easy or rewarding enough, so I quit after the first week.

Well it will never be easier than it was this league so... maybe change to standard if you just enjoying the gameplay more than new leagues with gearing characters over and over.

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