Harvest Statistics: Ascendancy Classes

For what it's worth, I'll restate the incredibly simple fixes to all the problems mentioned so far:

- remove most of the 'conditional' aspects to other ascendencies. Eg. remove the word 'nearby', 'recently' or 'on hit' from other ascendencies and they become viable vs necro.
- allow more keyless tasks. Many people play summons to avoid carpal tunnel.
- stop gating content so ridiculously. There is absolutely no reason why players would have to jump through so many hoops to get oneshot in high level maps. Let us get to content without such a grind and we'll be happier playing diverse builds again.
- allow investment into defences to become meaningful. You can do this by removing the ground effects, on death effects and terrain that kill players without counterplay, or by making, for example, evasion, actually useful vs such things.
- stop adding needless complexity/rng to the game
- remove all sources of oneshot and nerf all regen mechanics by 80%

grimlock9999 wrote:

- remove all sources of oneshot and nerf all regen mechanics by 80%

Don't hold your breath on this one. I did a thread that went for like 50 pages on this issue in closed beta when maps first came out and this issue ended up being apparent to anyone who played, and while it got plenty of response from the devs, absolutely nothing was ever done to alleviate it. Difficulty in this game is still solely due to and from one shot mechanics purposefully put into the game to gear check.
all the bots are necros
Dont nerf Necros again omfg!

I play skele/zombie necro and that dmg is rly bad!

You just add next sh/tty skill in game (spellslinger)!
And still support bots (as say others, bots are primaly necros)

But its GGG ... so they nerf minions underground.
Rly nice have still in game HH sh*t etc. ...
But we know why GGG dont nerf that ...
Tinfoil hat time: Necro is over represented not because if it's power level. Instead it's the inherited bot-friendly nature because of the sheer level of automatics in playing the build.
Neither the Ranger or Templar have a single ascendancy in the top half of characters at level 70 or 90.

The ranger is due to the right side of the tree's weakness and evasion needing a fundamental rework as a defense. I think if evasion worked on ground effects and didn't have diminishing returns at high levels it could be fixed.

The Templar needs a boost in the actual ascendancies. The inquisitor needs some love and the Guardian was nerfed too hard.

Necro's ability to get max block so easily seems way off to me. It does not match what the ascendancy should be doing thematically.

EpsiIon wrote:
grimlock9999 wrote:

- remove all sources of oneshot and nerf all regen mechanics by 80%

Don't hold your breath on this one. I did a thread that went for like 50 pages on this issue in closed beta when maps first came out and this issue ended up being apparent to anyone who played, and while it got plenty of response from the devs, absolutely nothing was ever done to alleviate it. Difficulty in this game is still solely due to and from one shot mechanics purposefully put into the game to gear check.

This! Absolutely this!

I am just hoping that in 2.0 they move to this type of gameplay. Since we will be able to equip more skills... We need longer fights where you are almost certain to take a few hits, needing to then scramble to defend yourself, slowly regenerating, using different skills to stall the enemy while you heal and then back into the fray trying to deal damage with your main damage skills. This would be incredible and finally gameplay might even match the complexity of character and gear progression in this game!!!

The dashing/warping/leaping about and one clicking to clear screens full of enemies is boring as hell. Slow the game down and stop catering to those suffering from ADD.
Last edited by Lord_Drakken on Aug 13, 2020, 8:13:08 AM
TOP_Commander wrote:
God I hope you guys at GGG know how to interpret these statistics. (I am sure you do... I hope...)

"Necromancer ascendancy" dominance is HUGELY misleading.

The majority of "Necromancers" are playing Volatile Dead / Detonate Dead, and not an actual Necromancer Summoner Build.

I am shocked that you guys didn't mention that crucial Fact at all.

Necromancer Summoners were nerfed INTO THE GROUND for the past 3-4 Leagues again and again every league, and it NEEDS TO STOP. (This is probably why no one is playing an actual summoner anymore)...

If you guys Nerf Summoners again, just because all the volatile dead players this league (which has nothing to do with summoners), I am gona F-in lose it.

I want to love POE but you guys have destroyed all my favourite builds in the past 3-5 expansions, yet you keep ignoring real game breaking builds like "Headhunter Builds" that spazm out the server when you watch streamers with characters so huge the graphics card cant even properly render the scene. this is BS!

I wouldn't count on it.

They're going to probably nerf Necro Summoners again because it's easier for them to do that, than to actually buff/balance other specs to the point they don't feel like garbage.
Didn't GGG say at the start of the league that they're going to use the data to see what needs balance if everybody has OP items?

Lord_Drakken wrote:
Since we will be able to equip more skills... We need longer fights

Dear God, NO!

While this sounds good in theory, what's GGG is going to do is giving us even more boss fights with many and ridiculously long invulnerability phases (+ tons of optical clutter). Their boss design has gotten alot worse instead of better over time.

GGG wants to slow the game down, but does it in the worst way possible. People still zoom around at lightning speed because

a) doing maps faster means more profit in the long run and
b) you need to obliterate everything on sight now since building defenses is ineffective and random one shots are encourage by design.

Please give raider some "More" nodes. That is why it is underused.

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