Share Your Path of Exile Memories With Us!
I have great memories of the Delve league. It was the first time I played for more then a month in a single league and it was interesting and engaging to have a deep dungeon in PoE for the first time. It was the first time I reached lvl 93 which was the highest at that time for me. It is definitely my favourite league so far.
I remember Delirium league was big during the lock down. It was really good, it was fast and drops were good. It was the best thing to do while at home. Harvest league will go as something of a bad memorie for sure. I hope it will become just a memorie and not go core. I am playing it still, but it feels like I am playing a browser game while doing the garden stuff. The best moment in PoE is when the new Vulkan renderer was introduced. It made the game so much more enjoyable. Great job GGG! |
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I havent joined long but i due remember playing poe sence delving league man back then we didnt have awakened support gems or now several necro builds heh i remember going pure strength necro and facepalming every time my zombies didnt attack the boss XD, or when my first exalted drop in act 5 popping out of a chest i legit jumped out of my chair and danced. ahhh good times, this game has evolved so much and not just the game but the awsome community built from it. ty GGG and ty guys so far the adventure has been a blast. keep being awsom.
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I remember the old racing seasons, with Descent and Descent Champions being favorites of mine... but my best real memory of the races was the old Immolation race type which changed all physical damage (given or taken) into 100% fire damage, which gave me one of those epiphanies of game mechanics when I realized that it meant armour would do absolutely nothing defensively, so evasion/es gear was the way to go.
Shame Immolation isn't a private league mod, or I'd do that for nostalgia... Designer of The Broken Crown
Designer of The Sigil Divination Card |
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My favourite memories were all the fun, OP, cheap builds before you nerfed them into the ground like instant leech ES rainbow discharge.
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right. |
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That this forum post will 1 day remove stupid top comments who don't even say anything just type a random word.
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I love poe its hurd but im realy like playing poe) One of banch of games with balls. Waiting Poe 2 and next ecpansion pls dont do harvest again)
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I remember I got drawn into PoE by watching a video of an early "self-cast discharge build with legacy Voll uniques". The music, the vibe, the explosions, everything felt the way I had wished for other games to be, so I downloaded it. Soon I discovered Reave and I had instantly fallen in love with it as well.
I created those two builds, slowly building up my gear and making adjustments as it was almost impossible at the time to get legacy gear. After a few leagues it became harder and harder for these skills to keep up with the content of the game, and these days it is downright impossible. I still sometimes try to recreate those builds as a result of nostalgia, but I end up switching to other skills because they simply perform much better with much less investment. It has been a very enjoyable ride so far, and I have skipped very few leagues. |
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Play since talisman) dont even reach maps. but next leage i made RF and reach t5 maps. After That was SRS and kill some t15 maps. Agter playing we freend on my personal SRS 10 auras build) we drop chyula minion sword!!! and freend give it to me. after i invent (lol) some summoners build like anime weapons with 7 auras and Charan sword flikker) in dellirium i got docktor drop in first day and that was a best leage, after breach ofc. Cos u cant beat double breach and beyond)) love u but pls inv criip on full. so hi can make poe great again
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Playing since 1.00 in 2013 the luckiest moment was in Synthesis League where I started with an Explosive Trap Shadow. At lvl 22 somewhere in the campaign I unlock beast-crafting and got the "Craft a random unique item". Expecting nothing I did it just for the sake of it... and got a Tabula.
Most fun and successful league was Incursion though with a Cremation Inquisitor (still exists), getting a Temple-Mod Fire weapon, setting the whole screen on fire. The thing is that after all these years most moments fade away eventually and only some remain (screenshots help to remember). But what you keep in mind better is the overall journey. What I mean with that: After my first char failed in Nemesis League (Witch with spark), I created a new one, Ranger with (back then) Poison arrow and Puncture. Dropped out Puncture at some point. Beating Merciless Dominus with it, back in the day while hiding at the stairs at the top side with Poison Arrow, portal in and out when during the rain phase, taking forever to kill him. So scary when your were new to the game and your char weak. The char still exist today, surviving and adjusted to all balance changes and is the strongest I have. Playing only SSF I had to wait until I go two exalt orbs and could master-craft my Poison Arrow Bow with the +2gem-recipe. Also self-six-linking it. Crafting a quiver with over-time-multiplier with fossils and shaper item. This is also true about the story of Path of Exile outside of the game. How the game got bigger and more famous, leaving Diablo3 behind etc.. Podcast, Streamers and Content Creators you followed to keep up the game, some of them not active anymore. There is lot more to it then just playing a game and this it quite astonishing. Last edited by merchantmudcrab#2954 on Aug 10, 2020, 7:50:27 AM
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I've been playing POE on pc for a few years, but I've always dreamed of console edition. 17th January 2017 I hear about the xbox release. I had ps4 back then, so I borrowed xbox from a friend and fell in love with this game again on console pad. I wanted to sell my ps4 but then Bex confirmed PS4 version release on 26th March 2019. It was one of the most beautiful news for me. I hope the POE 2 version will come out on ps4 (Looking for great news from you Bex) :) best regards to all of your team members!
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