Share Your Path of Exile Memories With Us!
I've a few memories I'll never forget after playing for nearly 9 years.
- I remember watching Kripparrian a lot back in the day when he was playing Diablo 3 and he finally moved over to PoE. I would play HC like he did and while I don't play HC anymore, I remember chancing every Glorious Plate I would come across and I pretty quickly chanced a Legacy Kaom's Heart. Naturally I linked the big item to the streamer and he was impressed. - Another Kripp tale; back in the first ever Cutthroat league, my friend and I were still total n00bs and we made a half assed plan to gank Kripp. Little did we know just how powerful his two hander he IDed was as he proceeded to destroy my friend (Kyoshirouhoshi) and myself (KILLKripparrian) pretty easily (and repeatedly). Thankfully he made highlights to this so you can actually witness it here: - My most recent memory is within the Harvest league because the very first t1 map I went in dropped a MIRROR OF KALANDRA (anyone remember WillyWonkaHC?). Thanks for making a great game GGG. |
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Hello to all the people at GGG.
I’m glad you’ve reached 10 years of Path Of Exile. For me it is one of my favorite games ever. I have many stories and good times and bad times to tell, but unfortunately that would go on forever. What I can say is that I discovered this game for myself on a google search looking for a good and free RPG MMO game to play and your game appeared on the screen ready to download and I started to do it. My first character was the Shadow that I still have in the Standard League. I started playing during the last two weeks of the Breach league. It was a pity at that time that I couldn't buy any support for this league because I didn't know what could be done. I managed to make 12 challengers and receive the Breach league footprints. From there I never stopped playing that game, obviously due to work and having a family to take care of, I can't always have time to play, but I always take the free time to do it. Something that I remember and that I liked and made me very happy with was the short POE Battle Royal game mode, I luckily managed to win once against 99 other players, with the Ranger character and the Split Arrows skill gem. I still keep this character until today. I hope that very soon they will bring this invention again but for a longer period of time and with new rewards. A good idea would be, in the final week of each league you can bring this game mode for players to have fun while they wait for the next league. I would just like you to celebrate that happy moment that is turning 10 years in a game and that you can caress the players with something fantastic like offering a symbolic armor in the form of micro transactions celebrating 10 years another thing that would be fantastic to do was to enable players to buy old support packages that they had no chance of buying before. During a short period, with the limitation of the period of registration of the player in the game. Example I registered in the game, in the Breach league, so I could only buy packs from the breach league until the recent league. This would be really fantastic as it would allow many players to be able to buy packs that they would like to have, but that during that past period it was not possible to do. This would definitely make players very happy and yours too, as you would earn a lot from it by the POE community who would happily make this contribution to the evolution of your company and the Path Of Exile game. Finally, I want to thank you for making this fantastic game that I love so much and that I hope will last at least another 10 years more. Ricardo Rodrigues Last edited by IComeYouDie#4904 on Aug 10, 2020, 11:03:29 AM
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My lvl 70 (!!) Scion shortly after Scion released. :0)
Apparently from 20 Mar, 2014 @ 10:30pm :: Last edited by Gescom#1904 on Aug 10, 2020, 10:47:34 AM
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I started playing in the open beta. I was playing with 200ms ping permanently and Piety was the endgame bossXD
Then came Dominus as endgame boss. Later after getting fed up with Diablo 3 simplicity and repetitiveness I started playing PoE on steam with friends and my old account could be transfered to steam. The game had visual upgrades and had a Europian server so no more 200 ping. When 3.0 patch came it was like playing a completely new game, the 10 acts instead of the Diablo2-like same acts 3 times with increased difficuly felt fantastic and the story also was much darker than diablo2's (lets just talk about the good diablo story). And here we are from league after league doing challenges and trying new builds over new builds, building our own builds via poebuilder. |
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Pre steam version, I was happy farming Mud flats and Ledge on a 3link. Watching Kripparian, ZiggyD and some others on youtube. Game was much simpler and also very broken in some aspects. I will never forget the crashes, insane desyncs, low fps, queues on league starts. Happy those are gone. Auras all having different and lower mana reservations and learning about vendor recipes. Arctic armour rework that removed its identity, I still miss the days of balancing mana sustain and damage output.
