Share Your Path of Exile Memories With Us!
back in the beta I didnt know that gems where a thing so I used normal attack to the act2 :) untill someone said that you can actualy have a attack skill. :) fond memories.
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" Stress mine. Couldn't agree more. And that thread about the Necromancer's voice, my god that was amazing. __ As for me? I was fortunate enough to etch the best of my PoE/GGG memories into the game itself, enduring reminders of what strange, intense things can happen when you trip over the line between player and supporter. Seeing a monster you made possible being massacred by hundreds of thousands of people, sometimes even with an item you designed, is both personally satisfying and strangely numb. It's like being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. That's as close to a simulated sensation of celebrity as I'd ever want to get. BLÔW, of course. One of Wræclast's first guilds, possibly the first to hit capacity too. Can't forget all of that, although I've forgotten a lot of it. Related to that: collaborating on the design of my partner's map, Acton's Nightmare, was a blast. She and I would just brainstorm when driving, and oh that music...! Posting in nothing but haiku for a month on a dare, and then somehow influencing a dev to hide one in the game. It's still there, too. Hanging with Chris and Jonathan near the entrance to PAX Australia when it was held, inexplicably, at a racecourse in Melbourne. It pissed down the whole weekend, because Melbourne. GGG was too small for a professional booth, but too big for an indie one. We all wore PoE T-shirts and sort of just milled about, waiting for other Exiles to see the logo and interact; everyone who did scored a pet code for a green-and-gold 'Aussie themed' frog. A year later GGG were being name-checked in a panel about free-to-play gaming, and a year after that they didn't need to be there at all. As with PoE itself, GGG just seemed to go from puttering up one side of the hill to absolutely barrelling down the other relentlessly. There was no comfortable respite in-between. Cut-throat. Descent. DESCENT. First time facing Piety in Lunaris with Adgio's first and last real attempt at metal influenced epic boss music in the game. Last time facing Innocence in testing before his voice lines were implemented. Yes, it was as frustrating and rage-inducing as you'd imagine. The music was almost worth it. Forging a 6L in SSF with a handful of fusings, rolled on a whim just before I quit the game. I mean it was on a crappy item but it was nice to finally make the 'grail' of early PoE design. Seemed as good a last in-game memory as any. Finally, that moment when I realised the Closed Beta key lottery wasn't going to favour the fortunate, so I got bold instead and started posting here, hoping to score a key...somehow. And I did, and I've never forgotten the account name that gave it to me, even though we never said a word to each other. I doubt he had any clue what he was actually initiating, where things would go from there. I sure as fuck didn't. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Aug 10, 2020, 5:26:31 AM
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it's mostly oneshot flashbacks but there also was the times of the 1-week (or was it 1-month?) races with seraph armor rewards on reaching certain levels. getting to lv 80 in hc as an sc player to get the final piece of the red seraph armour felt pretty great. also the blue one for achieving that in sc looked lame. the other race was hc only I think, but the goal was lv 70, which at that time compared to reaching lv 80 in hc was almost easy.
another load of good memories is watching ghudda vids of breaking the game when knowledge about it wasn't nearly as broad as it is nowadays. dominus when he was new: enter area - portal scroll - rush - die - repeat up to 30 times - profit (or rather go to cruel/merc/maps) 7 years of playing a game regularly, who could have imagined. Hey, hey! It's the Postal Dude! Get him!
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I started playing in 2018 December 26 when Betrayal came out and PC Gamer reddit post was flooded with comments. I was just getting out of LoL and needed something to play after I decided WoW. i remember the first thing about the game being so awesome was the insane passive tree, it was so overwhelmming yet so beautiful.
I played for a league and i was hooked. i knew i wanted to play this game for a long time because the content is amazing, although i didnt like harvest i chose to stop playing (even synthesis i came back for but Harvest is just..not my cup of tea) I bought the essentials the tabs, the MTX the supporter pack and i feel like the devs deserve the hardwork they have put in over the years. While i was saddned by the new currency tabs being introduced like for delve, etc because they deserve to be in fragments tab i understand why they need money to develop PoE2 and other things. I just hope we can play PoE2 with the same end game content like this and hope something better than Sirius can replace the end game bossing maybe shaper elder type or uber elder. thank you for reading and congrats on 10 years. Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
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Ages ago. Back in anarchy.