When the steam version was released I created this account and began playing a bit more serious. My brother kept the old account but doesnt play anymore. I remember how insane it was to get 6 new acts and ancestral call support. Molten strike has always been my favourite skill since I tried it for the first time. To then see it dominate with ancestral call and old multistrike was awsome. Then I fell in love with Soulrend and the chaos archetype. Most recent experience was in Harvest when I let my brother try one of my builds in Blood Aqueducts. He studies alot to become a programmer, wanted to see the current state of PoE. He cleared maybe 2 packs and a 6l rare body armour dropped. I have never had that happen in acts. |
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When I first joined, I made a character that barely made it to lvl 45. It was a caustic arrow ranger with allocated increased elemental damage with all sort of damages. Now after 6 years of persistence, I cannot do anything but express my deepest gratitude towards the developers for making such an amazing game! Thank you GGG. The game mechanics that are brought by PoE are just beyond measure.
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I remember staring at the countdown timer waiting to get a key. Didn't happen. Then one day I was going through the forum and a random key appeared in a thread, "it's taken" I was thinking, but tried it anyway....I was in. After that I've lost count of the hours spent in game.
The earliest fond memory of actual gameplay is me always killing that one unique (or was it rare; memory is hazy) sand spitter that inhabited the Ledge. Dunno why, but I loved killing that one guy over and over. I usually do not trade, but I've done it twice in PoE. My first trade was for an Albino Rhoa Feather out of frustration cause I never found the little guy. Don't remember what I gave for it. The funny part is the guy selling it asked my if I know what to do with it, I said no, and he was like: "you sure you want it then?". "well, tell me if you find a use for it". Still have it in standard, and still as useless as ever, but I love it anyway. |
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These are some of my foundest memories.
My first ever exalted orb drop from open beta, you can still see the old art of the ex. And also, a few moments later I got my first six link. Big ticket items at the time for me And this is my First 6-link item ever. It is siting on my lvl 81 ranger from 1.0.0 when they introduced spectral throw. ![]() | |
It will be very very funny if Zizaran (PcChild at the time) remembers this:
I started really playing during talisman hardcore. I like to blind play games so I never watched a guide, video or stream etc. I knew nobody and I knew nothing. I ripped many many times but eventually got to maps on a lightning arrow duelist (I dropped a volt rift was so happy). I cannot remember exactly how I met him, think I bought/sold stuff to him and I asked a dumb noob question and he helped me a lot and let me add him. This is not the story however, a little while later I was playing and I dropped an item. I threw it up on aquisition (remember that..? fml) that I think Zizaran told me about. The guy pmed me and told me he would give me a 5l belly of the beast, 2 exalts and 100 fuses. MY MIND WAS BLOWN! Without even asking I instantly agreed (a 5l was a pretty big deal back then especially a belly for me) and played until zizaran got on. Now by this time I knew he was a streamer and I showed him the stuff the guy gave me. He was curious what I sold and I looked back and saw the name of the was a mirror of kalandra. Zizaran quickly told me of my mistake and I was so embarrassed I quit path of exile for a year and didn't go into Zizaran's stream for a few years. It is still kind of embarrassing but honestly this memory is way more interesting and funny to me than the value of that mirror. "Life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience." - Frank Herbert
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I don't have a favourite memory, I have two.
My fist favourite is from Perandus League. That's when I was introduced to the game by a friend from Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thank you very much A.K. The second was during the last month of Legion League. A very nice player was conversing with me after a trade, worth but a few Chaos Orbs, about the build I was trying to complete. He told me he was quitting till next league and at the end of the conversation he traded to me 50 Exalted Orbs. |
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