In times where death meant loss of minute starting up your own personal aurabot. In times, where reflect was an aura on rare monsters, and it was mere nuisance. In time when you could die half a screen away, because you desynched. In that time the game pace was slow. Very slow. And at that pace I was fighting map version of Hillock on steroid. As a poor and squishy freezing pulse/ice lance witch. I died if he leapslamed in my general direction. The fight dragged for minutes. So long was the epic battle, that nowadays kids breeze through several maps and leave behind what would be FORTUNE in ancient times during the same time. Alas on the last portal after dying to the leapslams. I bested him. And he dropped the very first unique item I ever saw in this game. Rime Gaze mind cage. It was perfect. I immediately put my cold snap in it and noticed how it shatters smaller packs. The joy of my first unique was so strong, that I pause for a moment every time I see another such item. Even though its usability is vairly questionable. And even though I vendor it all the time in Modern days. The very first unique I ever dropped in PoE is still in my possession. |
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I remember the closed beta key timers, often times waiting for it to countdown hoping it would be me. In the end, the first ever supporter packs were announced and they granted beta keys, so I got in this way.
I still keep my trusty Bronze Kiwi along with me on each league I play on and in the first time for 8 years I've been playing, I reached level 100 this league! I love this game to bits. I can't wait for POE2. |
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I've been with you guys for exactly 5 years now. I can't describe all of the memories, really. Playing too much POE actually. Anway what I can say: It's been a blast! My memories last back to playing Ultima Online for many years, followed by EVE Online and finally now POE for a decent amount of time. Damn. I feel old now.
Last edited by Oxygene_PoE#6463 on Aug 10, 2020, 5:22:13 AM
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i rememeber once i was in discord with friends, around the first times i started playing, and we were talking about prophecies.
A friend told me they are worth doing. so i roll navali and fill on prophecies.. i said to them oh i got the 5:1 unique item mystery box.. they were like oh thats pretty bad but it can be crazy. So i turn in my junk, and as im turning it in a friend goes "i saw a streamer get a shavv's once" and low and behold there was a shavv's in my inventory... now this is the part that really reminds me how noob i was... i started spamming jewelers and fuses to 6L it... and i didnt even quality it first hahaha. literally 20-30 jewelers and 14 fuses i hit my first 6L ever in path of exile, on a 5:1 shavv's, that had 0% quality. The rush and excitment and the screaming through discord has kept me hooked on this game through lifes ups and downs and it has been a great time for me. Seriously love your guys' work even if you did nerf old vaal spark. |
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The day i will always remember is the day i got hooked to playing Path of Exile.
I think you all know how it is, you play a game (D3 for me) and at some point you dont have the motivation to continue playing this game and you look for alternatives. Then you find 1-2 promising games and try them out, but after a few hours/days/weeks you stop playing them because its not like "your" game. For me it was like this with D3 i love this Game even though it's "old" and not really new things are developed. A few of my friends were playing Path of Exile back at the time and i really tried to play it and started like more than 8 times in around 2 years (2014-2016), but every time i quit the game after a few hours of gameplay xD I don't know what it was but i really disliked the game. Then March 15, 2018 came. I can remember this day like it was yesterday :) A Friend of mine, who isn't even into gaming asked me to play a game with him he just saw Youtube and was Path of Exile xD I tried to explain him that i really don't like the game bla bla bla.. But he didn't accept it and put me under pressure more and more so i had to give in. I logged in and already had this "i dont want to play it, i know it's bad" feeling, but i didn't want to let him down so we started to play together. We reached Wraeclast and we did a few Quests until A2 and suddenly i was like "Okay, i don't know what they have changed but holy F*** im already addicted to this game after 2 hours....and this was the day i started to love playing Path of Exile. Thank you for this awesome Game GGG, please never stop to develop it. Last edited by PatrickFN#5627 on Aug 10, 2020, 5:26:45 AM
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